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Credits go to Edgar Reynaldo, Matthew Leverton, and SiegeLord for helping out!
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Allegro sample/stream
Member #13,789
November 2011

Okay in my game, I have background music, currently it is in: 'al_play_sample(bg_music, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_LOOP, NULL);'

but when I pause the game I want the sample to pause.

How could I do that? Or do I have to make a stream! and If so how do I make a stream?

Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

Member #13,789
November 2011

Okay here's how its working

if (bg_music_on == false) {
al_play_sample(bg_music, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_LOOP, NULL);
bg_music_on = true;
} else {
bg_music_on = false;

When I press enter it runs through that if..else, bg_music_on is false at first.

When I press enter again and it starts the sample, it restarts it. How do I make it pause? or turn the gain down

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

The simple API that you are using doesn't support that sort of thing. If you want to micro-manage, you'll need to load sample data and create a sample instance and use al_set_sample_instance_playing().

Member #7,827
October 2006

In this case you're better of not using the simple audio API, but using the more advanced API.

You'd do something like this:

/* Level initialization */
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE* bg_music_instance = al_create_sample_instance(bg_music);
al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer(bg_music_instance, al_get_default_mixer());
al_set_sample_instance_playmode(bg_music_instance, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_LOOP);

/* Game paused */
al_set_sample_instance_playing(bg_music_instance, false);

/* Game un-paused */
al_set_sample_instance_playing(bg_music_instance, true);

"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow."-Ecclesiastes 1:18
[SiegeLord's Abode][Codes]:[DAllegro5]:[RustAllegro]

Member #13,789
November 2011

That works great! Thanks!! Just it still, restarts the song.

Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

Member #7,827
October 2006

It does? That's odd. Well, then you can save the spot you're in the music before you stop it using al_get_sample_instance_position and then do al_set_sample_instance_position after you restart it.

"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow."-Ecclesiastes 1:18
[SiegeLord's Abode][Codes]:[DAllegro5]:[RustAllegro]

Member #13,789
November 2011

Instead of using 'al_set_sample_instance_playing' I used 'al_set_sample_instance_gain', It works good enough!

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