Shader Puzzle aka Reverse Engineering cool effect
Edgar Reynaldo

I recently came across a cool demo by SilverTES but sadly there is no source file with it, only a static exe and the shader source. I tried to recreate the effect using the latest code he posted in that thread, but all it does is draw an expanding white circle. The shockwave effect doesn't work with my source code. Funny thing is, they're using the same shader, so in theory only the parameters being passed to the shader are different.

Here's the code I tried :

1// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2// --- Includes --- 3// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5#include <iostream> 6#include <allegro5/allegro.h> 7#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h> 8#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 9 10// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11// --- Global variables --- 12// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_STATE keyState; 15ALLEGRO_MOUSE_STATE mouseState; 16ALLEGRO_DISPLAY * windowDisplay(NULL); 17ALLEGRO_BITMAP * windowBuffer(NULL); 18 19ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE * eventQueue(NULL); 20ALLEGRO_TIMER * framerateTimer(NULL); 21int framerate(0); 22 23// User data 24ALLEGRO_SHADER * myShader(NULL); 25const char * myShaderVertFileName("myShaderVert.glsl"); 26const char * myShaderFragFileName("myShaderFrag.glsl"); 27 28ALLEGRO_BITMAP * myImage(NULL); 29const char * myImageFileName("bg0.png"); 30// Window setting 31int screenW(640); 32int screenH(360); 33int zoom(2); 34// Absolute mouse position 35int mouseXi(0); 36int mouseYi(0); 37// Relative mouse position 38float mouseXf(0); 39float mouseYf(0); 40// Window position in the desktop 41int xWindow(0); 42int yWindow(0); 43 44// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45// --- Global Methods --- 46// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 48template <class M> 49int log (int error, M msg) 50{ 51 std::cout << msg; 52 53 return error; 54} 55 56void setFramerate(int fps) 57{ 58 eventQueue = al_create_event_queue(); 59 framerate = fps; 60 framerateTimer = al_create_timer(1.000/framerate); 61 62 al_register_event_source (eventQueue,al_get_timer_event_source(framerateTimer)); 63 al_start_timer(framerateTimer); 64} 65 66void drawGrid(int screenW, int screenH, 67 int sizeX, int sizeY, 68 ALLEGRO_COLOR color) 69{ 70 for (int i(0); i<(screenW/sizeX); i++) 71 { 72 al_draw_line(i*sizeX+.5, .5, i*sizeX+.5, screenH+.5, color,0); 73 } 74 75 for (int i(0); i<(screenH/sizeY)+1; i++) 76 { 77 al_draw_line(.5, i*sizeY+.5, screenW+.5, i*sizeY+.5, color,0); 78 } 79} 80 81ALLEGRO_SHADER* create_shader(const char* fileNameVert, const char* fileNameFrag ) 82{ 83 ALLEGRO_SHADER* shader = al_create_shader(ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL); 84// if(!al_attach_shader_source(shader, 85// ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER, 86// al_get_default_shader_source(ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL, ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER))) 87 if(!al_attach_shader_source_file(shader, ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER, fileNameVert)) 88 { 89 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 90 return NULL; 91 } 92 if(!al_attach_shader_source_file(shader, ALLEGRO_PIXEL_SHADER, fileNameFrag)) 93 { 94 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 95 return NULL; 96 } 97 if(!al_build_shader(shader)) 98 { 99 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 100 return NULL; 101 } 102 std::cout << " >>> "<< al_get_shader_log(shader) << " \n"; 103 104 return shader; 105} 106 107// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 108// ---- INIT --- 109// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 110int init() 111{ 112// Init Allegro 5 113 if (!al_init()) 114 return log(1,"Unable to Init ALLEGRO_5 ! \n"); 115 116// Init & Install : Modules & Addon 117 if (!al_install_keyboard()) 118 return log(1,"Unable to Install Keyboard ! \n"); 119 120 if (!al_install_mouse()) 121 return log(1,"Unable to Install Keyboard ! \n"); 122 123 if (!al_init_image_addon()) 124 return log(1,"Unable to Init Image addon ! \n"); 125 126 if (!al_init_primitives_addon()) 127 return log(1,"Unable to Init Primitives