Missing Libraries in Linux

Hi all,

I installed allegro- on an Arch Linux system, and I am using Code::Blocks. I tried to link the allegro libraries, but I am getting

fatal error: allegro5/allegro_native_dialog.h: No such file or directory.

The file is indeed missing from the allegro- and allegro-, but so are other files that are not throwing errors.

I eventually found the file in allegro-, but I can't figure out how to link it in Code::Blocks. Copying the file into the relevant directories didn't seem to work.

Is there a way I can create a monolith.so to mirror the windows monolith.dll, or something along those lines so that I just link one file and everything just works? I do not have a working windows install or I would just do that.

Any advice, suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Edgar Reynaldo

Yes, you can follow the directions for installing from git :


You'll need to install GTK3 or better to get the native dialog addon on Linux.

You can follow along with instructions I made for Windows, but they mostly apply to Linux too.


But on Arch, you'll likely use your package manager to install most of the dependencies. Allegro should handle its dependencies itself, so if you install allegro-dev you should have them. Then just use CMake and make to install allegro. You can select -DWANT_MONOLITH=On from the command line or use cmake-gui and select the WANT_MONOLITH option.


Thank you very much replying, as well as for writing such a thorough guide! I will reinstall and try to follow it as closely as possible. I wasn't sure it was installed correctly but you've confirmed that it wasn't.

"I must have put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. I always do that, I always mess up some mundane detail." - Michael Bolton

I really appreciate your quick and detailed response, cheers!

Edit: After clearing my first git installation, I checked my dependencies with the package manager. It turns out, allegro is in the standard Arch user libraries, and simply installing it with pacman solved all of my issues. I had to undo all the configurations I had attempted, as they seem to only be necessary in windows?

In case any other Arch users have this issue, the steps I took to install were:

$ sudo pacman -Suy allegro

open editor (in my case code::blocks) and link the needed allegro libraries (/lib/liballegro*) in the project build settings.

The project then compiled without a hitch.

Thank you very much Edgar! Your comment about the package manager and the dependencies solved my issues. I did not get the monolith files using this method, but I could always compile it myself using your instructions if necessary!

Thread #618287. Printed from Allegro.cc