I think i figured out why i am the way i am.

Hey peoples.

I was just thinking to myself how I was going to select the people to be apart of my colony. Thats when it came to me that the way I was acting seem familiar to me.

It is because it was similar the story of Noah and the arch from the Bible.

My name come from the Bible and it happen to be the name of one of Noah's sons.

A while back I was studying the effects of a child's name on the way that child lives life.

for those that do not know the story the man build and big boat. I am making a space ship.

Then he selected the animals and humans that would be speared from the clenzing wrath of God.

Their has always been something in my head telling me i don't like the way the world is turning out.

This leads me to strongly beleave that the name you give a child will affect how the child turns out.

I think ill will start research on the names of lesbians and gays to see if it holds any ground in that area.


Flame on!


Thomas Harte
Jerry Seinfeld said:

Did you ever notice a lot of butlers are named Jeeves? I think when you name a baby Jeeves; you've pretty much mapped out his future. Not much chance he's gonna be a hitman. "Terribly sorry, sir, but I'm going to have to whack you."


I knew it was a topic from you just by reading the topic's name!

Matthew Leverton

So people still use the names Shem, Ham, and Japheth?



Now he's gone completely bonkers.

Thomas Fjellstrom

Anyone else get the feeling we'll be hearing about piccolo in the news in the future?

Personally I think it'll be more akin to Waco than Ark like.


You can conclude anything from a suitably broad interpretation of statistics.

I'm not sure if that's a quote from somewhere, but it certainly matches my experience.

piccolo said:

for those that do not know the story the man build and big boat. I am making a space ship.


Thomas Fjellstrom said:

Anyone else get the feeling we'll be hearing about piccolo in the news in the future?

Definitely. :-/


for those that do not know the story the man build and big boat. I am making a space ship.

That's probably the most entertaining piece of posting I've seen here in a while.


the story of Noah and the arch

That was just an early experiment. Noah quickly gave up on the arch idea when he couldn't figure out how to get the elephants on.

So, he got out his notepad, and went to strike out 'arch'. But the ink didn't start flowing until he got to the 'h', and then when he looked down, history was changed forever...


My ganpa and my father both had the same name as me.

ever seen i was young i had these idea and thoughts.

I have them written in an old exsersize book. im going to go to the library to scan them and then post they.


Then he selected the animals and humans that would be speared from the clenzing wrath of God.

That's interesting, I didn't know that Noah also chose the ones to be "speared". ;D

I'm going to name my child "This" so he's always referencing himself in third person.

Thomas Fjellstrom

ever seen i was young i had these idea and thoughts.

I had all sorts of ideas like this when I was young. Grew out of them fast though. So impractical.

Onewing said:

I'm going to name my child "This" so he's always referencing himself in third person.


Matthew Leverton

I actually built a spaceship when I was young. The problem was I couldn't afford the fuel. :-/

So I gave it to NASA in exchange for some cool gloves.


My ganpa and my father both had the same name as me.

So they built spaceships too?

Richard Phipps

I thought this would be a thread about Piccolo coming out.. :o


I have studied people for 10 years now from my massive Appolo XXI Spaceship I built myself. ( It uses a HyperDrive 3.1 modulator in an oscillating frequency flux).

Basically, piccolo, you are obsolete. You will be decommissioned in the next few days, return to Xilon IV when you feel like it, but your mission on Earth is over. ( status EPIC PHAIL ) ;D

Anyway, bookmarked, titled "Downfall of a Person: start of mental breakdown". What are the next symptoms? :P


These pictures are very old.

This picture show how i make a research topic.

This is about the medical field

This is about the medical field too.

This is my therys on the globel warming and the end of the earth

These are my thoughts on life support system.

This is talking about armor and fores shields

This is the start of my colony and terraforming

Edit: did any one else thing of these types of things when you were young?


OK, you seem to be a decent programmer, so here is something for you:


If you have ideas, thats great, but that doesn't mean you will actually make any of them happen. Micro robots? Please. You will achieve what hundreds of scientist could not?

Spaceships? What resources do you have that NASA doesn't? :P

Even if you get there (Venus), how will you survive in temperatures as high as 460°C?


many of the ideas i had back then have been IMPLEMENTed but not by me.

what im saying is why was i thinking of theses type of things at that age?

Thomas Fjellstrom

why was i thinking of theses type of things at that age?

Many were, and do. Its called an imagination. We would be NOWHERE without it.


