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Credits go to BAF for helping out!
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How can I do this its driving me mad >.< (putpixel)
Member #3,128
January 2003

I have a "radar" kinda thing in my game which draws pixels supposidly inside the radar (or white rectangle). Thing is my brains gone totally dead and how ever hard I think the answer just wont come. I'm kinda stuck in a loop or certain think pattern or w.e its called, and I know it dont work but i cant break it :P
Anyway, I think you can better see wat i mean if i show you.

Heres the code Im using to draw it:

2void GameEngine::DrawRadar()
4 rectfill(m_pBuffer, 10, 300, 110, 419, makecol( 255, 255, 255));
6 // Draw Enemies onto radar
7 m_pCurr = m_pHead;
8 while (m_pCurr->GetNext()!=0)
9 {
10 if (m_pCurr != m_pHead && m_pCurr != m_pTail)
11 {
12 int x = (m_pCurr->GetX()/4)-19;
13 int y = (m_pCurr->GetY()/4)+300;
14 int w = (m_pCurr->GetWidth()/4);
15 int h = (m_pCurr->GetHeight()/4);
17 for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
18 for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
19 {
20 if (y < 419 && y+h > 300)
21 {
22 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==1) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(255, 128, 64)); // Scout
23 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==2) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(0, 174, 0)); // Fighter
24 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==3) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(0, 128, 192)); // Bomber
25 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==4) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(236, 236, 0)); // Cannon Carrier
26 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==5) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(200, 0, 0)); // Swarmer
27 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==6) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(191, 96, 0)); // Sentry Turret
28 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==7) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(192, 192, 192)); // Gunship
29 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==8) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(0, 255, 255)); // Heavy Gunner
30 if (m_pCurr->GetType()==9) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(255, 128, 128)); // Spread
31 if (m_pCurr->GetType()>=100) putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol(128, 128, 128)); // Other
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 m_pCurr = m_pCurr->GetNext();
36 }
38 // Draw player on radar
39 int x = (m_pPlayer->GetX()/4)-19;
40 int y = (m_pPlayer->GetY()/4)+300;
41 int w = (m_pPlayer->GetWidth()/4);
42 int h = (m_pPlayer->GetHeight()/4);
44 for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
45 {
46 putpixel(m_pBuffer, x,(y+j), makecol( 0,0,255));
47 for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
48 putpixel(m_pBuffer, (x+i),y+j, makecol( 0,0,255));
49 }

So how do I make it only draw inside the radar area?
Please help its doin my head in :(

Lazy Noob - Blog

Member #2,981
December 2002

To get those thumbnail thingies, use the img tag. You can read more about it by clicking the HTML Mockup Code link when you post. Also, if you use MS Paint you can save in png (which is better for screenshots than jpeg) or jpeg without using the trial version of a program. :P

That aside, I don't see what your problem is...

Member #3,128
January 2003

OK thanks, and Win98 Paint says only Bmp :P
And... My problem is I dont want anything drawn otuside the radar, the stuff thats outside the radar is off the screen. I want it to scroll into the radar and out of it.

Lazy Noob - Blog

Member #2,981
December 2002

Ah I forgot the only added that support in XP (or was it 2k?).

As far as your problem, you could add a check that only draws the dots that are inside the radar... something like if(x > left side && x < right side && y > top && y < bottom) draw else ignore.

Member #5,301
December 2004

what I am getting is this

crappy screen ASCII sorry

|                                  |
|                                  |<-Screen
|                                  |
|             ^                    |
|                                  |
|                                  |
|                                  |
|                          |-------|
|                          |  .    |<-Radar
|                        ^ |     . |

KEY ^ = ship
RADAR KEY . = Ship on radar :)

pick the location of the ship on the screen.
Lets say for the given you are using 1024x768

now lets say you have a small radar well
SCREEN_W = 1024
SCREEN_H = 768
RADAR_W = SCREEN_W / 10 //or 102
RADAE_H = SCREEN_H / 10 //or 76

Lets say a ship is at 850x680 as showen by the ship at the very bottom or the 'screen'
well on the radar you would want a dot or what ever at 85x68

place the radar screen where ever.

just an idea

-I edit a lot. Prepare thyself.

Member #3,128
January 2003

I added

if (x > 10 && x < 110 && y > 300 && y < 419)

to the respected line, but I knew that wouldnt work since i tried it before :P. Sorry I didn't explain my problem more precisely.
The above code works fine for small enemies, say, 24x24 pixels. But my "starship" (atm the big grey rectangle) is 800x100 pix.
So it wont get drawn into the radar until its x,y meets the requirements stated above, even though like half of the image has already been on screen! I want the pixels to scroll onto the radar not just all appear :P
I think that clears any confusion up.

Lazy Noob - Blog

Member #2,981
December 2002

Then you will have to take image width/height into account for the size of your square on the radar.

psuedo code:

radar_box_w = enemy_bitmap.width / radar_width
radar_box_h = enemy_bitmap.height / radar_height

// Then you have to check if it is on the screen at all
if(enemy.x + enemy_bitmap.width > 0 && < screen width && same with y/height)
    if(enemy.x < 0) radar_box_w = enemy_bitmap.width - abs(enemy.x); // do the same with y / height

/* then draw your rect with width/height of radar_box_w x radar_box_h. This may be all wrong or not what you're asking for, not sure. */

Member #3,128
January 2003

I don't understand what exactly your refering to when you say 'radar_box_w' and h.
And whats that abs do? I clicked on it and it sais it returns an absolute value. Whats that mean? no decimal?

Lazy Noob - Blog

Member #2,981
December 2002

radar_box_w and h are the width and height of the rect you draw on the radar.

abs returns the absolute value of a number. It makes negative numbers positive and keeps positive numbers positive.

Member #3,128
January 2003

Thanks BAF. I can't actually get to coding atm but I finally got round what your trying to say about the radar box thingie and am sure I can work it out when I get home. :D

Lazy Noob - Blog

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