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IOTD: Zep's Dreamland Updates!
Zep's Dreamland Updates!
Zep's Dreamland Updates!, by Ultio

Well, I figured it's time enough that I should put a ZD image up on here and utilize this nice little feature! :)

No, ZD is not done, and no, a new demo is not out [yet](sorry guys ;D)! This is just an image showing some of the awesome tilework that was done, and showcasing one of the cool levels there will be contained in the official level set when the game comes out. I've been working on it a lot more lately (although some computer problems have been slowing me down a bit).

Things are looking pretty slick, and I've added a bunch of new elements to the game since the last test demo (3.3). If you haven't been reading up at my site, here's some of the new stuff!

Teleports: Step inside a teleporting pad and be instantly transferred to the teleport receiver!

"Pre-Built" blocks: Blue building blocks which are already placed on the map. Instead of creating blocks to reach the end portal, Zep must now destroy the already placed blocks, as well.

Breaking Blocks: This is the breaking block. Zep can stand on top of it without fear of it breaking. Once Zep steps off this block, however, it will crumble and never reappear. Plan out your steps before treading across the breaking blocks.

Tunnels: This is one of the tunnel elements of the game. Zep can walk through these, but cannot build blocks while inside it. There are horizontal and vertical tunnels.

All of these things make for much harder, and more fun levels. I've also created a semi-working "level set loader," which basically contains information as to where a player's custom made levels will be. The "level set loaders" will basically serve as the main file in which users can load their own, or other's level sets.

Key customization has been added. The game switches between fullscreen and windowed mode - and remembers the last used mode (as well as sound settings).

"Replays" have been implemented as well. I'm not sure how far I'm going to let these go. Right now it allows the user to hit a button and it will start "recording" all of the movements made. Once the user is done recording they can play back those movements, kind of like a replay. However, once the replay is done, the player can continue gameplay on that specific level. I am going to use this for part of the in-game tutorial section, as well as (possibly) creating solution files for the levels. I'm not sure about letting the enduser be able to record, however, as it would be a cheap way to save your progress mid-level, which is something I don't want you to do. ;D Saving and loading of replays is implemented as well (obviously).

Other than that, there are 34 completed levels. I hope to get at least 40 or 50 for the final release of the game. I've got some other stuff up my sleeve, but I'm not sure if I'm going to release any information about them since I'm not sure if they will make it to the final release of the game. If you have any questions or anything, you know where to reach me. :)

For more information and screenshots check out the site!

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