A little bit of fun for family and friends

My RGB Birth Color is.

1// RGB Birth Color 2// By kingnoob (Michael Sherwin) 3 4#include <stdio.h> 5#include <stdlib.h> 6#include <allegro5/allegro5.h> 7#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h> 8#include <allegro5/allegro_ttf.h> 9#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 10 11#define BLACK al_map_rgb( 0, 0, 0) 12#define LIGHTSTEEL al_map_rgb(60, 120, 160) 13#define DARKSTEEL al_map_rgb(15, 30, 40) 14 15struct Input { 16 int key; 17 int mbu; 18 int mux; 19 int muy; 20}; 21 22struct Input input; 23 24struct Date { 25 float month; 26 float day; 27 float year; 28}; 29 30struct Date date; 31 32ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* queue; 33ALLEGRO_EVENT event; 34ALLEGRO_FONT* font25; 35ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* disp; 36ALLEGRO_COLOR c; 37 38void al_destroy() { 39 al_destroy_font(font25); 40 al_destroy_display(disp); 41 al_destroy_event_queue(queue); 42} 43 44void DrawFrame() { 45 char buf[10]; 46 al_clear_to_color(BLACK); 47 al_draw_filled_rectangle(0, 0, 240, 270, DARKSTEEL); 48 al_draw_text(font25, LIGHTSTEEL, 120, 0, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTER, "L or R click in field"); 49 al_draw_text(font25, LIGHTSTEEL, 0, 68, 0, "Month"); 50 al_draw_text(font25, LIGHTSTEEL, 0, 136, 0, "Day"); 51 al_draw_text(font25, LIGHTSTEEL, 0, 204, 0, "Year"); 52 al_draw_filled_rectangle(120, 68, 180, 98, LIGHTSTEEL); 53 al_draw_filled_rectangle(120, 136, 180, 166, LIGHTSTEEL); 54 al_draw_filled_rectangle(120, 204, 180, 234, LIGHTSTEEL); 55 _itoa_s(date.month, buf, 10, 10); 56 al_draw_text(font25, DARKSTEEL, 150, 68, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTER, buf); 57 _itoa_s(date.day, buf, 10, 10); 58 al_draw_text(font25, DARKSTEEL, 150, 136, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTER, buf); 59 _itoa_s(date.year, buf, 10, 10); 60 al_draw_text(font25, DARKSTEEL, 150, 204, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTER, buf); 61 c = al_map_rgb(date.month * 21.25, date.day * 8.23, date.year * 2.55); 62 al_draw_filled_rectangle(240, 0, 479, 269, c); 63 al_flip_display(); 64} 65 66void ProcessEvent() { 67 if (input.mbu) { 68 if (input.mux >= 120 && input.mux <= 180) { 69 if (input.muy >= 68 && input.muy <= 98) { 70 if (input.mbu == 1) { 71 date.month--; 72 if (date.month < 1) date.month = 12; 73 } 74 else if (input.mbu == 2) { 75 date.month++; 76 if (date.month > 12) date.month = 1; 77 } 78 } 79 else if (input.muy >= 136 && input.muy <= 166) { 80 if (input.mbu == 1) { 81 date.day--; 82 if (date.day < 1) date.day = 31; 83 } 84 else if (input.mbu == 2) { 85 date.day++; 86 if (date.day > 31) date.day = 1; 87 } 88 } 89 else if (input.muy >= 204 && input.muy <= 234) { 90 if (input.mbu == 1) { 91 date.year--; 92 if (date.year < 0) date.year = 99; 93 } 94 else if (input.mbu == 2) { 95 date.year++; 96 if (date.year > 99) date.year = 0; 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 } 101} 102 103bool GetEvent() { 104 input.mbu = false; 105 if (al_get_next_event(queue, &event)) { 106 switch (event.type) { 107 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE: 108 return false; 109 break; 110 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: 111 input.key = event.keyboard.keycode; 112 switch (input.key) { 113 case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: 114 return false; 115 break; 116 } 117 case ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP: 118 input.mbu = event.mouse.button; 119 input.mux = event.mouse.x; 120 input.muy = event.mouse.y; 121 break; 122 } 123 } 124 return true; 125} 126 127Initialize() { 128 al_init(); 129 al_install_keyboard(); 130 al_install_mouse(); 131 132 queue = al_create_event_queue(); 133 134 disp = al_create_display(480, 270); 135 136 al_init_font_addon(); 137 al_init_ttf_addon(); 138 139 font25 = al_load_font("DejaVuSans.ttf", 25, 0); 140 141 al_init_primitives_addon(); 142 143 al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); 144 al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_mouse_event_source()); 145 al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_display_event_source(disp)); 146 147 date.month = 1; 148 date.day = 1; 149 date.year = 0; 150} 151 152int main() { 153 bool run = true; 154 155 Initialize(); 156 157 while (run) { 158 DrawFrame(); 159 run = GetEvent(); 160 ProcessEvent(); 161 } 162 al_destroy(); 163 return 0; 164}


Neat idea. :) Thanks for sharing.


The older you get the bluer you get. What about a normalization?

R = (day/30)*255; // normalized 30 days
G = (month/12)*255;
B = ((year - 1920)*2.55; // normalized to 100 years

right is original, left is normalized

Also, I did day month year not month day year


Eric Johnson
DanielH said:

Also, I did day month year not month day year

YYYY.MM.DD master race. 8-)

Through DanielH's normalization, I am #3340bf (too lazy to upload a screenshot).


a good idea. :3

Thread #618364. Printed from Allegro.cc