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More Minecraft!
Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

Billybob said:

I took a whole truckload of TNT, set it all up in one place, and let it blow. MANNNN was that a big hole.

I don't know how people get so much TNT. I'm like bamccaig, I hardly ever have more than one block at a time.

Member #3,136
January 2003

I don't know how people get so much TNT.

InvEdit. I just wanted to see what all that TNT would do, so I hacked it into my inventory.

Member #7,536
July 2006

I just don't use it. This is an instinct that I've learned from most games. Anytime you give me a rare "nuclear" device I just sit on it, never sure if I'll need or want it later. :P In shooters, this usually means that the best weapons are never used, unless I have the ability to save/load on a whim. If I'm having trouble with a particular spot, I'll try the "nuclear" device to get through, knowing I can always backtrack to a previous savegame if that backfires. :P By "nuclear" I just mean the best, rare or expensive weapons in the game. For example, the rocket launcher in GTA IV, though that's a relatively poor example because it's actually pretty cheap once you start to amass a lot of money.

With Minecraft, I don't know. I've got 1 TNT block so far, quite a ways back, IIRC. I might have enough powder for one more, but I think it's distributed among various treasure chests at unknown locations, so the work involved in tracking it down isn't really worthwhile. I think the gun powder should be a mine-able resource too.

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

bamccaig said:

I think the gun powder should be a mine-able resource too.

Notch hasn't said anything, but I'd guess that it could end up that way.

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

BAF said:

Windows permissions work too, and they are much much more flexible.

Trying to set permissions recursively in Vista invariably resulted in several errors that were mangling it enough that nothing could be done to correct them. Administrator mode is also too limited to do much. I wound up moving files I wanted to be protected onto another hard disk and enabling/disabling the entire drive via BIOS.


They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

bamccaig said:

I might have enough powder for one more, but I think it's distributed among various treasure chests at unknown locations, so the work involved in tracking it down isn't really worthwhile. I think the gun powder should be a mine-able resource too.

Although it is sometimes in the treasure chests, it is also dropped by creepers (the hiss-y explod-y monsters). I never seem to find any of them though. Same with spiders...

I think I've only ever made 1 block of TNT simply because I can never find enough powder.

Billybob said:

Agreed. Not only that, but even when you do have TNT it isn't that much faster than using a diamond pic-axe. You have to dig in a few blocks, place, activate, and run away. Then you have to go back, cleanup, place new torches, and repeat. You can't blow up a whole bunch at one time because a lot of the material gets lost. So, end result is that it's useless. :(

It'd be cool to build some sort of mining machine that used TNT automatically :P But I can't think of any way to do it with the current mechanics.

I think (although I have yet to try/experiment) that the red powder/wire can be used to set off the TNT. If that is the case then it should be feasible to string TNT together and detonate it all at once no? I don't see that being very applicable to mining, but for removing large amounts of rock/dirt/sand/gravel it could save time... Although placing & wiring the charges would still be tedious I suppose.

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

Member #7,536
July 2006

Although it is sometimes in the treasure chests,...

I'm referring to the treasure tests that you make yourself. I don't know if they're really treasure chests. Just storage chests. What are you referring to? :o is also dropped by creepers (the hiss-y explod-y monsters). I never seem to find any of them though.

That is the only way I get it. I see a few of them. Not lots. It helps if you roam around outside at night, or if you discover deep dark caves and venture into them quickly, dropping fewer torches than you would perhaps like. I've discovered that you can actually survive outside at night relatively easily with a little preparation and awareness. However, if you get surprised in a cave, that can mean the end pretty fast. I particularly hate those skeletons with bow and arrow because they're hard to escape, especially with unlevel ground all around you.

I think (although I have yet to try/experiment) that the red powder/wire can be used to set off the TNT. If that is the case then it should be feasible to string TNT together and detonate it all at once no? I don't see that being very applicable to mining, but for removing large amounts of rock/dirt/sand/gravel it could save time... Although placing & wiring the charges would still be tedious I suppose.

I would hope it's useful for mining. The only question is would it destroy ore or would the ore eventually be destroyed if not collected in time?

In my big cave that I've been lost in exploring, I found a ton of red-colored ore. I guess that must be what you're referring to. I managed to dig my self out and get oriented again. I can't, however, find the entrace to that cave. I did leave a trail of torches to the exit, fortunately.

Member #3,136
January 2003

bamccaig said:

What are you referring to?

There are random rooms hidden underground all across the world. You usually find them as part of large cave systems. Inside are treasure chests with random materials and saddles; a bucket-load of monsters; and a "spawner." A spawner is a block that looks like a blue cage with flames and it spawns a monster every so often. You used to be able to pick them up and relocate them, but Notch removed that functionality for now.



would it destroy ore or would the ore eventually be destroyed if not collected in time

It seems to destroy most ore for me, at least when using large amounts of TNT. I think 1 TNT will simply blast the rock/ore and leave it behind like you expect, but a second TNT will then blow away the ore :(

Member #7,536
July 2006

I was experimenting the other day still getting used to playing again. I remember that months ago I would smelt ore by starting a fire and dropping the ore into it. I tried that same thing this time and it disappeared. :o I was pissed. It's reasons like this that I make routine backups every 10 or 15 minutes. >:(

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

bamccaig said:

I remember that months ago I would smelt ore by starting a fire and dropping the ore into it. I tried that same thing this time and it disappeared.

That stopped working in March (possibly even February). ;D

This page seems to be very useful for keeping up with the changes giving a nice summary of is added/fixed/broken ...

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

Yeah, smelting only works in furnaces now.

