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Allegro Meetup in London Thursday 15th
William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

It was great. Andrei brought his laptop so we had a look at his chickens game and my game which I'm working on.
There was loads to talk about.
Johan had made some music.

Definitely glad I went.

BTW Andrei holds the record for having met the most allegro members since this was his third meet up.

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

I've met between ten and twenty'ers.

William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

Okay. I did wonder if Andrei was basing his conclusions on too little research.
I notice that you live in a part of the US with quite a lot of'ers . Definitely a cool part of the states to come from.. If I ever cross the pond (which I hope I do ) I think I'll head that way.

Member #2,981
December 2002

I've met approximately zero. Had plans to meet several over on two occasions, but circumstances changed and I wasn't in the position to follow through with the plans. Ah well, someday...

Member #2,559
July 2002


Definitely a cool part of the states to come from..

The midwest? Hardly :P

Tomasu: Every time you read this: hugging!

Ryan Patterson - <>

William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

I was basing my conclusion on Detroit and Chicago being there. Compared to where I live it seems cool.
Maybe I should reconsider.

Thomas Harte
Member #33
April 2000

I also have met zero. By a twist of fate I did end up on Regent Street at about 7:30 on the 15th and am aware of the location of the Yorkshire Grey, but couldn't stop. In any case, I'm reliably informed that half of it is closed at the minute, so it was probably extremely packed out?

William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

Yes it was. I thought it would have been better if it wasn't so noisy. There was a rowdy group right in front of us and we were cramped in a corner.

Andrei's keen on doing another somewhere with a bit more advance warning.

Roy Underthump
Member #10,398
November 2008


The midwest? Hardly

It's true they don't have rap music or hydraulic cars, but that's a good thing.

I love America -- I love the rights we used to have
George Carlin

Thomas Harte
Member #33
April 2000


Andrei's keen on doing another somewhere with a bit more advance warning.

More notice and the ongoing lack of photographs would certainly make me more likely to attend.

William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

Not sure I understand. You'd be more likely to come if there were no photos ?

One of those people in front of us took a picture of us all . Andrei said he'd post them here. I suspect he will he's just taking his time.

You were missed.

Thomas Harte
Member #33
April 2000


You'd be more likely to come if there were no photos ?

Yes. I'd feel like an important line that separates my normal life from my life was being crossed. I don't think my opinion here is rational.

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

He's in the witness protection program.

Peter Hull
Member #1,136
March 2001

...he's afraid we'll find out he really does look exactly like his avatar. ;)


William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

oh well,

I'm sure noone would care if you didn't want to be in the photos.

Johan Halmén
Member #1,550
September 2001

I'm back home. I had a great trip to London. The Allegro meeting was just one part of it. It was great to meet some members finally for real. I'm looking forward to seeing William's great puzzle game on the depot.

William said:

Johan had made some music.

I had the "Monday Song" on my iPod, sung by Matthew. I think it was the latest mix Ron did. And I had a song called "DTL-song" from my game DTL-rally, sung by Andrei. This song still waits for publication on, even though it has been played on a Finnish radio station already! What I wanted to show Andrei and William was my latest music tune for Andrei's Chickens game. I thought my lousy iPod would show up on Andrei's laptop, but Windows said it needed to be formatted for Windows. :P

But I got inspired by the meeting so in the plane back to Helsinki I wrote lyrics for the tune. I'd like to have someone sing it with an American Southern accent. Anyone interested? The recording might find its way into the game as an Eastern egg (hopefully not a rotten one), if Andrei likes the idea. I'll send the tune as a midi karaoke file to anyone interested.

Years of thorough research have revealed that the red "x" that closes a window, really isn't red, but white on red background.

Years of thorough research have revealed that what people find beautiful about the Mandelbrot set is not the set itself, but all the rest.

William Labbett
Member #4,486
March 2004

Glad you got back okay Johan.

Thanks for those Allegro Brew print outs. I'll put them on my wall.

Andrei Ellman
Member #3,434
April 2003


I've finally gotten round to posting. Without any further ado, here are the pics.
From left to right, me, William and Johan.
The legendary Allegro Brew.

The closure of the bottom floor of the Yorkshire Grey did make things more crowded (we were squashed in a corner with barely enough room for my laptop). I only just discovered it had a top floor. If it wasn't winter, we could have sat outside on the benches.

We each got to show off some of the stuff we were working on, although for some reason, Windows Vista on my laptop insisted on wanting to format Johan's iPod before it could read the files (I thought that a USB-connected iPod could transfer files regardless of whether it was Mac or PC formatted).

I finally heard the "Monday Song" for the first time (since I've started work, I've hardly looked at, suggested some improvements for William's game, and showed off the new music system in Chickens.

Another UK meetup with more advance notice might be a good idea. I'm still somewhat overwhelmed at the moment, so someone else may want to organise something. Cities outside London are OK, but if it's a mid-week meetup, I'd have to have enough time to be able to get there after I finish work.

I have now met precisely 11'ers IRL in 3 countries. I've been to 3 meetups (this one, the Chernobyl con (which reminds me, I still haven't posted all my pics, but at least I now have a digital camera) and the Dutch Allegro con (still haven't leaarned how to open my eyes in the presence of cameras)). I also knew two from a previous job and met two more through job interviews.


EDIT: PS: If anyone wants larger versions of the pics, you just need to ask...

Don't let the illegitimates turn you into carbon.

Member #2,030
March 2002

You've got a beard now? :D

Move to the Democratic People's Republic of Vivendi Universal (formerly known as Sweden) - officially democracy- and privacy-free since 2008-06-18!

Andrei Ellman
Member #3,434
April 2003

Nah, it's just a mutation. :P

Don't let the illegitimates turn you into carbon.

Member #4,069
November 2003

Andrei, you've just caused that I've been frowned upon my loud laugh. :D

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"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Johan Halmén
Member #1,550
September 2001

Thanks for the pics, Andrei. And read your e-mail :)

Andrei said:

I also knew two from a previous job and met two more through job interviews.

Andrei is being modest here. One of the guys was Shawn.

Years of thorough research have revealed that the red "x" that closes a window, really isn't red, but white on red background.

Years of thorough research have revealed that what people find beautiful about the Mandelbrot set is not the set itself, but all the rest.

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