Are there truly any left who do not believe the character "piccolo" is simply some other's alter ego used as some vague attempt at humor?


In the forth picture i talk about the planet and the way that are because of their distance from the sun.

there was no other one like me in my primary school. the only thing the other kids like about science is the cool things i used to make an bring to school.

Thomas Fjellstrom

Are there truly any left who do not believe the character "piccolo" is simply some other's alter ego used as some vague attempt at humor?

He's been here too long for that. I once thought the same thing about yves. Sadly it was not the case.


vague attempt at humor?

Vague attempt? Piccolo is humor incarnate!


I think you guys know im not trying to be funny.

do you see how i study something.

I label the subject then ask questions then analyze the answers then ask more questions.


Man you are so great ...


what im saying is why was i thinking of theses type of things at that age?

Definitely, I remember writing up things like that when I was a kid (~9 yrs old). I used to particularly enjoy designing layouts for crazy houses and amusement parks. Man, I'd love to find some of those things again, and the way my mom keeps stuff around, I wouldn't be surprised if they're hiding in a box somewhere.


crazy houses and amusement parks.

see thats not quite the same this has nothing to do with me having fun. Kids like to have fun. but when i did this stuff i was a serous as i am now.



So they built spaceships too?

no i dont think so but my grampa work hard so my father would not have to leave in poverty in my home country he saved enough money so my father could movie to where i live now. and my father saved up enough money so i can live better then he did and get an education. my life was not a good life but it was better then my fathers. and now i have a job to do for my sons and the blood line.


do you see how i study something?

And now you're studying yourself and you are slightly surprised by what you've found. Evaluating yourself is a good thing as it can help you figure out what things you need to work on.


And now you're studying yourself and you are slightly surprised by what you've found. Evaluating yourself is a good thing as it can help you figure out what things you need to work on.

when i said "see how i study things" i ment in genarel, but your right i am studying myself. I do it because i want to reproduce my self in my offspring.


Piccolo is the true king of random!!
Screw all your Mersenne Twisters, just let him talk.

Richard Phipps

Ah! But did you make cool pottery, models, textilles, drawings and paintings like I did? :)


Ah! But did you make cool pottery, models, textilles, drawings and paintings like I did?

i did not make that type of stuff i made weapons like crossbows, super soakers, i made a plain out of Styrofoam. A speed boat out of wood all with out plans this is when there was no access to the internet. So every one was amassed.

I draw and wrote stories but they where labeled as disturbing so i stopped drawing for and writing and focused on my inventions.


You should change the weed type you smoke. Really, this one make you feeling too high.:'(


see thats not quite the same this has nothing to do with me having fun. Kids like to have fun. but when i did this stuff i was a serous as i am now.

Okay, that's true about the amusement parks thing, but I was pretty serious about some of the house designs I did. I remember some of my designs had tires in the walls to act as insulation and they were all heated by running pipes of water through the walls from a reservoir that was solar-heated.

Jeff Bernard

Are there truly any left who do not believe the character "piccolo" is simply some other's alter ego used as some vague attempt at humor?

There are videos of piccolo on YouTube. He seems pretty real to me.


I'm going to name my child "This" so he's always referencing himself in third person.

This is bullcrap.

Piccolo, so are you Shem, Ham or Yaphet?
Guess: Yaphet, like Yaphet kotto from Homicide: Life on the Streets :P


but I was pretty serious about some of the house designs I did. I remember some of my designs had tires in the walls to act as insulation and they were all heated by running pipes of water through the walls from a reservoir that was solar-heated.

how did people react to your ideas or did you keep them to your self.

if you was serious why did you let go of the house designs ideas.
what happen to you that did not happen to me why you are different how you used to be and im still the same?


I think I showed my ideas to my parents and they were encouraging (as always). I wanted to be an architect for a long time. All the way up to high school that's what I told people I wanted to be 'when I grew up'. In high school I took all the CAD classes that were offered, but I was also exposed to programming classes for the first time too. I ended up enjoying my programming classes a lot more and started coding games as a hobby, so that influenced by decision to go to university for computer science as opposed to pursuing the architecture.

As far as a dramatic 'personality change' I would say that I still maintain an interest in developing new and interesting things, but it's more focused on my area of expertise (programming and CS) now. I think that probably goes for most of the people here: the crazy imagination one has as a child thinks up new ideas all the time and doesn't give too much thought to the implementation, but as you grow older you become more aware of the challenge in implementing these ideas so you begin to focus your creative energies on things you're more likely to be able to implement. Instead of designing a revolutionary house (something I have no expertise in) I am more likely to spend my time designing a revolutionary program or game (still difficult, but much more reasonable).


