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Post a weird fact about you..........
Johan Halmén
Member #1,550
September 2001

I have a strange soft piece above my left eye, where there should be hard skull bone. Like cartilage.

Years of thorough research have revealed that the red "x" that closes a window, really isn't red, but white on red background.

Years of thorough research have revealed that what people find beautiful about the Mandelbrot set is not the set itself, but all the rest.

Member #8,356
February 2007

Ah Ha! I finally thought of something. I can here frequencies that other people can't (like some of you people). Some frequencies that I here can be 10 times louder than a normal person would here them (figured all this out because I got my hearing tested). Like car brakes. When I here a squeaky car brake, it feels like somebody is stabbing my ears with a needle. Or electronics.

"No amount of prayer would have produced the computers you use to spread your nonsense." Arthur Kalliokoski

Member #1,786
December 2001

I'm slightly red colorblind in my left eye. Its not usually noticeable throughout the day since I guess the right eye makes up for it but right when I wake up if I close one eye and then change to the other it is very noticeable. Its sort of fun to see things in two different ways.

Member #6,152
August 2005

I'm a cheerleader AND I can self-regenerate...

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Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

I try to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling in my posts. Quite a few people do this, but there are so many who don't!

My psychiatrist has convinced me I am NOT one of the invading Martians. Excuse me, I have to go write a letter to Bush to warn him of the invading Martians.

Member #7,616
August 2006

Richard Phipps: THAT is why we don't talk about you. :-X

Member #856
December 2000

I remembered something else; I can hear when a television is on nearby, regardless of whether the sound itself is muted. It's a sort of high-pithced "buzz", though it's not really sound. I'm not sure if this is actually unusual or not, though?

Since 2008-Jun-18, democracy in Sweden is dead. | 悪霊退散!悪霊退散!怨霊、物の怪、困った時は ドーマン!セーマン!ドーマン!セーマン! 直ぐに呼びましょう陰陽師レッツゴー!

Richard Phipps
Member #1,632
November 2001

Member #6,152
August 2005


I can hear when a television is on nearby, regardless of whether the sound itself is muted. It's a sort of high-pithced "buzz", though it's not really sound.

Can't everybody?

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Member #7,616
August 2006

I can. Some people can't. It's just a high-pitched sound that TVs make. Not including LCD monitors though...

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

I can't hear it. Of course after multiple ear infections and two reconstructive ear surgeries, I'm just glad I can hear anything.

Member #3,136
January 2003

I can hear when a TV is on. It's really annoying! Just one of the reasons I don't watch TV (on a TV) anymore.

Oh, and one time I was walking around inside The Sharper Image (a store). They had a rat repellent of some sorts that generated a high pitched noise. I was able to hear the noise and it drove me insane. Does that make me a rat?

Member #7,536
July 2006


I try to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling in my posts. Quite a few people do this, but there are so many who don't!

I am like this also. In fact I am the only person I know that uses correct spelling and grammar in instant messangers like MSN as well.

Member #2,030
March 2002

X-G said:

I remembered something else; I can hear when a television is on nearby, regardless of whether the sound itself is muted. It's a sort of high-pithced "buzz", though it's not really sound. I'm not sure if this is actually unusual or not, though?

It's not. It just means you haven't lost the higher frequencies of your hearing yet.

It's driven me nuts a couple of times these last couple of weeks (sitting in electronics labs full of old CRTs = pain)...

Move to the Democratic People's Republic of Vivendi Universal (formerly known as Sweden) - officially democracy- and privacy-free since 2008-06-18!

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

I can spell homophones correctly.

Kris Asick
Member #1,424
July 2001

I suppose I should make a quick list of things I can hear on a regular basis:

Street Lights, Incandescent Lights (barely), Fluorescent Lights, CRT Monitors (VERY well), LCD Monitors (barely), dimmer switches (the closer to off, the louder they are), Neon Lights (VERY well), Toasters, Power/Telephone Lines, Power Transformers (VERY well).

Also, if I turn my back to a CRT monitor, I can tell what colours are being displayed by the tone I hear. If the tone sounds flat, the colours are mostly uniform. If the tone is distorted, there's a lot of colour differences. (Like white text on a black screen.) Blue guns sound the highest pitched to me, followed by red, then green. I hear a white screen the best and a black screen the worst.

I think it's not the electricity I hear, but rather electrical resistance. The more fluctuations in power a device has, or the more power is being resisted, the easier it is for me to hear it.

And I almost forgot. I have pointed ears. (Not Vulcan ears, but rather, there are specks of extra cartilage protruding horizontally from each of my ears, thus making the edges look a little rugged.)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)

Richard Phipps
Member #1,632
November 2001


And I almost forgot. I have pointed ears.


Member #2,030
March 2002

Kris Asick said:

Street Lights
Fluorescent Lights
CRT Monitors
Neon Lights

All of these contain intrinsically noisy (and yes, I'm talking about acoustic, not electrical, noise) transformers or ballasts.

Kris Asick said:

Toasters, Power/Telephone Lines, Power Transformers

And these (transformers in particular) have a tendency to give off the regular old 50 (or 60, depending on where you live) Hz hum due to magnetostriction.

Kris Asick said:

dimmer switches (the closer to off, the louder they are)
Incandescent Lights (barely)

This is an artefact of the dimmers' switching.

Kris Asick said:

Also, if I turn my back to a CRT monitor, I can tell what colours are being displayed by the tone I hear.

Also a switching noise issue, but at a much higher frequency (my CRT sometimes goes into noise mode and does that as well - Wikipedia and Slashdot have distinctive noises ;)).

Kris Asick said:

I think it's not the electricity I hear, but rather electrical resistance.

... I'm sorry, but that's just nonsense.

Move to the Democratic People's Republic of Vivendi Universal (formerly known as Sweden) - officially democracy- and privacy-free since 2008-06-18!

Johan Halmén
Member #1,550
September 2001

I can spell Kryszoff Klutzeck's name right. Um... no, I can't.

Years of thorough research have revealed that the red "x" that closes a window, really isn't red, but white on red background.

Years of thorough research have revealed that what people find beautiful about the Mandelbrot set is not the set itself, but all the rest.

January 2001

In my best times, I could finish the SNES version of Street Fighter II in little over 11 minutes, without being hit.

Mitsuko's last words, Battle Royale

Member #3,569
June 2003

I have my period.

Member #7,616
August 2006



Queen of the Universe
June 2003

Menstruating is not weird. It's perfectly natural!

You!!... Off my planet!!

Mark Oates
Member #1,146
March 2001


In my best times, I could finish the SNES version of Street Fighter II in little over 11 minutes, without being hit.

ooohhh! I would love to play against you. Who is your character?

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Member #6,152
August 2005


Who is your character?

I was often Ken, but during College, I found out I could beat my roommate best with Chun-Li or Guile.

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