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Credits go to axilmar, bamccaig, Edgar Reynaldo, gnolam, ImLeftFooted, LennyLen, Samuel Henderson, and someone972 for helping out!
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Object Serialization C++
Member #3,935
October 2003

I was favoring familiar language over accuracy.

And what happened with the port of your game to the iPhone?

To be honest I've totally forgotten. Which game are you referring to?

Member #11,955
May 2010

Hahaha man what did you smoke?... You even posted some images... Here...

Member #3,935
October 2003

Oh yeah, that was fun. Maybe I'll dedicate a weekend to it one of these weeks...

Member #11,955
May 2010

Well, here it's another example if someone is interested.

1class OPC_DATA{ 2 3 public: 4 5 bool modalidad_normal; 6 bool catg0, catg1, catg2, catg3, catg4; 7 ALLEGRO_USTR* URL_page; 8 float sfx, music; 9 bool fullscreen; 10 int len; 11 12 13 OPC_DATA() { 14 15 ALLEGRO_FILE* file = al_fopen("Datos/datos.dat", "rb"); 16 17 if(file){ ///If file exist... 18 19 modalidad_normal = al_fread32be(file); 20 catg0 = al_fread32be(file); 21 catg1 = al_fread32be(file); 22 catg2 = al_fread32be(file); 23 catg3 = al_fread32be(file); 24 catg4 = al_fread32be(file); 25 len = al_fread32be(file); 26 27 char *buf = new char [len]; 28 al_fread(file, buf, len); 29 URL_page = al_ustr_new(buf); 30 31 int T_sfx = al_fread32be(file); 32 sfx = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&T_sfx); 33 34 int T_music = al_fread32be(file); 35 music = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&T_music); 36 37 fullscreen = al_fread32be(file); 38 39 al_fclose(file); 40 Beep(800,200); 41 42 }else{ /// If file doesn't exist... 43 44 modalidad_normal = true; 45 catg0 = true; 46 catg1 = true; 47 catg2 = true; 48 catg3 = true; 49 catg4 = true; 50 URL_page = al_ustr_new(""); 51 sfx = 1.6; 52 music = 1.5; 53 fullscreen = false; 54 55 al_fclose(file); 56 } 57 58 } 59 60 ~OPC_DATA() { 61 62 ALLEGRO_FILE* file = al_fopen("Datos/datos.dat", "wb"); 63 64 al_fwrite32be(file, modalidad_normal); 65 al_fwrite32be(file, catg0); 66 al_fwrite32be(file, catg1); 67 al_fwrite32be(file, catg2); 68 al_fwrite32be(file, catg3); 69 al_fwrite32be(file, catg4); 70 71 al_fwrite32be(file, (int)al_ustr_size(URL_page)); 72 al_fwrite(file, al_cstr(URL_page), al_ustr_size(URL_page)); 73 74 al_fwrite32be(file, *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&sfx)); 75 al_fwrite32be(file, *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&music)); 76 al_fwrite32be(file, fullscreen); 77 78 al_fclose(file); 79 80 } 81 82};

I had to use 32 bits to save booleans because it seems that even when their size it's just one bit al_fputc didn't work.

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