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vista and fprintf... help needed
Member #5,126
October 2004

hello everybody, my app encounters some troubles when used with Vista. Under win2K or XP no troubles, every thing works great, but under Vista fprintf doesn t do anything ...

The problem is that with fprintf I can't write anything inside of my file. I precise the writing are KEYWORDS for my app, that can be also edited with a notepad if needed ( users under Vista are obliged actually to do it to run properly the app).

Here is the code, may someone have a precise idea about the problem with fprintf ?
I have no Vista at home, so test and check will take some time...


1#include "allegro.h" 2#include "stdio.h" 3#include "winalleg.h" 4#include "MMSYSTEM.H" 5 6int range=0; 7char nominterface[25]; 8char interfaceis[25]={"my_dmx_interface.txt"}; 9BITMAP* buffer; 10BITMAP* fond1; 11BITMAP* mouse; 12bool index_quit=0; 13 14int detect_interface() 15{ 16char temp_name[25]; 17chdir("C:\\schwartzpeter\\user\\"); 18FILE *fp; 19if((fp=fopen(interfaceis,"r"))==NULL) 20{ 21set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); 22 allegro_message("Impossible to my_dmx_interface.txt"); 23 return(0); 24} 25fgets(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name),fp); 26fclose(fp); 27sprintf(nominterface,temp_name); 28textprintf_ex(buffer,font,255,600,makecol(250,250,250),-1,">> Interface: %s",nominterface); 29if (strcmp (nominterface,"NO_DMX_OUTPUT")==0) {range=9;} 30else if (strcmp (nominterface,"SOUNDLIGHT_USBDMX2")==0) {range=2;} 31else if (strcmp (nominterface,"ENTTEC_OPENDMX")==0) {range=1;} 32else if (strcmp (nominterface,"BOUCHEZ_LPTDMX")==0) {range=3;} 33else if (strcmp (nominterface,"ENTTEC_PRO")==0) {range=4;} 34return(0); 35} 36 37 38 39int quit_funct() 40{ 41 destroy_bitmap(buffer); 42 destroy_bitmap(fond1); 43 destroy_bitmap(mouse); 44 45 return(0); 46} 47 48//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49int main() 50{ 51 allegro_init(); 52 install_keyboard(); 53 install_mouse(); 54 install_timer(); 55 56 set_color_depth(16); 57 set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED,442,442,0,0); 58 if(set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED,440,400,0,0)!=0){ 59 set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); 60 allegro_message("%s\nSchwartz_Peter's Video Mode:\n 1024x768 and Higher\n16 or 32 bits better look\n\n", allegro_error); 61 quit_funct();return 1; 62 } 63 64 65 66 fond1=load_bitmap("/schwartzpeter/img/config.tga",NULL); 67 mouse=load_bitmap("/schwartzpeter/img/curseur1.bmp",NULL); 68 buffer=create_bitmap(SCREEN_W,SCREEN_H); 69 blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,442,442); 70 71 detect_interface(); 72 73 74 while (index_quit==0) 75 { 76 77 rectfill(buffer,0,0,440,400,makecol(255,255,255)); 78 draw_sprite(buffer,fond1,(int)-5,0); 79 80 81 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 10, 195,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"Please click on the box to select the good hardware."); 82 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 10, 205,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"After you can launch Schwartzpeter."); 83 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 10, 215,makecol(255,0,0),-1,"First time ? Notice you need first to install drivers!"); 84 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 230,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"NO DMX INTERFACE (AT HOME MODE)"); 85 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 250,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"ENTTEC OPENDMX"); 86 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 270,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"SOUNDLIGHT USB2DMX&1, allias also SUNLITE"); 87 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 290,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"PARALLEL PORT LPTDMX (ELEKTOR)"); 88 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 310,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"ENTTEC DMXUSB PRO"); 89 rect(buffer, 40,230,50,240,makecol(100,0,255)); 90 rect(buffer, 40,250,50,260,makecol(100,0,255)); 91 rect(buffer, 40,270,50,280,makecol(100,0,255)); 92 rect(buffer, 40,290,50,300,makecol(100,0,255)); 93 rect(buffer, 40,310,50,320,makecol(100,0,255)); 94 95 if (mouse_x>40 && mouse_x<50) 96 { 97 if (mouse_y>230 && mouse_y<240) 98 { 99 rectfill(buffer, 41,231,49,239,makecol(255,255,0)); 100 if (mouse_b &1) 101 {range=9;} 102 103 } 104 if (mouse_y>250 && mouse_y<260) 105 { 106 rectfill(buffer, 41,251,49,259,makecol(255,255,0)); 107 if (mouse_b &1) 108 {range=1;} 109 } 110 if (mouse_y>270 && mouse_y<280) 111 { 112 rectfill(buffer, 41,271,49,279,makecol(255,255,0)); 113 if (mouse_b &1) 114 {range=2;} 115 } 116 if (mouse_y>290 && mouse_y<300) 117 { 118 rectfill(buffer, 41,291,49,299,makecol(255,255,0)); 119 if (mouse_b &1) 120 {range=3;} 121 } 122 if (mouse_y>310 && mouse_y<320) 123 { 124 rectfill(buffer, 41,311,49,319,makecol(255,255,0)); 125 if (mouse_b &1) 126 {range=4;} 127 } 128 129 } 130 if (range==9){ rectfill(buffer, 41,231,49,239,makecol(255,0,0));} 131 if (range==1){ rectfill(buffer, 41,251,49,259,makecol(255,0,0));} 132 if (range==2){ rectfill(buffer, 41,271,49,279,makecol(255,0,0));} 133 if (range==3){ rectfill(buffer, 41,291,49,299,makecol(255,0,0));} 134 if (range==4){ rectfill(buffer, 41,311,49,319,makecol(255,0,0));} 135 136 // OK CANCEL BUTTONS 137 textprintf_ex(buffer,font, 80, 370,makecol(100,0,255),-1,"FORGET! DO IT !"); 138 rect(buffer, 150,370,160,380,makecol(100,0,255)); 139 rect(buffer, 320,370,330,380,makecol(100,0,255)); 140 141 if (mouse_y>370 && mouse_y<380) 142 { 143 if (mouse_x > 150 && mouse_x<160)//escape 144 {rectfill(buffer, 151,371,159,379,makecol(0,0,0)); 145 if (mouse_b&1){index_quit=1;} 146 } 147 if (mouse_x>320 && mouse_x<330) 148 {rectfill(buffer, 321,371,329,379,makecol(0,0,0)); 149 if (mouse_b&1) 150 { 151 chdir ("C:\\schwartzpeter\\user\\"); 152 FILE *fp; 153 if(fp=fopen("my_dmx_interface.txt","wr")) 154 { 155 if (range==9) 156 { 157 fprintf(fp,"NO_DMX_OUTPUT"); 158 } 159 else if (range==1) 160 { 161 fprintf(fp,"ENTTEC_OPENDMX"); 162 } 163 else if (range==2) 164 { 165 fprintf(fp,"SOUNDLIGHT_USBDMX2"); 166 } 167 else if (range==3) 168 { 169 fprintf(fp,"BOUCHEZ_LPTDMX"); 170 } 171 else if (range==4) 172 { 173 fprintf(fp,"ENTTEC_PRO"); 174 } 175 } 176 fclose(fp); 177 index_quit=1;} 178 } 179 180 181 182 } 183 184 185 186 draw_sprite(buffer,mouse,(int)mouse_x,mouse_y); 187 blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,442,442); 188 189 } 190 191 destroy_bitmap(fond1); 192 destroy_bitmap(mouse); 193remove_timer(); 194 195allegro_exit(); 196 197return 0; 198} 199END_OF_MAIN();