I spent my childhood dreaming up different game ideas, still chasing those dreams today.


I spent my childhood dreaming up different game ideas, still chasing those dreams today.

Oh, yeah. I should also add that as I child I used to design a lot of board games. After my CS course that changed to designing video games :)


you grow older you become more aware of the challenge in implementing these ideas

as a child i never had an implementation problem i was so good at substitution. the only problem i had was space. my family never owned a house so i was limited to what i could do in the yard.

there are some drawing of a tank in the same book i scaned the other pictures from.
i put together a team of kids from the neighborhood and we started to construct it.
it was big enough to hold 3-4 kids inside. one to control the tenses ball canon one to peddle power it and the other to stare it. later on we found a old engine and was planing to swap or the peddle power. but and old man that owned a nursery near by send we had to take it apart because people where complain that they could not get to the nursery( witch was bull crap because there was plenty of space to turn)

but yea i never had problems with implementation because i new development is an ongoing process.

Edit: i can just Imagen what i would have built if my parent owned a house by the water.


thread summary:


Trent Gamblin

This leads me to strongly beleave that the name you give a child will affect how the child turns out.

My name is Trent but you won't find me filling my hard drives by downloading torrents!

I think I've done more than my share of crying though. :-/

Ben Delacob

Are you really trying to design or build a space ship in real life? One that will carry people or one of those smarter, smaller lightweight things that use solar power and slowly rise out of the atmosphere?


If you are thinking in terms of planets, micro robots aren't really that small!


This thread is great. Just great.

Bob Keane

Admit it, Piccolo. You have PhDs in English, Psychology and Sociology. The reason you use bad grammar and spelling is because you are writing a post doctoral thesis on the effects it has on the human mind. ;D


If piccolo is really building a spaceship I'd love to know what his budget is. AFAIK, NASA's space shuttle's cost around $1.7 billion USD. I've seen cheaper rockets designed to take men into space (albeit, none of them have launched yet AFAIK), but if you're actually planning to travel to another planet and colonize it you'll need a lot more than today's most advanced space shuttle, let alone a cheap rocket... :-/ I'd estimate costs in the trillions of dollars and it might not even be feasible with today's technology.

Neil Black

it might not even be feasible with today's technology.

It's completely possible, but I doubt it'll happen soon because of the costs involved.


Its not completely possible. Its not even remotely possible yet. Its more complicated then putting a man/men or women in a spaceship and launching them to another planet.

There are factors such as housing, solar radiation, psychological stress, etc. to consider. Even with the money, its far from "completely" possible.

Neil Black

It could be done with current technology. It will be much cheaper, easier, and safer with future technology, but that doesn't rule out our current technology. We can debate this if you like, but this really isn't the thread for it.

Edgar Reynaldo

- Vanneto -
Geez , don't be such a doubter. We've already put people on the moon , we've built a space station. Is building a station on the moon or mars such a stretch? Not really.


The moon cannot be compared to Mars. Mars is farther away then the moon, plus, if people go to mars, they would be there for some time, not just get there go back. Its presents a very difficult challenge.

Jonatan Hedborg

Is building a station on the moon or mars such a stretch?

A station, maybe not... But colonization? yes.

Neil Black

Its presents a very difficult challenge.

But not an impossible challenge. If you really want to debate this then make a new thread for it.


People seem to have some obsession with "technology". "Technology" is just how we measure what we know and how we apply it. It is nothing more than applying the way things work.

That said, when I was a little kid, I worked on ideas for mechs. Now, I work on ideas for ultrasonic sniper rifles. Imagination persists. :)

Thread Topic said:

I think i figured out why i am the way i am.

"The Way I Am" 8-)

Neil Black said:

If you really want to debate this then make a new thread for it.

Is It Feasible To Colonize Another Planet With Today's Technology?


Are you really trying to design or build a space ship in real life? One that will carry people or one of those smarter, smaller lightweight things that use solar power and slowly rise out of the atmosphere?

its a space ship not using the current technology meaning no rockets


If you are thinking in terms of planets, micro robots aren't really that small!

micro robots were to be used in the medical feild. and in that picture i also said that it would be easer to clone a virus for the purpuss heal then making a micro robots. with the stuff i researched back then.


