void al_get_joystick_state(ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK *joy, ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK_STATE *ret_state)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Get the current joystick state.
See also: ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK_STATE, al_get_joystick_num_buttons, al_get_joystick_num_axes
Examples: ex_joystick_events, ex_joystick_hotplugging
Most helpful discussions:
- [A5] Xbox360 Controller Trigger buttons = only one axis? (1)
- Joystic Lag - false reading (1)
- Joystick lag (Windows)
- Using Joystick(s) DAllegro 5.2 code (dlang)
- Fluid object movement with gamepad stick [problem]
- Input response times for controllers
- Micro freeze when I use "al_get_joystick_state"
- Joysticks - How can I get more than one working
- [A5.0.10] Critical Issue with Keyboard Locking Up Due to Joystick Event Handling
- Illegal Function Call
Other recent discussions: