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Jump Pacman test needed
Desmond Taylor
Member #11,943
May 2010

Hey guys/girls,

I am working on a game called Jump Pacman and would like to see if it works on your systems as my current system is a bit old and it lags a little.

Could you please test this and let me know about any lagging or flickering along with your specification so that I can work on it.

Any advice is also welcome.

Here is a screenshot:

Neil Walker
Member #210
April 2000

That looks bonny (though the two platforms look like they spoil the menu a bit), do you have any more screenshots (like in-game action)?

MAME Cabinet Blog / AXL LIBRARY (a games framework) / AXL Documentation and Tutorial

wii:0356-1384-6687-2022, kart:3308-4806-6002. XBOX:chucklepie

Member #12,491
January 2011

No lag whatsoever in the main menu, but the game doesn't work when pressing "Play game"(options screen doesn't even open). The screen is cleared, the pacman stays in the position he was when pressing enter and in the top-left corner is a platform. Nothing moves and ESC returns to the main menu.
One other thing I noticed: if you hold down a key, the pacman seems to speed up...

pc specs: 2.5GHz dual-core processor, video card:GeForce 7050 / nForce 610i

" There are plenty of wonderful ideas in The Bible, but God isn't one of them." - Derezo
"If your body was a business, thought would be like micro-management and emotions would be like macro-management. If you primarily live your life with emotions, then you are prone to error on the details. If you over-think things all the time you tend to lose scope of priorities." - Mark Oates

Desmond Taylor
Member #11,943
May 2010

Yea I noticed he speeds up. I haven't done the rest of the game yet as I only started making it yesterday getting practice in for SpeedHack :P

This game is that hacked together that its all in main.cpp :P 300+ lines

Edit: The code.