Kris Asick
Member #1,424
July 2001

You should add checks to see if fprintf is returning a negative value or not.

I think what's happening is that the files you're creating on the Vista system you're testing on are being given read access by default, but not write access, but that's just a guess. It would be helpful to know the return results.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)

Member #5,126
October 2004

you mean


should be "wb" ?

I have no vista near me but I will change the type of opening, you may seriously be right in your analyse .... ;D
thanks, I give you news as soon as possible...

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

I don't think "wr" is really valid anywhere by strict interpretation of the standards. Read and write should be "r+".

Member #1,786
December 2001

Doesnt windows need r+b or something strange like that?

Member #5,126
October 2004

well it is working fine under 98SE, 2K and XP. But Vista NO...

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

You do need to run your program under Administrative privileges if you want to write to Program Files in Vista.

Hard Rock
Member #1,547
September 2001

Thats what I'm thinking, can you try putting your program into my documents and running it there?

In vista you should be always writing to the users document folder (they had a session here recently) rather then the installation location.

Hard Rock
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"Well there's also coolwebsearch but we'll let that be an IE exclusive feature" - arielb on the New Browser Plugins "What's better, HTML or Variables?"

Member #5,126
October 2004

ok ;.. the trouble was to write w and not rw.
so with arg "w" it works good. subtilities ...

thanks for your answers!;D

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