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Fullscreen Not Working
Member #14,290
May 2012

Hello I am developing a game and I want it to be fullscreen and I was looking around on the wiki and I wasn't quite sure what the proper way was to make the game fullscreen.

1#include <allegro5/allegro.h> 2#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h> 3#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 4#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h> 5#include <allegro5\allegro_audio.h> 6#include <allegro5\allegro_acodec.h> 7#include <allegro5/allegro_ttf.h> 8#include <math.h> 9#include "objects.h" 10 11const int WIDTH = 1000; 12const int HEIGHT = 800; 13const int FPS = 60; 14 15bool controls[] = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; 16enum CONTROLS{W, S, A, D, SPACE, LClick, RClick}; 17enum STATE{TITLE, PLAYING, END}; 18 19void ChangeState(int &state, int newState); 20 21void InitPlayer(Player &player, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image); 22void DrawPlayer(Player &player); 23void MovePlayerW(Player &player); 24void MovePlayerS(Player &player); 25void MovePlayerA(Player &player); 26void MovePlayerD(Player &player); 27 28void InitBandit(Bandit &bandit, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image); 29void DrawBandit(Bandit &bandit); 30void StartBandit(Bandit &bandit, Player &player); 31void UpdateBandit(Bandit &bandit); 32 33Player player; 34Bandit bandit; 35 36int main(int argc, char **argv) 37{ 38 //============================================== 39 //SHELL VARIABLES 40 //============================================== 41 bool done = false; 42 bool render = false; 43 //bool wonTheGame; 44 bool AudioToggleBool = false; 45 bool Pause = false; 46 47 float gameTime = 0; 48 int inaccurateGameTime = 0; 49 int frames = 0; 50 int gameFPS = 0; 51 52 //============================================== 53 //PROJECT VARIABLES 54 //============================================== 55 56 int state = -1; 57 58 int mousex = 0; 59 int mousey = 0; 60 int boundmousex = 12; 61 int boundmousey = 12; 62 63 //============================================== 64 //ALLEGRO VARIABLES 65 //============================================== 66 67 ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue = NULL; 68 ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer; 69 ALLEGRO_FONT *vikingFont; 70 ALLEGRO_BITMAP *pausePic; 71 ALLEGRO_BITMAP *mousePic; 72 ALLEGRO_BITMAP *mousePicAttack; 73 ALLEGRO_BITMAP *audioToggle; 74 ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *songInstance = NULL; 75 76 //============================================== 77 //ALLEGRO INIT FUNCTIONS 78 //============================================== 79 if(!al_init()) //initialize Allegro 80 return -1; 81 82 al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN); 83 ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = al_create_display(1000, 800); //create our display object 84 85 if(!display) //test display object 86 return -1; 87 88 //============================================== 89 //ADDON INSTALL 90 //============================================== 91 al_install_keyboard(); 92 al_install_mouse(); 93 al_init_image_addon(); 94 al_init_font_addon(); 95 al_init_ttf_addon(); 96 al_init_primitives_addon(); 97 al_install_audio(); 98 al_init_acodec_addon(); 99 100 101 //============================================== 102 //PROJECT INIT 103 //============================================== 104//Fonts 105 vikingFont = al_load_font("VIKING-N.ttf", 18, 0); 106//Bitmaps 107 audioToggle = al_load_bitmap("AudioToggle.png"); 108 mousePic = al_load_bitmap("mousePic.png"); 109 pausePic = al_load_bitmap("PausePic.png"); 110 mousePicAttack = al_load_bitmap("mousePicAttack.png"); 111//Audio 112 113//Display 114 115//Other 116 srand(time(NULL)); 117 118 ChangeState(state, TITLE); 119 120 //============================================== 121 //TIMER INIT AND STARTUP 122 //============================================== 123 event_queue = al_create_event_queue(); 124 timer = al_create_timer(1.0 / FPS); 125 126 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_mouse_event_source()); 127 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer)); 128 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); 129 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_display_event_source(display)); 130 131 al_hide_mouse_cursor(display); 132 133 al_start_timer(timer); 134 gameTime = al_current_time(); 135 inaccurateGameTime = al_current_time(); 136 while(!done) 137 { 138 ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; 139 al_wait_for_event(event_queue, &ev); 140 141 //============================================== 142 //INPUT 143 //============================================== 144 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) 145 { 146 render = true; 147 //UPDATE FPS=========== 148 frames++; 149 if(al_current_time() - gameTime >= 1) 150 { 151 gameTime = al_current_time(); 152 inaccurateGameTime = al_current_time(); 153 gameFPS = frames; 154 frames = 0; 155 } 156 //===================== 157 if(Pause == false) 158 { 159 if(controls[W]) 160 MovePlayerW(player); 161 if(controls[S]) 162 MovePlayerS(player); 163 if(controls[A]) 164 MovePlayerA(player); 165 if(controls[D]) 166 MovePlayerD(player); 167 168 if(state == TITLE) 169 { 170 //if(AudioToggleBool == false) 171 //al_play_sample_instance(songInstance); 172 } 173 else if(state == PLAYING) 174 { 175 //UpdateBG(bg); 176 //al_stop_sample_instance(songInstance); 177 } 178 else if(state == END) 179 {} 180 } 181 } 182 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) 183 { 184 done = true; 185 } 186 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) 187 { 188 switch(ev.keyboard.keycode) 189 { 190 case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: 191 done = true; 192 break; 193 case ALLEGRO_KEY_W: 194 controls[W] = true; 195 break; 196 case ALLEGRO_KEY_S: 197 controls[S] = true; 198 break; 199 case ALLEGRO_KEY_A: 200 controls[A] = true; 201 break; 202 case ALLEGRO_KEY_D: 203 controls[D] = true; 204 break; 205 case ALLEGRO_KEY_SPACE: 206 controls[SPACE] = true; 207 if(state == TITLE) 208 {} 209 else if(state == PLAYING) 210 { 211 ChangeState(state, END); 212 } 213 else if(state == END) 214 { 215 ChangeState(state, PLAYING); 216 } 217 break; 218 } 219 } 220 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP) 221 { 222 switch(ev.keyboard.keycode) 223 { 224 case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: 225 done = true; 226 break; 227 case ALLEGRO_KEY_W: 228 controls[W] = false; 229 break; 230 case ALLEGRO_KEY_S: 231 controls[S] = false; 232 break; 233 case ALLEGRO_KEY_A: 234 controls[A] = false; 235 break; 236 case ALLEGRO_KEY_D: 237 controls[D] = false; 238 break; 239 case ALLEGRO_KEY_SPACE: 240 controls[SPACE] = false; 241 break; 242 } 243 } 244 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN) 245 { 246 if(ev.mouse.button & 1) 247 { 248 controls[LClick] = true; 249 250 if(AudioToggleBool == false && mousex >= 968 && 251 mousex <= 995 && mousey >= 5 && mousey <= 37 && state == TITLE) 252 { 253 //al_stop_sample_instance(songInstance); 254 AudioToggleBool = true; 255 } 256 else if(AudioToggleBool == true && mousex >= 968 && 257 mousex <= 995 && mousey >= 5 && mousey <= 37 && state == TITLE) 258 { 259 AudioToggleBool = false; 260 //al_play_sample_instance(songInstance); 261 } 262 263 if(Pause == false && mousex >= 0 && mousex <= 32 && 264 mousey >= 5 && mousey <= 37 && state == PLAYING) 265 { 266 Pause = true; 267 } 268 else if(Pause == true && mousex >= 0 && mousex <= 32 && 269 mousey >= 5 && mousey <= 37 && state == PLAYING) 270 { 271 Pause = false; 272 } 273 } 274 else if (ev.mouse.button & 2) 275 { 276 controls[RClick] = true; 277 } 278 } 279 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP) 280 { 281 if(ev.mouse.button & 1) 282 { 283 controls[LClick] = false; 284 } 285 else if (ev.mouse.button & 2) 286 { 287 controls[RClick] = false; 288 } 289 } 290 else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES) 291 { 292 mousex = ev.mouse.x; 293 mousey = ev.mouse.y; 294 } 295 296 //============================================== 297 //RENDER 298 //============================================== 299 if(render && al_is_event_queue_empty(event_queue)) 300 { 301 render = false; 302 if(state == TITLE) 303 { 304 al_draw_bitmap(audioToggle, 968, 5, 0); 305 306 if(AudioToggleBool == true) 307 { 308 