1#include <allegro5/allegro.h> 2#include <allegro5/allegro_native_dialog.h> 3#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h> 4#include <allegro5/allegro_ttf.h> 5#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h> 6#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 7#include <allegro5/allegro_physfs.h> 8#include <physfs.h> 9 10#include <cstdio> 11#include <vector> 12 13typedef enum 14{ 15 GAME_STATE_MENU, 16 GAME_STATE_PLAY 17} GAME_STATE; 18 19struct GameStruct 20{ 21 ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* display; 22 ALLEGRO_TIMER* timer; 23 ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* queue; 24 ALLEGRO_EVENT event; 25 GAME_STATE state; 26 int menu_select; 27 ALLEGRO_FONT* font; 28 bool quit; 29 bool ticked; 30 float gravity; 31} game; 32 33struct GFXStruct 34{ 35 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* menu_bg; 36 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* player; 37 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* platform; 38} gfx; 39 40struct PlayerStruct 41{ 42 float x; 43 float y; 44 float vspeed; 45} player; 46 47struct PlatformStruct 48{ 49 float x; 50 float y; 51}; 52 53bool keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_MAX ]; 54std::vector<PlatformStruct> platform; 55 56void error( const char* format, ... ) 57{ 58 char message[100]; 59 60 va_list vl; 61 va_start( vl, format ); 62 vsprintf( message, format, vl ); 63 va_end( vl ); 64 65 al_show_native_message_box( game.display, "Error", NULL, message, NULL, ALLEGRO_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR ); 66 exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); 67} 68 69void update_events() 70{ 71 ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT timeout; 72 al_init_timeout( &timeout, 0.1 ); 73 74 al_wait_for_event_until( game.queue, &game.event, &timeout ); 75 76 switch ( game.event.type ) 77 { 78 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE: 79 game.quit = true; 80 break; 81 82 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER: 83 game.ticked= true; 84 break; 85 86 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: 87 keys[ game.event.keyboard.keycode ] = true; 88 break; 89 90 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP: 91 keys[ game.event.keyboard.keycode ] = false; 92 break; 93 } 94} 95 96ALLEGRO_BITMAP* load_image( const char* filename ) 97{ 98 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* temp = al_load_bitmap( filename ); 99 if ( !temp ) 100 error( "Error loading image %s.", filename ); 101 102 return temp; 103} 104 105void init() 106{ 107 al_init(); 108 109 if ( !al_install_keyboard() ) 110 error( "Error installing the keyboard." ); 111 112 for ( int i=0; i<ALLEGRO_KEY_MAX; i++ ) 113 keys[i] = false; 114 115 //al_set_new_display_flags( ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN ); 116 117 game.display = al_create_display( 640, 480 ); 118 if ( !game.display ) 119 error( "Error creating display." ); 120 121 al_set_window_title( game.display, "Jump Pacman" ); 122 123 game.timer = al_create_timer( ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS( 60 ) ); 124 if ( !game.timer ) 125 error( "Error creating timer." ); 126 127 game.queue = al_create_event_queue(); 128 if ( !game.queue ) 129 error( "Error creating event queue." ); 130 131 al_register_event_source( game.queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source() ); 132 al_register_event_source( game.queue, al_get_display_event_source( game.display ) ); 133 al_register_event_source( game.queue, al_get_timer_event_source( game.timer ) ); 134 135 al_init_font_addon(); 136 137 al_hide_mouse_cursor( game.display ); 138 139 if ( !al_init_ttf_addon() ) 140 error( "Error initialize ttf addon." ); 141 142 if ( !al_init_image_addon() ) 143 error( "Error initialize image addon." ); 144 145 if ( !al_init_primitives_addon() ) 146 error( "Error initalizing primitives addon." ); 147 148 al_set_physfs_file_interface(); 149 150 if ( !PHYSFS_init( NULL ) ) 151 error( "Error with PHYSFS_init()." ); 152 153 if ( !PHYSFS_addToSearchPath( "data.dat", 0 ) ) 154 error( "Error with PHYSFS_addToSearchPath()." ); 155 156 game.font = al_load_font( "AltamonteNF.ttf", 20, 0 ); 157 if ( !game.font ) 158 error( "Failed to load font verdanab.ttf" ); 159 160 gfx.menu_bg = load_image( "gfx/menu_bg.png" ); 161 gfx.player = load_image( "gfx/player.png" ); 162 gfx.platform = load_image( "gfx/platform.png" ); 163 164 game.gravity = 0.3; 165 166 player.x = 130; // 304 167 player.y = 220; // 400 168 player.vspeed = 0; 169 170 PlatformStruct platform_data; 171 platform_data.x = 100; 172 platform_data.y = 250; 173 platform.push_back( platform_data ); 174 175 platform_data.x = 400; 176 platform_data.y = 200; 177 platform.push_back( platform_data ); 178 179 al_start_timer( game.timer ); 180 181 game.state = GAME_STATE_MENU; 182 game.menu_select = 0; 183 game.quit = false; 184 game.ticked = true; 185} 186 187void draw_text( float x, float y, const char* text ) 188{ 189 al_draw_text( game.font, al_map_rgb( 0, 0, 0 ), x+1, y+1, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, text ); 190 al_draw_text( game.font, al_map_rgb( 255, 255, 255 ), x, y, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, text ); 191} 192 193float check_collision() 194{ 195 for ( unsigned int i=0; i<platform.size(); i++ ) 196 { 197 // 91x31 198 if ( player.x+34 > platform[i].x && player.x < platform[i].x+91 && 199 player.y+player.vspeed+36 > platform[i].y && player.y+player.vspeed < platform[i].y+5 ) 200 { 201 return 1; 202 } 203 } 204 205 return 0; 206} 207 208bool key_down = false; 209void loop() 210{ 211 while ( !game.quit ) 212 { 213 update_events(); 214 215 if ( game.ticked ) 216 { 217 al_set_target_bitmap( al_get_backbuffer(game.display ) ); 218 al_clear_to_color( al_map_rgb( 0, 128, 255 ) ); 219 220 switch ( game.state ) 221 { 222 case GAME_STATE_MENU: 223 { 224 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.menu_bg, 0, 0, 0 ); 225 226 int menu_pos = 190; 227 int menu_select_x = 195; 228 229 if ( !key_down ) 230 { 231 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_UP ] && game.menu_select > 0 ) 232 { 233 game.menu_select--; 234 key_down = true; 235 } 236 237 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN ] && game.menu_select < 3 ) 238 { 239 game.menu_select++; 240 key_down = true; 241 } 242 } 243 else if ( !keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_UP ] && !keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN ] ) 244 key_down = false; 245 246 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER ] ) 247 { 248 if ( game.menu_select == 0 ) 249 game.state = GAME_STATE_PLAY; 250 251 if ( game.menu_select == 3 ) 252 game.quit = true; 253 } 254 255 int menu_select_y = menu_pos + ( 30 * game.menu_select ); 256 257 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.platform, platform[0].x, platform[0].y, 0 ); 258 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.platform, platform[1].x, platform[1].y, 0 ); 259 260 // Begin Physics. 261 float offset = check_collision(); 262 if ( offset > 0 ) 263 { 264 player.vspeed = -11; 265 player.y += offset; 266 } 267 268 player.vspeed += game.gravity; 269 270 if ( player.vspeed > 8 ) 271 player.vspeed = 8; 272 273 player.y += player.vspeed; 274 // End Physics. 275 276 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT ] ) 277 player.x -= 4; 278 279 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT ] ) 280 player.x += 4; 281 282 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.player, player.x, player.y, 0 ); 283 284 al_set_blender( ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ALPHA, ALLEGRO_INVERSE_ALPHA ); 285 al_draw_filled_rounded_rectangle( menu_select_x, menu_select_y, menu_select_x+250, menu_select_y+30, 7, 7, al_map_rgba( 255, 255, 255, 100 ) ); 286 287 draw_text( 320, menu_pos, "Play Game" ); 288 draw_text( 320, menu_pos+30, "Dificulty [Normal]" ); 289 draw_text( 320, menu_pos+60, "Options" ); 290 draw_text( 320, menu_pos+90, "Exit Game" ); 291 292 draw_text( 320, 450, "(c) Desmond Taylor 2011" ); 293 } 294 break; 295 296 case GAME_STATE_PLAY: 297 { 298 if ( keys[ ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE ] ) 299 game.state = GAME_STATE_MENU; 300 301 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.player, player.x, player.y, 0 ); 302 303 al_draw_bitmap( gfx.platform, 10, 10, 0 ); 304 } 305 break; 306 } 307 308 al_flip_display(); 309 } 310 } 311} 312 313void cleanup() 314{ 315 PHYSFS_deinit(); 316 317 al_uninstall_keyboard(); 318 al_destroy_timer( game.timer ); 319 al_destroy_display( game.display ); 320 321 if ( gfx.menu_bg ) 322 al_destroy_bitmap( gfx.menu_bg ); 323 324 if ( gfx.player ) 325 al_destroy_bitmap( gfx.player ); 326 327 if ( gfx.platform ) 328 al_destroy_bitmap( gfx.platform ); 329 330 al_shutdown_image_addon(); 331 al_shutdown_primitives_addon(); 332} 333 334int main( int argc, char** argv ) 335{ 336 init(); 337 338 loop(); 339 340 cleanup(); 341 342 return EXIT_SUCCESS; 343}

