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Queen of the Universe
June 2003

bamccaig wants advice, yet he refuses to accept any of it. He's a lost cause.

He has told us his side of the story, and I still think he's being freaky. If I were in her situation, I would have also blocked him out of my life... In fact, I probably would have also gotten a restraining order against Mr. bamccaig. 8-)

You!!... Off my planet!!

Crazy Photon
Member #2,588
July 2002


bamccaig wants advice, yet he refuses to accept any of it. He's a lost cause.

He's not a lost cause, he just needs time to change, and he will do it whenever he wants to do it, be it now, or in months, years, or in another life, it's up to him how much time though :)

Resistance is NEVER futile...

Member #7,536
July 2006

wearetheborg said:

bamccaig wants advice, yet he refuses to accept any of it. He's a lost cause.

Initially I asked why women are evil. I'm still waiting for an answer. :-/

As for being a lost cause, I guarantee you don't understand the situation. I'm not trippin' on her everyday and for the most part forget about her. It's only when I see something that reminds me of it that I get upset (and for good reason, but then you wouldn't know because you barely know the surface of the story).

Even then, I usually forget about it after a traffic light or something. As soon as I start doing something else I forget about it all together and stay that way until something else reminds me (which is usually a week or month).

wearetheborg said:

He has told us his side of the story, and I still think he's being freaky. If I were in her situation, I would have also blocked him out of my life... In fact, I probably would have also gotten a restraining order against Mr. bamccaig. 8-)

::) Well as offended as I am, you don't know me and probably don't know Jen either. ;D

Member #4,069
November 2003

Well then tell us the whole story. And by the way I know the feeling you describe, being upset when somebody reminds her. But unlike you I have mixed feelings, I admire her as a friend and only feel a little regret of what could have been. That's all. You need to come a long way to this. And maybe if you use our advices this way will be shorter.

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"Final Fantasy XIV, I feel that anything I could say will be repeating myself, so I'm just gonna express my feelings with a strangled noise from the back of my throat. Graaarghhhh..." - Yahtzee
"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Member #4,603
May 2004

Please don't

Richard Phipps
Member #1,632
November 2001

Queen of the Universe
June 2003

bamccaig said:

Initially I asked why women are evil. I'm still waiting for an answer. :-/

They are evil because that's how you choose to view them. Another possibility is that they are evil toward you because your behaviour is freaky. :o

You!!... Off my planet!!

Joel Pettersson
Member #4,187
January 2004


They are evil because that's how you choose to view them.

Same goes for grues. If you just view them that way, surely their eating of you is but a sign of love and benevolence. Don't run, and don't turn on the lights; they lurk with good intentions.

Member #4,069
November 2003

RP: you don't need to listen. Anyway I think that this thread has passed its expiration. All, what could have been said, have been said.

On a sidenote, do you all "boldise" (analogy as capitalise ;)) just for fun, or is this some kind of epidemy? :)

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"Final Fantasy XIV, I feel that anything I could say will be repeating myself, so I'm just gonna express my feelings with a strangled noise from the back of my throat. Graaarghhhh..." - Yahtzee
"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Member #3,035
December 2002

We all care about Her. I emphasize my references because writing her real name hurts so much, and my deep wounds are still open... :'(


Member #7,536
July 2006

OICW said:

Well then tell us the whole story.

Even if I tried I couldn't do it justice.

OICW said:

And by the way I know the feeling you describe, being upset when somebody reminds her. But unlike you I have mixed feelings, I admire her as a friend and only feel a little regret of what could have been.

Loving and hating the same person wreaks havoc to your subconscious. When I see her, or something that reminds me of her, a part of me is excited, but another part is angry and in pain.

wearetheborg said:

They are evil because that's how you choose to view them. Another possibility is that they are evil toward you because your behaviour is freaky. :o

I've had female friends admit that women are evil. One had fought me on the idea and after reflecting on how she handled a guy situation admitted that women are evil. A few others have also agreed with me while looking at their own behavior and the behavior of friends. Women openly tease men for their own "empowerment," and shoot them down when they make a move.

OICW said:

Anyway I think that this thread has passed its expiration.


Member #3,569
June 2003

emo kid

Member #6,203
September 2005

You no hungry for girl, you hungry for Hot Pockets!

Member #4,069
November 2003


Loving and hating the same person wreaks havoc to your subconscious. When I see her, or something that reminds me of her, a part of me is excited, but another part is angry and in pain.

Then you must ask yourself a question why you hate her. After answering take that answer and think about it. If you'd be able to get rid of the thing, why you hate her, you can stop hating her, therefore only good things remain when you think about her, and then you're happy man, because then, you won't be not shaking anymore.

And if that answer is: "because she left me, she refused me" or so. Think about yourself, what if some girl told you that she loves you, but you haven't simply felt the same, you'd just refused her. It's the thing, you cannot force love, it either works for both or doesn't. If doens't there's no way and you have to move on, unless you want to enforce the lines of stalkers... And you don't want to do that.

