Introduced in 5.0.0

Pixel formats. Each pixel format specifies the exact size and bit layout of a pixel in memory. Components are specified from high bits to low bits, so for example a fully opaque red pixel in ARGB_8888 format is 0xFFFF0000.


The pixel format is independent of endianness. That is, in the above example you can always get the red component with

(pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16

But you can not rely on this code:

*(pixel + 2)

It will return the red component on little endian systems, but the green component on big endian systems.

Also note that Allegro's naming is different from OpenGL naming here, where a format of GL_RGBA8 merely defines the component order and the exact layout including endianness treatment is specified separately. Usually GL_RGBA8 will correspond to ALLEGRO_PIXEL_ABGR_8888 though on little endian systems, so care must be taken (note the reversal of RGBA <-> ABGR).

The only exception to this ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ABGR_8888_LE which will always have the components as 4 bytes corresponding to red, green, blue and alpha, in this order, independent of the endianness.

See also: al_set_new_bitmap_format, al_get_bitmap_format

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