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Mac os Lion 10.7.1 - allegro 5.0/4.2.x Installation
Jan Hofmann
Member #13,608
October 2011

Hi, i tried to install Allegro with this instructions:

When I open the Xcode project and and try to include <allegro5/allegro.h> Xcode says that it can't find the file...

I don't really need Xcode. I just need a way to compile allegro programs on
OS X Lion. And is there a way to install allegro 4.2.x?

Any ideas ???

Member #7,919
October 2006

I've got Lion. I've had Snow Leopard before it. Allegro 4.x just won't work (32-bit only, 64-bit is not compatibile).

That said, Allegro 4.2.x is easy to install if you use Macports. Just run "port install allegro +universal" to force a 32-bit compatible version. However, games don't run with it... :(

Then again, there are some blogs that talk about steps to install Allegro 5...

Member #794
November 2000

Never used XCode so I can't be much help, but it looks like you didn't set up the compiler search path to include the location where you installed Allegro.

Allegro 4.2 will not work, as far as I know. This is not really a 32 vs. 64 bit issue, but a problem with the API Allegro 4 uses: this has been deprecated for a while now, it hasn't been ported to 64 bit and support has been discontinued.

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