Member #12,491
January 2011

Since you wrapped everything up in a if(game.ticked) statement, I don't see why this happens at first glance... Somebody better at coding than me should be able to resolve your problem.

" There are plenty of wonderful ideas in The Bible, but God isn't one of them." - Derezo
"If your body was a business, thought would be like micro-management and emotions would be like macro-management. If you primarily live your life with emotions, then you are prone to error on the details. If you over-think things all the time you tend to lose scope of priorities." - Mark Oates

Desmond Taylor
Member #11,943
May 2010

Yea, I only built it like this so it's quick for me to edit but since it's so messy and I'm trying to complete it in a 3 day period since that's how the SpeedHack goes. If I was to make a game properly I would use classes and have everything handled correctly.

But yea, I can't seem to fix the problem when you keep your finger on a button making the player move faster :/ It also does the same moving the mouse :(

Edit: I have fixed the player speeding up issue. The fix is below.

1void update_events() 2{ 3 if ( al_get_next_event( game.queue, &game.event ) ) 4 { 5 switch ( game.event.type ) 6 { 7 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE: 8 game.quit = true; 9 break; 10 11 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER: 12 game.ticked= true; 13 break; 14 15 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: 16 keys[ game.event.keyboard.keycode ] = true; 17 break; 18 19 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP: 20 keys[ game.event.keyboard.keycode ] = false; 21 break; 22 } 23 } 24}

Edit 2: The code is now that messed up I am going to have to write it properly like I normally would with making a game.

I am going to work on that tomorrow but make some notes before I go to bed.

Edit 3: I have updated the executable that can be downloaded from my file depot. Link in first post.

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