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Rotating image in relation to mouse x and y
Member #7,325
June 2006

Im trying to rotate a gun so its always pointing towards the cursor. im sortof limited in physics.. i figured i needed to use the tan function which is opposite over adjacent to find that angle. (y would be the opposite and the x would be the adjacent). but its really not working out. is there some other function that i need to get this working. thanks for any help.

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

Member #7,325
June 2006

not really giving the desired effect. it sortof just stops when the cursor gets above the gun..which i guess is right because the angle is zero.. im also getting pretty bad movement becasue for some reason it has to be a fixed type. i have to type cast the variable. its sortof wierd..

if i do it as float or double i dont get any movement.

void D_UpdateDraw(Player_S* p , BITMAP* b) {
     p->angle = atan2(float(mouse_y) , float(mouse_x));

  if (p->keyCheck == D_KEYRIGHT) {
    draw_sprite(b , p->playerImg , p->x += p->velX , p->y += p->velY);
  else {
    draw_sprite_h_flip(b , p->playerImg , p->x += p->velX , p->y += p->velY);
  rotate_sprite(b , p->gunImg , p->x + 22 , p->y + 20 , itofix(p->angle)); //gun

  circle(b , mouse_x , mouse_y , 2 , WHITE);  //cursor           

Member #2,030
March 2002

The angle returned by atan2() is in radians. rotate_sprite wants fixed point 256 degree angles.

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Member #7,325
June 2006

oh aight thanks. if anybody has ever played madness interactive i sortof want to do somethign like that..where the gun rotates around the center of the body. thats sortofg what im trying to do.

Neil Walker
Member #210
April 2000

This might help. It's targetted at Flash, but code is code, and maths is maths :)

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