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Font and ttp addons headers raising errors in VS 2015 (Preview)
Member #16,276
April 2016

Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I've used Allegro before (and had no problem at all with it, it was on OSX).
So today, I tried to add the font addons to my already working project (on Windows, image loading work, event handling too, etc.) and both the allegro_font.h and allegro_ttf.h trigger errors in Visual Studio (2015). Syntax errors like "missing {", etc.
Any idea?
I'm compiling as C++ (.cpp), but writing in C only.

Thank you in advance.

(PS: Please excuse my English, it's not my primary language.)

Peter Hull
Member #1,136
March 2001

Can you paste what and where the errors are exactly?


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