addon ! \n"); 128 129// Settings 130 al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); 131 al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_OPENGL); 132 //al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_PROGRAMMABLE_PIPELINE | ALLEGRO_OPENGL); 133 134 setFramerate(60); 135 136// Create All 137 windowDisplay = al_create_display(screenW*zoom, screenH*zoom); 138 if (!windowDisplay) 139 return log(1,"Unable to Create display ! \n"); 140 141 windowBuffer = al_create_bitmap(screenW, screenH); 142 if (!windowDisplay) 143 return log(1,"Unable to Create Buffer ! \n"); 144 145 al_show_mouse_cursor(windowDisplay); 146 147 myImage = al_load_bitmap(myImageFileName); 148 149 150 myShader = create_shader(myShaderVertFileName,myShaderFragFileName); 151 152 if(!myShader) 153 return log(1," Error in create myShader !\n"); 154 155 return log(0,"--- init OK !\n"); 156} 157// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 158// --- DONE --- 159// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 160int done() 161{ 162// Destroy All 163 al_destroy_bitmap(myImage); 164 al_destroy_event_queue(eventQueue); 165 al_destroy_timer(framerateTimer); 166 al_destroy_shader(myShader); 167 al_destroy_bitmap(windowBuffer); 168 al_destroy_display(windowDisplay); 169 170 return log(0,"--- done OK !\n"); 171} 172// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 173// --- RUN --- 174// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 175int run() 176{ 177 178 bool quit(false); 179 180 float centerX(0); 181 float centerY(0); 182 float radius(0); 183 float maxRadius(200); 184 float speed(0); 185 186 while (!quit) 187 { 188 // --- Update --- 189 190 ALLEGRO_EVENT event; 191 al_wait_for_event(eventQueue, &event); 192 193 // Keyboard Input ! 194 al_get_keyboard_state(&keyState); 195 if (al_key_down(&keyState, ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)) 196 quit = true; 197 198 // Mouse Input ! 199 al_get_mouse_state(&mouseState); 200 al_get_window_position (windowDisplay, &xWindow, &yWindow); 201 al_get_mouse_cursor_position(&mouseXi, &mouseYi); 202 mouseXf = (float(mouseXi-xWindow)-2)/zoom; 203 mouseYf = (float(mouseYi-yWindow)-24)/zoom; 204 205 if (mouseState.buttons & 1) 206 { 207 centerX = mouseXf; 208 centerY = mouseYf; 209 radius = 0; 210 speed = 4; 211 } 212 213 // ShockWave Update ! 214 radius += speed; 215 if (radius > maxRadius) 216 { 217 radius = 0; 218 speed = 0; 219 } 220 221 // --- Render --- 222 223 // clear windowbuffer ! 224 al_set_target_bitmap(windowBuffer); 225 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,25,40)); 226 227 // Begin drawing ! 228 229 // Use shader here before blit buffer to display !! 230 al_use_shader(myShader); 231 al_set_shader_sampler("texture", myImage, 0); 232 233 float center[2] = { centerX, centerY }; 234 float shockParams[3] = {10.0, 0.8, 0.1}; 235 236 al_set_shader_float("time", radius); 237 al_set_shader_float_vector("center", 2, &center[0], 1); 238 al_set_shader_float_vector("shockParams", 3, &shockParams[0], 1); 239 240 al_draw_bitmap(myImage, 0,0,0); 241 242 al_use_shader(NULL); 243 244 drawGrid(screenW, screenH,32,32,al_map_rgba(0,45,80,50)); 245 al_draw_rectangle(0.5, 0.5, 246 screenW-.5, screenH-.5, 247 al_map_rgb(250,120,180),0); 248 249 al_draw_line(0, mouseYf, screenW, mouseYf, al_map_rgba(10,100,155,50), 0); 250 al_draw_line(mouseXf, 0, mouseXf, screenH, al_map_rgba(10,100,155,50), 0); 251 252 al_draw_circle(centerX, centerY, radius, al_map_rgba(250,200,210,50),0); 253 254 255 /// End drawing ! 256 257 // Blit buffer to display ! 258 al_set_target_backbuffer(windowDisplay); 259 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); 260 261 262 al_draw_scaled_bitmap(windowBuffer, 263 0, 0, screenW, screenH, 264 0, 0, screenW*zoom, screenH*zoom, 265 0), 266 267 268 // Flip display ! 269 al_flip_display(); 270 271 272 } 273 274 return log(0,"--- run OK !\n"); 275} 276// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 277// --- MAIN --- 278// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 279int main() 280{ 281 if (init()) 282 return log(1, "Error in init() \n"); 283 if (run()) 284 return log(1, "Error in run() \n"); 285 if (done()) 286 return log(1, "Error in done() \n"); 287 288 return log(0,"--- Terminated normally ! \n");; 289}