[My website][CppReference][Pixelate][Allegators worldwide][Who's online]
"Final Fantasy XIV, I feel that anything I could say will be repeating myself, so I'm just gonna express my feelings with a strangled noise from the back of my throat. Graaarghhhh..." - Yahtzee
"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Member #7,317
June 2006


emo kid

Every time I see that phrase my mind conjures up an image of a kid sucking his thumb, holding tightly onto a blue hairy Elmo doll.

"Shame your mind don't shine like your possessions do" - Faithless (I want more part 1)

Member #3,861
September 2003

bamccaig, go to the hospital, quick !

You are not a man. A real man does not care about such silly thing, he act. >:(

Please stop making men looking so emo, go to the hospital, they for sure can take your banana, reverse and split it, and you will be saved.

I am sure you will be better with tits and no penis, with such a mind.

Well, only if women accept you in their side.


"Code is like shit - it only smells if it is not yours"
Allegro Wiki, full of examples and articles !!

Member #2,559
July 2002

HTF: Elmo is red :P

Tomasu: Every time you read this: hugging!

Ryan Patterson - <>

Member #3,035
December 2002

And Tickle-Me Emo is black.


Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006


Initially I asked why women are evil. I'm still waiting for an answer.

We can all agree, I believe, that a woman requires both time and money, you must spend time with her, and take her out, and buy her gifts on holidays, etc. Therefor...

Women = Time * Money

Now, as any good capitolist will tell you, time equals money, so...

Women = Money * Money


Women = Money2

And, as we all know, money is the root of all evil, which means...
Women = /Evil2

Which, when simplified, gives us...

Women = Evil


Member #3,035
December 2002


And, as we all know, money is the root of all evil, which means...

You obviated one step there:

Money leads to greed, therefore:

Money = Greed

And Greed is the root of all evil.

From there:

Women = Money2 Women = Greed2 Women = (Evil1/2)2 Women = Evil


Thomas Fjellstrom
Member #476
June 2000


And Tickle-Me Emo is black.

The Voice of Elmo is A big Black man named Kevin Clash.


Thomas Fjellstrom - [website] - [email] - [Allegro Wiki] - [Allegro TODO]
"If you can't think of a better solution, don't try to make a better solution." -- weapon_S
"The less evidence we have for what we believe is certain, the more violently we defend beliefs against those who don't agree" --

Member #7,317
June 2006


HTF: Elmo is red :P

Yeah, I know, but try telling my creative juices that. There's a battle knocking around in my head between the logical ("I'm telling ya, Elmo's RED") and the imaginative ("Talk to the hand, in this mind he's BLUE") :D.

"Shame your mind don't shine like your possessions do" - Faithless (I want more part 1)

Andrei Ellman
Member #3,434
April 2003

wearetheborg said:

bamccaig wants advice, yet he refuses to accept any of it. He's a lost cause.

Nobody's a lost cause.

bamccaig said:

Initially I asked why women are evil. I'm still waiting for an answer. :-/

From your perspective, it's because that's the way you percieve them to be.

bamccaig said:

The last time I talked to (read: chatted with) Jen I invited her sister in to act as a moderator because Jen was being completely ignorant... While it helped a little bit you can't expect a sister to turn on another. In the end I was still upset with the sister for not defending me more and stopped talking to her also.

Now this I find worrying. From a bystander's point of view, it seems like you were trying to drive a wedge between her and her sister. Her sister would get the impression that she is being used and be more likely to turn against you. She was not being ignorant, she just thinks your behaviour is creepy. One of the facts of life is that giving someone too much attention can scare someone if not done right.

bamccaig said:

I think she went around me because of that discomfort and added tension being Jen's sister... :-/ I probably also exaggerated the effort that she made to go around me... I noticed her at the last second, but my interpretation was that she had acknowledged me in the parking lot and made an effort to avoid me.

If you only noticed her sister at the last second, the chances are that your interpretation was clouded by your predjudices. Maybe her sister didn't notice you, and you interpreted a minor anomaly in her sister's locus as a sign of hostility. Also, maybe her sister thinks that because you are ignoring her sister (as you said, you also exaggerated the effort), you are still bitter about how things went. If you do see her sister again, just go up to her sister and talk to her sister. Talk about anything, but whatever you do, do not mention her at all. This stand-off is just making things worse. End it before it totally consumes you. It's all in your mind anyway. To others, the stand-off comes accross as bitterness. Just keep her out of it and you'll be on speaking terms with the rest of your circle in no time.

As I said before, it's not her, it's you.


Don't let the illegitimates turn you into carbon.

Member #7,536
July 2006

Rampage said:

You obviated one step there:

Money leads to greed, therefore:Money = Greed

And Greed is the root of all evil.

"Money is the root of all evil." Nowhere does greed get mentioned. Take your pills.

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

It's just a joke I found on the internet. It tok me so long to type it, I forgot to mention that.

By the way, don't take it seriously. Women aren't evil, even if you say they are. Maybe a few specific ones are, but not all of them.

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