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Binary File Packs Upload Suggestions and Issues
Member #16,714
July 2017

I have added the Windows and Mac versions of ZC to the project entry here:

The Linux version is 43MB in size, and I have encountered issues with the FTP option.

I tried all of the following:

TLS Explicit (Auth/TLS) both PASV and not PASV --this seems correct, as the form states to use Explicit.

SSL Implicit

While I can get a dir listing, after the first 4KB of data transfer, I receive an error aborting, because of lack of correct permissions to write.

I'm not sure what is going on there, but perhaps updating the site transfer, or permitting a direct upload, would be better options. I'm not sure why a direct binary file upload is not one of the options, TBH.

The file in question, is here:
'Zelda Classic and ZQuest 2.50.2 (Stable) for Linux'

Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

Member #16,714
July 2017

Is the 100MB limit detailed for FTP uploads a typo? If so, someone may want to fix that.

For whatever reason, the Linux build is always 4x the size of the OSX and Windows builds. ???

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