al_draw_ellipse(979, 21, 15, 15, al_map_rgb(255, 0, 0), 4); 309 al_draw_line(994, 13, 964, 28, al_map_rgb(255, 0, 0), 4); 310 } 311 312 al_draw_bitmap(mousePic, mousex - 5, mousey - 4, 0); 313 } 314 else if(state == PLAYING) 315 { 316 al_draw_textf(vikingFont, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 900, 5, 0, "FPS: %i", gameFPS); //display FPS on screen 317 318 al_draw_bitmap(pausePic, 0, 5, 0); 319 320 if(Pause == true) 321 al_draw_text(vikingFont, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 100, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, "Pause"); 322 323 if(mousex <= bandit.x - 10 && mousex >= bandit.x + 10 && 324 mousey <= bandit.y - 10 && mousey >= bandit.y + 10) 325 al_draw_bitmap(mousePicAttack, mousex, mousey, 0); 326 } 327 else if(state == END) 328 { 329 //if(wonTheGame) 330 //{ 331 //al_draw_bitmap(gameOverWin, 0, 0, 0); 332 //} 333 //else if(!wonTheGame) 334 //{ 335 //al_draw_bitmap(gameOverLose, 0, 0, 0); 336 //} 337 } 338 339 //al_draw_bitmap(mousePic, mousex - 6, mousey - 6, 0); 340 341 //al_draw_filled_rectangle(mousex + 1, mousey + 1, mousex + 3,mousey + 3, al_map_rgba(255,0,255,1)); // Bounding Box for The Mouse 342 //BEGIN PROJECT RENDER================ 343 344 345 //FLIP BUFFERS======================== 346 al_flip_display(); 347 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); 348 } 349 } 350 351 //============================================== 352 //DESTROY PROJECT OBJECTS 353 //============================================== 354 355 //SHELL OBJECTS================================= 356 al_destroy_font(vikingFont); 357 al_destroy_bitmap(mousePic); 358 al_destroy_bitmap(mousePicAttack); 359 al_destroy_bitmap(pausePic); 360 al_destroy_bitmap(audioToggle); 361 al_destroy_timer(timer); 362 al_destroy_event_queue(event_queue); 363 al_destroy_display(display); 364 al_destroy_sample_instance(songInstance); 365 366 return 0; 367} 368 369void ChangeState(int &state, int newState) 370{ 371 if(state == TITLE) 372 {} 373 else if(state == PLAYING) 374 { 375 //al_stop_sample_instance(songInstance); 376 } 377 else if(state == END) 378 {} 379 380 state = newState; 381 382 if(state == TITLE) 383 {} 384 else if(state == PLAYING) 385 { 386 //al_play_sample_instance(songInstance); 387 } 388 else if(state == END) 389 {} 390} 391 392void InitPlayer(Player &player, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image = NULL) 393{ 394 player.ID = PLAYER; 395 player.x = 20; 396 player.y = HEIGHT / 2; 397 = 100; 398 player.lives = 3; 399 player.speed = 1; 400 player.score = 0; 401 player.boundx = 10; 402 player.boundy = 10; 403 404 if(player.image != NULL) 405 player.image = image; 406} 407 408void DrawPlayer(Player &player) 409{ 410 al_draw_bitmap(player.image, player.x, player.y, 0); 411} 412 413void MovePlayerW(Player &player) 414{ 415 player.y -= player.speed; 416 if(player.y < 0) 417 player.y = 0; 418} 419void MovePlayerS(Player &player) 420{ 421 player.y += player.speed; 422 if(player.y > HEIGHT) 423 player.y = HEIGHT; 424} 425 426void MovePlayerA(Player &player) 427{ 428 player.x -= player.speed; 429 if(player.x < 0) 430 player.x = 0; 431} 432 433void MovePlayerD(Player &player) 434{ 435 player.x += player.speed; 436 if(player.x > 350) 437 player.x = 350; 438} 439 440void InitBandit(Bandit &bandit, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *image = NULL) 441{ 442 bandit.ID = BANDIT; 443 = false; 444 bandit.x = WIDTH / 2; 445 bandit.y = HEIGHT / 2; 446 bandit.speed = 1; 447 bandit.boundx = 10; 448 bandit.boundy = 10; 449 = 20; 450 451 if(bandit.image != NULL) 452 bandit.image = image; 453} 454 455void DrawBandit(Bandit &draugr) 456{ 457 if( 458 al_draw_bitmap(bandit.image, bandit.x, bandit.y, 0); 459} 460 461void StartBandit(Bandit &bandit, Player &player) 462{ 463 if(player.x == 50) 464 = true; 465} 466 467void UpdateBandit(Bandit &bandit) 468{ 469 470}

Trent Gamblin
Member #261
April 2000

Most monitors don't support 1000x800 screen resolution. Try something standard, like 1024x768 or 1280x1024, or better yet, query the available modes and pick one that's about the right size you want. See here.

Member #14,290
May 2012

Thank You!

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