Also, with the Redstone dust I think it's possible to set up logic gates. I'm waiting for someone to make a programmable computer with it. ;D

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

Oh man. Minecraft is almost too scary to play now that Notch added the monster noises...

I'm expanding my tunnel system deep underground and I'm constantly hearing zombie groaning & spider gurgling as well as the sound of an as yet undiscovered waterfall. With every block removed it seems like the monsters are getting louder, like they be behind the next piece of stone, waiting to pounce...

I have to say I am seriously debating muting my sound right now... (Doesn't help that I am tired and in a dimly lit room as I play)

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

Chris Katko
Member #1,881
January 2002


“Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
"Political Correctness is fascism disguised as manners" --George Carlin

Member #7,536
July 2006

Yeah, there also appears to be some suspenseful music played at the most opportunistic times. ;D It's quite pleasantly frightening. The monster sounds don't really scare me too much, but that's mostly because I've already determined that unless they can see me they're usually not a threat. It does still lead to the occasional shiver up my spine, though. :P

On a side note, I've discovered that you can indeed pepper the land outside your "bases" or whatever with trees. They seem to in fact grow, even if planted really close together, which can easily result in a thick forest shield. And if you don't care about the wood, you can light it on fire to kill off the monsters at night! :D

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

What does it say about me that the monster noises fill me with delight? They are merely signals indicating nearby caves for exploration, plus mobs that will drop nice supplies!

A tree barrier sounds like a good idea. Each tree I cut down leaves me with a good handful of saplings, so even replanting everything I cut down leads to increase inventory usage. A fire-line at night is a great way to waste some trees.

And again, I need an evil smiley. :(

Member #7,536
July 2006

I usually pursue monster noises in the walls or underground, but I have actually never located them as a result... I just dig fruitlessly until I give up. :(

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

I zero in on them an commit atrocities against their various species.

Seriously, if there are baby skeleton archers out there, they're being scared into behaving via threats of me lurking under their bed.

Member #3,110
January 2003

Seriously, if there are baby skeleton archers out there, they're being scared into behaving via threats of me lurking under their bed.

Which is why they train themselves to attack us with arrows. Thanks alot jerk!

Febreze (and other air fresheners actually) is just below perfumes/colognes, and that's just below dead skunks in terms of smells that offend my nose.
If anyone is of the opinion that there is no systemic racism in America, they're either blind, stupid, or racist too. ~Edgar Reynaldo

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

Hey, they attacked me with arrows long before I killed any of them! It was self defense, I say!

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

They are merely signals indicating nearby caves for exploration, plus mobs that will drop nice supplies!

That is why I keep digging in the direction of the sounds and not in some other part of my tunnel complex. There is always the chance that the monsters are in a dungeon room!

It still makes me jump a little though, especially when that dramatic whooshing noise happens.

I feel a little better now that I am full health and have a full suit of metal armor... At least I am not likely to die by breaking through a wall and getting mobbed by monsters.

I'm also now carrying a bucket of water... If I dig through to a lava stream and lava lights me on fire, drop the water and run into it. Works every time!

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

Member #7,536
July 2006

I think getting a bow and arrows is my next goal. I fell into a cavern full of mobs! Mostly it was the skeletons that cut me down from afar while I tried to fend off a zombie. I had no chance. IIRC, I started with near full health and armor too.

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

bamccaig said:

I think getting a bow and arrows is my next goal.

That is my next goal. I find the best way to get the string for the bow is run around the surface at night... unfortunately I'm usually busy digging underground for days (Minecraft Days) at a time and everytime I head near the surface it happens to be day. Notch did adjust the day/night cycles so day lasts longer than night though.


I fell into a cavern full of mobs!

I learned early on that it's always better to remove the block on the ground next to you than to remove the one directly under you :).


Mostly it was the skeletons that cut me down from afar while I tried to fend off a zombie. I had no chance. IIRC, I started with near full health and armor too.

This has happened to me too. Especially in the dungeon rooms. I can take out monsters one at a time (sometimes even two at a time) with no damage when I am above ground. Once you get underground and in confined quarters more than one monster quickly becomes a problem... (I find anyways)

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

Member #7,536
July 2006

I learned early on that it's always better to remove the block on the ground next to you than to remove the one directly under you :).

Yeah, that didn't used to be a problem, but I've learned that it is now. Still, in this particular instance that isn't what happened. This was a surface facing cavern. I had climbed down to one level and explored and mined its walls. Then I noticed a waterfall from my level that dropped deeper. I decided to see what was down there, but missed my step and fell the whole way into darkness. It was then that I was ambushed. ;D

Jonatan Hedborg
Member #4,886
July 2004

I learned early on that it's always better to remove the block on the ground next to you than to remove the one directly under you .

Mining under you is a great way to take a lava bath as well ;)

You should also avoid standing directly underneath the block that you are mining, unless you know that there is rock above it... Getting a face full of sand/gravel can hurt quite a bit :/

Samuel Henderson
Member #3,757
August 2003

bamccaig said:

Then I noticed a waterfall from my level that dropped deeper. I decided to see what was down there, but missed my step and fell the whole way into darkness.

Waterfalls can make handy elevators until you get a chance to add stairs / ladders :D

They can also be quite handy for moving/disposing large amounts of materials. Got a metric crap ton of dirt? Drop the stacks in a waterfall and watch it carry them beneath your base to oblivion! Out of sight, out of mind 8-)

Of course I don't destroy anything. I keep it in chests in a store room. You never know when you might need it...

Paul whoknows: Why is this thread still open?
Onewing: Because it is a pthread: a thread for me to pee on.

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