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Depot Games: dlg - a graphical DIALOG editor
Current Version: 0.43
Project Status: Completed
Highest Popularity: #3 during June 2008
Links: Web Site
Category: Utilities
Developers: Julien Cugniere
Ports: DOS, Windows
Source Code: Available
Author's Description: This editor lets you edit Allegro DIALOG in a WYSIWYG environment. It is able to load a DIALOG definition from anywhere within a source file, and save it back at the same place when you're done, without losing anything. Unknown dialog procedures are handled gracefully.
It currently supports allegro, bgui2 and AGUP, but lets you easily add support for your own gui procedures using a pluggin system similar to that of the grabber.
It should work on most of the platforms supported by Allegro (but untested ports might require a bit of makefile tweaking...).
What's New:
This version doesn't add any new functionality, but features new experimental makefiles... Among other things, writing plugins should be simpler. If you have any problem compiling, be sure to contact me, so that I have a chance to fix things. This time, however, I provide precompiled binaries. Enjoy!
<ul><li>Woops... the previous release was a bit broken, again! As Lennart Steinke pointed out, it didn't always compile under mingw/WinXP.
<li>Rewrote the plugin mechanism. Now I hope I didn't break yet another thing in the process :) See readme.txt and plugins.txt for info on how to plug/unplug plugins.</ul>
The previous release was broken, sorry about that. This one <I>should</i> be better :)
<li>Fixed quite a few bugs (hopefully I introduced no new one :).
<li>When a dialog is written to a c++ source file (.cpp, .cxx or .hpp), the
editor automatically adds (void*) in front of string literals. There is
also an option to specify what to do if the file is ambiguous (.h or .*).
Thanks to Lennart Steinke for the idea.
<li>Made the grid settings be saved to the configuration file.
<li>Added a preferences dialog.
<li>Added a check box in the "view source" dialog that changes the font used.
<li>Fixed compilation under gcc 3.2.
<li>Beautified the tetris plugin (no I'm not wasting my time!).
<ul><li>Made the title bar display the current file and dialog when in windowed mode.
<li>Extended the plugin system with register_menu_hook(), register_reinit_callback() and register_shutdown_callback(). Now the agup plugin lets you change the look'n'feel. This also allowed me to add a stupid little tetris plugin ;)
<li>Each plugin now only uses one single makefile.
<li>When saving, the editor now adds "[]" to the name of your dialog if you forgot it (as suggested by Florian Bueren).
<li>Changed the GUI of the editor to use its own colors instead of allegro's gui_fg/mg/bg_color. This involved creating new procs.
<li>Added code to detect dialogs bigger than the screen when loading. If it happens, a gfx_mode_selector pops up (as suggested by Florian Bueren).
<li>Corrected a bug where the editor did not correctly send MSG_START and MSG_END messages to the edited dialog.
<li>Changed the directory structure.
<li>Added a configuration file for the editor and the plugins.
Public Opinion Overall Rating: 9.6 10Excellent utility. It really simplifies creating dialogs. This has made things so much easier! And you can select different dialog add-ons to use with this which is nice. Highly recommended. 10This is a very handy piece of software. It isn't single-platform, which is always nice, and it saves me having to design dialogs in my head. It has improved the look of my menu screens greatly. Thank you!!! 8If you want an allegro dialog and nothing more than that, this is your program. Guess that goes for bgui2 and AGUP, too.
The Developer