Cookies and kudos to anyone who can help me figure this out.

Changing the following code makes it expand and contract but the warping effect is not there.

        // ShockWave Update !
        radius += speed;
        if (radius > maxRadius)
            speed = -speed;
        if (radius < 0) {
           radius = 0;
            speed = 0;

The thread I'm referring to is here :

The effect looks like this (it's much better in action) :
Here's what it looks like without the effect :

It's a spherical distortion of some sort. Here's the vertex shader SilverTES used. (You can download them above) :

1#ifdef GL_ES 2precision mediump float; 3#endif 4 5uniform sampler2D tex; // 0 6uniform vec2 center; // Mouse position 7uniform float time; // effect elapsed time 8uniform vec3 shockParams; // 10.0, 0.8, 0.1 9 10uniform vec2 surface; // texture resolution 11 12void main() 13{ 14 vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].xy; 15 vec2 texCoord = uv; 16 17 //float square = min(surface.x,surface.y); 18 //vec2 position = vec2(center.x/square, center.y/square); 19 20 vec2 position = center/surface; 21 float dist = distance(uv, position); 22 23 //float dist = distance(vec2(uv.x,uv.y), vec2(position.x,position.y)); 24 25 if ((dist <= (time + shockParams.z)) && (dist >= (time - shockParams.z)) ) 26 { 27 float diff = (dist - time); 28 float powDiff = 1.0 - pow(abs(diff*shockParams.x), shockParams.y); 29 float diffTime = diff * powDiff; 30 vec2 diffUV = normalize(uv - position); 31 texCoord = uv + (diffUV * diffTime); 32 } 33 34 gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, texCoord); 35}

I'm getting closer. I've managed to get a distortion bubble.

Here's the new code - I redid most of it.

1// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2// --- Includes --- 3// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5#include <iostream> 6#include <allegro5/allegro.h> 7#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h> 8#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 9#include <allegro5/allegro_opengl.h> 10 11#include <cmath> 12 13// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14// --- Global variables --- 15// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 17ALLEGRO_DISPLAY * d(NULL); 18ALLEGRO_BITMAP * windowBuffer(NULL); 19 20ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* q(NULL); 21ALLEGRO_TIMER * t(NULL); 22 23 24ALLEGRO_SHADER * myShader(NULL); 25const char * myShaderVertFileName("myShaderVert.glsl"); 26const char * myShaderFragFileName("myShaderFrag.glsl"); 27 28ALLEGRO_BITMAP * myImage(NULL); 29const char * myImageFileName("bg0.png"); 30// Window setting 31int screenW(800); 32int screenH(600); 33 34// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 35// --- Global Methods --- 36// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 38template <class M> 39int log (int error, M msg) 40{ 41 std::cout << msg; 42 43 return error; 44} 45 46void drawGrid(int screenW, int screenH, 47 int sizeX, int sizeY, 48 ALLEGRO_COLOR color) 49{ 50 for (int i(0); i<(screenW/sizeX); i++) 51 { 52 al_draw_line(i*sizeX+.5, .5, i*sizeX+.5, screenH+.5, color,0); 53 } 54 55 for (int i(0); i<(screenH/sizeY)+1; i++) 56 { 57 al_draw_line(.5, i*sizeY+.5, screenW+.5, i*sizeY+.5, color,0); 58 } 59} 60 61ALLEGRO_SHADER* create_shader(const char* fileNameVert, const char* fileNameFrag ) 62{ 63 ALLEGRO_SHADER* shader = al_create_shader(ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL); 64// if(!al_attach_shader_source(shader, 65// ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER, 66// al_get_default_shader_source(ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL, ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER))) 67 if(!al_attach_shader_source_file(shader, ALLEGRO_VERTEX_SHADER, fileNameVert)) 68 { 69 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 70 return NULL; 71 } 72 if(!al_attach_shader_source_file(shader, ALLEGRO_PIXEL_SHADER, fileNameFrag)) 73 { 74 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 75 return NULL; 76 } 77 if(!al_build_shader(shader)) 78 { 79 printf("%s\n", al_get_shader_log(shader)); 80 return NULL; 81 } 82 std::cout << " >>> "<< al_get_shader_log(shader) << " \n"; 83 84 return shader; 85} 86 87// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 88// ---- INIT --- 89// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90int init() 91{ 92// Init Allegro 5 93 if (!al_init()) 94 return log(1,"Unable to Init ALLEGRO_5 ! \n"); 95 96// Init & Install : Modules & Addon 97 if (!al_install_keyboard()) 98 return log(1,"Unable to Install Keyboard ! \n"); 99 100 if (!al_install_mouse()) 101 return log(1,"Unable to Install Keyboard ! \n"); 102 103 if (!al_init_image_addon()) 104 return log(1,"Unable to Init Image addon ! \n"); 105 106 if (!al_init_primitives_addon()) 107 return log(1,"Unable to Init Primitives addon ! \n"); 108 109// Settings 110/// al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_PROGRAMMABLE_PIPELINE | ALLEGRO_OPENGL | ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); 111 al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_OPENGL | ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); 112 113// Create All 114 d = al_create_display(screenW, screenH); 115 if (!d) 116 return log(1,"Unable to Create display ! \n"); 117 118 windowBuffer = al_create_bitmap(screenW, screenH); 119 myImage = al_create_bitmap(screenW, screenH); 120 if (!windowBuffer) 121 return log(1,"Unable to Create Buffer ! \n"); 122 123 q = al_create_event_queue(); 124 t = al_create_timer(1.0/60.0); 125 126 al_register_event_source(q , al_get_display_event_source(d)); 127 al_register_event_source(q , al_get_mouse_event_source()); 128 al_register_event_source(q , al_get_timer_event_source(t)); 129 al_register_event_source(q , al_get_keyboard_event_source()); 130 131 al_show_mouse_cursor(d); 132 133 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* image = al_load_bitmap(myImageFileName); 134 al_set_target_bitmap(myImage); 135 al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD , ALLEGRO_ONE , ALLEGRO_ZERO); 136 al_draw_scaled_bitmap(image , 0 , 0 , al_get_bitmap_width(image) , al_get_bitmap_height(image) , 0 , 0 , screenW , screenH , 0); 137 al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD , ALLEGRO_ONE , ALLEGRO_INVERSE_ALPHA); 138 al_destroy_bitmap(image); 139 140 myShader = create_shader(myShaderVertFileName,myShaderFragFileName); 141 142 if(!myShader) 143 return log(1," Error in create myShader !