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JS Image Gallery
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

Hello all,

I've put together a small javascript image gallery. It's just a working prototype of something I hope to add to my website relatively soon.

Right now, it needs to be 'primed' with a file list, and then it will display your gallery for you.

For an example, see the screenie, or clone the repo and open gallery.html in a browser.


Ideally, I guess I want to launch it with a python script or something similar, or else I will need to use something like PHP to edit the page real time. Right now it's all done in javascript to keep it as portable as possible.

Right now it takes a list of "small" files and "large" files and produces the gallery. So you have to create the file list before hand. I am going to make it more generic and more flexible though.

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