const char *al_get_path_filename(const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Return the filename part of the path, or the empty string if there is none.
The returned pointer is valid only until the filename part of the path is modified in any way, or until the path is destroyed.
See also: al_get_path_basename, al_get_path_extension, al_get_path_component
Examples: ex_path, ex_path_test
Most helpful discussions:
- How to get the filename only out of an ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY (1)
- [A5] Questions regarding the "File System Routines" (1)
- loading files from a diialogue
- Native file dialog patch
- [A5] for_each_file - missing
- Can't load TTF addon in separate class file
- [A5RC4] Possible problem in native dialog addon?
- [A5] al_read_directory()