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GHAGH!!! I think my timing function is off.
Member #6,988
March 2006

I tried to find the problem myself but I've been looking for an hour and my hair hurts so I decided to finally ask. It's probably something stupid but here goes.

When I compile this:

1/********************************************************************* 2The RachMan Video Game early dev source code - dev 2.0a 3Author: Dustin Gray 4*********************************************************************/ 5#include <allegro.h> 6//includes the datafile headers 7#include "datf_dev.h" 8#include "datf_rach.h" 9 10//declares the time counter 11volatile long speed_counter = 0; 12void increment_speed_counter() //A function to increment the speed counter 13{ 14 speed_counter++; // This will just increment the speed counter by one 15} 16END_OF_FUNCTION(increment_speed_counter); 17 18 19//Declarations of integers 20int jump_height = 0; // RachMan's jump height 21int frame_counter;//counts the frames 22int last_key;//remembers the last key pressed 23int rach_pos_x = 0; // Rachman's horizontal position tracker 24int rach_pos_y = 0; // Rachman's vertical position tracker 25 26//declares the datafiles and bitmaps 27DATAFILE *dev = NULL; 28DATAFILE *rach = NULL; 29BITMAP* buffer; 30BITMAP* mapbuff; 31BITMAP* platform; 32 33// Rachman's bounding box info -- this is temporary till I make a struct for this kind of info 34int rachman_box_left = rach_pos_x + 10; 35int rachman_box_top = rach_pos_y + 10; 36int rachman_box_right = (rachman_box_left + 10); 37int rachman_box_bottom = (rachman_box_top + 10); 38int collision = FALSE; 39int gravity = TRUE; 40 41void Draw() 42{ 43 //draw_sprite(buffer, mapbuff, 0, 0); //draws the mapbuffer to the buffer 44 draw_sprite(screen, buffer, 0,0); //draws the buffer onto the screen 45} 46END_OF_FUNCTION(Draw); 47 48void Move_rachman() 49{ 50 if (rachman_box_bottom <= 240) 51 { 52 collision = TRUE; 53 } 54 if (collision == TRUE) 55 { 56 gravity = FALSE; 57 } 58 59 while (speed_counter >= 0) 60 { 61 if(key[KEY_RIGHT])// If the user hits the right key, change the picture's X coordinate 62 { 63 rach_pos_x ++;// Moving right so up the X coordinate by 1 64 } 65 else if(key[KEY_LEFT])// Ditto' - only for left key 66 { 67 rach_pos_x --;// Moving left, so lower the X coordinate by 1 68 } 69 else if (key[KEY_SPACE] && !key[KEY_RIGHT] && !key[KEY_LEFT] && jump_height <= 25) 70 { 71 rach_pos_y = rach_pos_y - 5; 72 jump_height ++; 73 } 74 else if (key[KEY_SPACE] && key[KEY_RIGHT] && jump_height <= 25) 75 { 76 rach_pos_y = rach_pos_y - 5; 77 rach_pos_x++; 78 jump_height ++; 79 } 80 else if (key[KEY_SPACE] && key[KEY_LEFT] && jump_height <= 25) 81 { 82 rach_pos_y = rach_pos_y - 5; 83 rach_pos_x--; 84 jump_height ++; 85 } 86 if (gravity == TRUE) 87 { 88 rach_pos_y = rach_pos_y + 2; 89 } 90 speed_counter --; 91 92 } // while(speed_counter) 93} // void Move_rachman 94END_OF_FUNCTION(Move_rachman); 95 96void Anim_rachman() 97{ 98 while (speed_counter >= 0) 99 { 100 101 frame_counter ++; // Increment our frame counter at the same speed of the speed counter 102 if(frame_counter >= 80) // resets the frames for animation 103 { 104 frame_counter = 0; 105 } 106// Display all animations for walking right 107 if(key[KEY_RIGHT] && !key[KEY_SPACE])//displayes animation for key right 108 { 109 if (frame_counter < 10) 110 { 111 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun0].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 112 } 113 else if(frame_counter >= 10 && frame_counter < 20) 114 { 115 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun1].dat , rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y);//Draw the first frame 116 } 117 else if(frame_counter >= 20 && frame_counter < 40) 118 { 119 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun2].dat , rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y);//Draw the second frame 120 } 121 else if(frame_counter >= 40 && frame_counter < 60) 122 { 123 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun3].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y);//Draw the third frame //to acheive better effect 124 } 125 else if (frame_counter >= 60 && frame_counter <= 80) 126 { 127 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun2].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); //Draw the second frame again 128 } 129 last_key = 1; 130 } 131// Display all animations for walking left 132 else if(key[KEY_LEFT] && !key[KEY_SPACE])//displayes animation for key left and flips the original frames so it looks like it's moving left 133 { 134 if (frame_counter < 10) 135 { 136 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun0].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 137 } 138 else if(frame_counter >= 10 && frame_counter < 20) 139 { 140 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun1].dat , rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y);//Draw the first frame 141 } 142 else if(frame_counter >= 20 && frame_counter < 40) 143 { 144 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun2].dat , rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 145 } 146 else if(frame_counter >= 40 && frame_counter < 60) 147 { 148 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun3].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); //to acheive better effect 149 } 150 else if (frame_counter >= 60 && frame_counter <= 80) 151 { 152 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachrun2].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 153 } 154 last_key = 2; 155 } 156// Display all animations for just standing there like an idiot 157 else if (!key[KEY_RIGHT] && !key[KEY_LEFT] && !key[KEY_SPACE]) //displays animation if no key is pressed 158 { 159 if (last_key == 2) 160 { 161 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachstand].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 162 } 163 else if (last_key == 1) 164 { 165 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachstand].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 166 } 167 else 168 { 169 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachstand].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 170 } 171 frame_counter = 0; //keeps frame count to zero so no animations are mixed up 172 } 173// Displays jumping animations (still a little buggy) 174 else if (key[KEY_SPACE]) 175 { 176 if(last_key == 2) 177 { 178 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachjump].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 179 } 180 else if(last_key == 1) 181 { 182 draw_sprite(buffer, (BITMAP*)rach[rachjump].dat, rach_pos_x, rach_pos_y); 183 } 184 frame_counter = 0; 185 } 186 line(buffer, rachman_box_left, rachman_box_top, rachman_box_right, rachman_box_top, makecol(255,0,0)); 187 188 line(buffer, rachman_box_left, rachman_box_bottom, rachman_box_right, rachman_box_bottom, makecol(255,0,0)); 189 190 line(buffer, rachman_box_left, rachman_box_top, rachman_box_left, rachman_box_bottom, makecol(255,0,0)); 191 192 line(buffer, rachman_box_right, rachman_box_top, rachman_box_right, rachman_box_bottom, makecol(255,0,0)); 193 draw_sprite(screen, buffer, 0,0); //draws the buffer onto the screen 194 speed_counter --; 195 196 } // while 197} // void Anim_rachman 198END_OF_FUNCTION(Anim_rachman); 199 200void Game_loop() 201{ 202 Move_rachman(); 203 Anim_rachman(); 204} 205END_OF_FUNCTION(Game_loop); 206 207int main() 208{ 209 allegro_init(); //initializes allegro functions 210 install_keyboard(); //installs keyboard keys 211 install_timer(); //installs the timer duh 212 set_color_depth(16); //sets color depth to 16 bit 213 set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT, 256, 256, 0, 0); //sets the graphics for the game 214 215 //timer functions 216 LOCK_VARIABLE(speed_counter); //Used to set the timer - which regulates the game's 217 LOCK_FUNCTION(increment_speed_counter);//speed. 218 install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(80)); //Set our BPS (similar to fps) 219 220 mapbuff = create_bitmap( 256, 256);//bitmap to write the map too 221 buffer = create_bitmap( 256, 256);//bitmap to write onto the screen (double buffering helps eliminate flickering of the screen) 222 dev = load_datafile("dev.dat"); //loading datafiles 223 rach = load_datafile("rach.dat"); 224 platform = load_bitmap("platform.bmp", NULL); 225 226 while(!key[KEY_ESC]) 227 { 228 Game_loop(); 229 } 230 231 //cleanup functions 232 destroy_bitmap(buffer); 233 destroy_bitmap(mapbuff); 234 destroy_bitmap(platform); 235 unload_datafile(rach); 236 unload_datafile(dev); 237 238return 0; 239} 240END_OF_MAIN();