How would you propel it with no rockets?


Bullcrap? That would be the best solution, he has lots of it to spare! ;D

Jonatan Hedborg

You said it... *cough*


i planed to make a new propeltion system. i plan to move with current forces



How would you propel it with no rockets?

This sounds like:
example: helicopter

how will it fly with out wings


Free Energy!? :o

Did you finish it? Could we have just a fraction of that? Common!! You get it for free! Give us some of that electricity!


i plan to move with current forces

How will that work? The propulsion system is the heart of a spaceship; if you can't get it to work it's worthless.


Powered by Ego.

Jonatan Hedborg

current forces


All propulsion works by pushing something in the opposite direction that you want to travel. There are more effective means of doing this than rockets, I'm sure. I do however doubt we will have star-trek technology in our lifetimes, if ever.


Solar sailing seems promising, though it is somewhat dependent on being near a star.


Don't you guys make fun of piccolo, or he won't select you for his colony.

Seriously, I think of him as the new Alex Chiu.


That guy loses just for having such an annoying website.


a simple example would be 2 magnets the repel each other.

one magnets is the ship the other is the area behind the ship.


Piccolo have a super uber giga brain. He can control everything with his own ass head. ;D


You can even make one yourself! The Immortality device! Golly gee! (!) :o


Geez , don't be such a doubter. We've already put people on the moon , we've built a space station. Is building a station on the moon or mars such a stretch? Not really.

Man never set foot on the moon. It was all done in a studio. It's the biggest fraud ever :P

@picollo: While reading the posts, it came to mind that you may be thinking magnets, and then I read your post that said it. Keep in mind that you'll need very powerful magnetic forces to propell the space ship out of earths' gravitaional forces. This leads to 2 thoughts:

1. could this interfere with the electronics?
2. if the distance the magnetic force applies is short, would the initial shove created by the magnets be too great for the human body to handle?

Jonatan Hedborg

Something like a railgun has been "proposed", but it's not really viable for living cargo. Could be used to send supplies though...


Railgun could work. According to Marshall Savage, if sufficiently large it could give into-space acceleration with only 10g at a time.


A while back I was studying the effects of a child's name on the way that child lives life .... This leads me to strongly beleave that the name you give a child will affect how the child turns out.

I don't understand; I've skimmed this whole thread and not seen one single joke about how he wants to abduct people and train them for a year in preperation for the Sayians' arrival ....


Nice. Or about how he's a flute's wimpy little brother.


1. could this interfere with the electronics?
2. if the distance the magnetic force applies is short, would the initial shove created by the magnets be too great for the human body to handle?

they have this stuff already i just plan on improving it.
To hover the unit the ionize the air around it to repel the unit.

@2.) it would pulse. like a hovering bird.


they have this stuff already i just plan on improving it.
To hover the unit the ionize the air around it to repel the unit.


piccolo said:

I am making a space ship.

More power to you. I hope you can realize your dreams someday. Good luck.


these two should explain it.

It sure does! ;D


It sure does! ;D

Hey, it's a video on youTube so it must be true! Anti-gravity for all! \o/


it was on this site as well but i cant find the link.
I cant help you beleave.

Its not a hard concept to grasp


I cant help you beleave.

Yes, that's true, you can't! Because I have attended physics-lessons... :P


I'm still having a bit of trouble understanding your idea.


@2.) it would pulse. like a hovering bird.

When HardTranceFan said


if the distance the magnetic force applies is short, would the initial shove created by the magnets be too great for the human body to handle?

I think he was saying that if you had one magnet on the ground and another on the ship, the force needed to propel the ship into orbit would be so great it would crush people inside. I don't understand how 'pulsing' makes any sense here. Would it shoot the ship up a bit and then let it fall and then shoot up again? Because that doesn't accomplish anything (except a fun ride :)).

Or, are you suggesting that the second magnet travels along with the ship? I suspect that's what you mean, and in that case I'll just quietly leave this thread...

Jonny Cook

My name come from the Bible

I thought you got it from Dragon Ball Z...


I thought you got it from Dragon Ball Z...

Isn't the Bible and Dragon Ball Z the same thing? ;D


Yep. ;)

Thomas Fjellstrom

To be honest, Piccolo first showed up in Dragon Ball ;) Not DBZ ;)


Piccolo, to clarify, this is just an ion drive, a very old invention. It basically consists of an asymmetric condensator loaded with high voltage. The air becomes ionised and the now loaded particles produce an ion wind, which presses the lifter up into the air. This is very efficient.

