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readkey() uses 100% CPU
Michał Brzozowski
Member #15,090
May 2013


I'm using Allegro 4.2. The readkey() routine uses 100% of the CPU, it seems like it's doing active waiting for a key press. Is there any way to avoid it (different routine?). Maybe I'm doing something wrong?


Member #5,313
December 2004


while (!key_pressed) 

Jeff Bernard
Member #6,698
December 2005

The readkey() routine uses 100% of the CPU

Makes sense. readkey() is a blocking function and Allegro 4 doesn't ever natively yield by itself, IIRC. If you don't want to eat the CPU but still block on input, just add a loop checking if there's a key press before calling readkey():

while (!keypressed()) {
   sleep(0); // yield the CPU however you want.
int keycode = readkey();

I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Michał Brzozowski
Member #15,090
May 2013

Doesn't make much sense to me, but thanks, it works :) (I actually had to use usleep(1000), otherwise there was still high CPU usage).

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

The readkey() function apparently asks the OS over and over for a keypress, so naturally it hogs the CPU.

Let's say this runs on a 1Ghz cpu.

int keycodes[BUFFSIZE];
int i;

     while (!keypressed()) {    //Wild guess, this takes 100 machine cycles
        usleep(1000); // 1/1000 of a second means 1Ghz rests for 1000000 machine cycles
     keycodes[i] = readkey();   //Another wild guess, this takes 1000 cycles
} //end of i loop

So readkey actually fetches a key 10 times instead of spinning without resting between keys and then getting a key, the keypressed() and usleep "spin", but with a rest in there.

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Michał Brzozowski
Member #15,090
May 2013

Thanks, I understand what's going on :)

I just don't understand why readkey() does active waiting, they teach kids in school no to do that :)

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

When Allegro was first conceived back in the middle of the '90's, just about all programs hogged the CPU, MS-DOS didn't multitask, and those 50Mhz 486's didn't get all that hot. There was a company that made electronically cooled CPU's sometime around there (think of a thermocouple in reverse) and when somebody ran Linux on it, which slept when all the tasks were done, it actually formed frost on it, and when a program warmed the CPU up again, the frost melted and shorted out the motherboard!

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Gideon Weems
Member #3,925
October 2003

Hehe, good story.

Michał, I was using A4, too--but after trying A5's sexy API, there's no going back. If feasible, I recommend giving it an honest shot.

André Silva
Member #11,991
May 2010

Wha? No way! I'm not buying that story!
...Please tell me it's true, pleeeeease.

But yeah, without having a cycle that's always asking, and resting for a few milliseconds to not hog the CPU, there's no other way to do it without events, which is why Allegro 5 is so highly recommended.

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