All I get is a blank window... just black... nothing more... I tried fiddling with it and eventually I'll get a character who runs and animates WAY too fast... this leads me to believe it's a problem with my timer... I'm not entirely certain how to create a good timer... I've been using this one that I found in a tutorial and it's worked until I re-wrote my code...
Any Ideas?
Suggestions for better timer functions?

Ok... I tried a few more things... and now I get a really slow character... just about all functionality is there though... hmm... why is it working better now though... I didn't really do much...?
I posted the updated code


Richard Phipps
Member #1,632
November 2001

Do a search on these forums for how to seperate your timing and logic functions. You are not doing it in the best way.

Member #6,152
August 2005

Why are you commenting out:

install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(80));

------------ | My Tech Blog: The Digital Helm

Member #6,988
March 2006


Why are you commenting out:

install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(80));

that was an attempt to fix it... didn't work... forgot to uncomment it... but the problem still persists

Ok... well It's working now... I'm not at all sure why but it is... But Phipps was right... Implementing 2 functions is bogging the time down so I have to find a better way to implement timing...



Member #3,025
December 2002

where is the error checking for everything that can fail ?

The more you talk, the more AJ is right. - ML

Member #3,128
January 2003

What I do is only ever use 1 universal timer that controls the speed of the game loop. Everything else can be timed using that one timer. I think its better if I just show you. This is only an example, don't try and compile it

1//Timer Initialize\function blah blah
2// Everything else you wanna do before game loop
4// Game Loop
7 while (speed_counter >= 0)
8 {
9 // Logic
10 // Input
11 // GFX Routines (by this I mean update any co-ords of gfx being drawn to
12 // screen not actually drawing. For instance a scrolling background may have
13 // to update its x,y etc...)
14 // Enemy AI
15 // End Logic
16 speed_counter--;
17 }
18 // Update Screen
19 // Clear buffer
20 // Draw to buffer (means draw everything)
21 // Draw buffer to screen
22 // End Update Screen
23} while(key[KEY_ESC]);

Thats a very rough idea of how I go about things, I dont know if its right, I just find it easier. Keep in mind i used class' and so forth for all objects and they each handle their own animation, AI. I have a game engine class that creates objects dynamically and just calls "m_pObject->Handle();" and it looks after itself. Of course I have to call each objects draw function into the GameEngines::Draw(); funtion also.

About using time within my objects though its pretty simple. Let us assume the timer is set to 60bps, so every time my game engine calls "m_pObject->Handle();" the class' "int m_FrameTimer++'s" if u get my meaning and resets at 60.
Then the class itself knows where its at as opposed to how long its got before the next draw.

I hope that helped, I really think I am bad at explaining things and went totally from the point :P I seem to know it in my head, I just never helped no one before.

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