There are a few things that make it impractical to use:

A) The force is very weak. If you need a stronger force, you'd have to use higher voltage which would lead to flashes and thus damage to the drive.

B) You need air. This drive would not work in vacuum.

Thomas Fjellstrom

B) You need air. This drive would not work in vacuum.

Depends on the type of ion drive you're talking about. Theres at least one probe out in space with an ion drive, which is estimated to be going at 1/10th the speed of light by now. Takes months to get going that fast, but hey, it can ;)


Actually, you have to ionise something, so you would carry a bottle full of gas with you. But this does make no sense, just take a bottle with a gas under high pressure and open it - it would be the same effect.


Ionizing engines work for atmospheric transport, but not for space. Speaking of which, I have for a long time been thinking about how to make an electricity-only space engine, such that nothing except energy is lost to create propulsion. A system that for instance heats water with electricity to create steam wouldn't work because if you run out of water you are just as stranded as if you ran out of electricity. Any thoughts?


Ionizing engines work for atmospheric transport, but not for space.

As others have said, it's already been used in spacecraft. And last I heard, the Esa is working on a plasma drive version of an ion engine.


How does it work in vacuum?


thats what im going to find out.

I cant wait till i finish this school im going to start every thing. being in america has slowed me down some because i don't have my lab.


being in america has slowed me down some because i don't have my lab.

I suggest Menlo Park for the location go your new science lair.

Jonatan Hedborg

Speaking of which, I have for a long time been thinking about how to make an electricity-only space engine, such that nothing except energy is lost to create propulsion. A system that for instance heats water with electricity to create steam wouldn't work because if you run out of water you are just as stranded as if you ran out of electricity. Any thoughts?

You gotta throw something behind you in order to move forward. I suppose that thing could be electrons, but they are so incredibly light (9.1*10^-31 kg) it would probably not be feasible.


How does it work in vacuum?


Actually, you have to ionise something, so you would carry a bottle full of gas with you. But this does make no sense, just take a bottle with a gas under high pressure and open it - it would be the same effect.

What he said, except it does makes sense. You take some inert gas, ionize it and accelerate very small amounts of it to very high speeds. You get a very high specific impulse, and you need very little reaction mass. The force generated is extremely small however.


Concerning how the ion drives work in space:

http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/dawn/news/dawn-20071009.html said:

Dawn's ion engines are extremely frugal powerhouses. The 27 hours of thrusting from the ion engine resulted in the consumption of less than .28 kilograms (10 ounces) of the spacecraft's xenon fuel supply -- less than the contents of a can of soda. Dawn's fuel tank carries 425 kilograms (937 pounds) of xenon propellant. Over their lifetime, Dawn's three ion propulsion engines will fire cumulatively for about 50,000 hours (over five years) -- a record for spacecraft.

http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/071011-dawn-engineupdate.html said:

The ion engines were tested at five different throttle levels and performed "flawlessly" according to Jon Brophy, the Dawn project's ion propulsion manager at JPL, in an official statement. Charged ion particles shoot out of the engines at 90,000 miles per hour (144,840 kph) to slowly accelerate the spacecraft over time.


@FrankyR Im planing to take it a step further. I propose to make the ship one big ion (its really may ions) an ion field. then ill charge the space behind the field wit will move the ship.

edit: i am also planing a defense system using the same system witch would litarly rip its target in half


Space = vacuum = nothing to charge?

But yeah, you will do what NASA is doing for years and needed millions and lots of people what you are going to do better in a fraction of the time.

Where is your free energy maker?
And why hasn't NASA hired you yet?


Nasa is no the center of the world people that go to fanncey school are not the only ones with brains. further education is 10% learning and 90% showing what you already know.


Agreed. Now, show us your free energy maker. That should make you eligible for NASA.

Its not the center of the world, but it sure has lots of MONEY!


That should make you eligible for NASA.

To tell you the truth i would never want to work for nasa or for any one.
My school has closes ties with nasa and i could have problem gotten an internship.

But this place is to full of liers scamers and they don't have any type of honor or .


no honor or dots? how awful.


no honor or dots? how awful.

Clearly he was saying they have no women, considering their lack of periods.


Clearly he was saying they have no women, considering their lack of periods.

That got a good laugh out of me. Thanks! ;D

Jonny Cook

More dots more dots!

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