\n"); 144 145 return log(0,"--- init OK !\n"); 146} 147// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 148// --- DONE --- 149// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 150int done() 151{ 152 al_uninstall_system(); 153 154 return log(0,"--- done OK !\n"); 155} 156// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 157// --- RUN --- 158// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 159int run() 160{ 161 162 bool quit = false; 163 bool redraw = true; 164 165 float radius(0); 166 float maxRadius(300); 167 float speed(0); 168 float dt = 0.0f; 169 170 int mx = 0 , my = 0; 171 172 bool warp = false; 173 174 al_start_timer(t); 175 176 while (!quit) 177 { 178 // --- Update --- 179 180 ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; 181 al_wait_for_event(q, &ev); 182 183 // Keyboard Input ! 184 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN && ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE) { 185 quit = true; 186 } 187 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) { 188 quit = true; 189 } 190 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES) { 191 mx = ev.mouse.x; 192 my = ev.mouse.y; 193 } 194 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN && ev.mouse.button & 1) { 195 // Mouse Input ! 196 warp = true; 197 radius = 0; 198 speed = 5; 199 } 200 201 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) { 202 redraw = true; 203 // ShockWave Update ! 204 radius += speed; 205 if (radius > maxRadius) 206 { 207 speed = -speed; 208 } 209 if (radius < 0) { 210 radius = 0; 211 speed = 0; 212 warp = false; 213 } 214 215 dt = 2.0*M_PI*(radius/maxRadius); 216 } 217 218 if (redraw) { 219 redraw = false; 220 // --- Render --- 221 222 // clear windowbuffer ! 223 al_set_target_bitmap(windowBuffer); 224 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,255)); 225 226 // Begin drawing ! 227 228 // Use shader here before blit buffer to display !! 229 al_use_shader(myShader); 230 al_set_shader_sampler("tex", myImage, 0); 231 232 int tw = 0; 233 int th = 0; 234 al_get_opengl_texture_size(myImage , &tw , &th); 235 236 float dim[2] = {(float)al_get_bitmap_width(myImage) , (float)al_get_bitmap_height(myImage)}; 237 238 float ms[2] = {(float)mx,(float)(screenH - my)}; 239 240 float r = radius; 241 242 al_set_shader_bool("warp" , warp); 243 al_set_shader_float("radius", r); 244 al_set_shader_float("dt", dt); 245 al_set_shader_float_vector("mouse" , 2 , &ms[0] , 1); 246 al_set_shader_float_vector("dim", 2, &dim[0], 1); 247 248 al_draw_bitmap(myImage, 0,0,0); 249 250 al_use_shader(NULL); 251 252 drawGrid(screenW, screenH,32,32,al_map_rgba(0,45,80,50)); 253 al_draw_rectangle(0.5, 0.5, 254 screenW-.5, screenH-.5, 255 al_map_rgb(250,120,180),0); 256 257 258 259 /// End drawing ! 260 261 // Blit buffer to display ! 262 al_set_target_backbuffer(d); 263 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); 264 265 266 al_draw_bitmap(windowBuffer , 0 , 0 , 0); 267 268 // Flip display ! 269 al_flip_display(); 270 } 271 272 273 } 274 275 return log(0,"--- run OK !\n"); 276} 277// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 278// --- MAIN --- 279// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 280int main() 281{ 282 if (init()) 283 return log(1, "Error in init() \n"); 284 if (run()) 285 return log(1, "Error in run() \n"); 286 if (done()) 287 return log(1, "Error in done() \n"); 288 289 return log(0,"--- Terminated normally ! \n");; 290}

And here's the vertex shader :

1#version 110 2 3 4 5uniform sampler2D tex; // 0 6uniform float dt; 7uniform vec2 mouse; // Mouse position 8uniform vec2 dim; 9uniform float radius; 10uniform bool warp; 11 12void main() 13{ 14 vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].xy; 15 if (warp) { 16 /// gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex , uv); 17 18 vec2 uvP = vec2(uv.x*dim.x , uv.y*dim.y); 19 20 vec2 dist = mouse - uvP; 21 float theta = atan(dist.y , dist.x); 22 /// dist += (dist / (1.0 + (1.0 + cos(dist*dt/300.0))/2.0)); 23 float d = distance(dist , vec2(0.0,0.0)); 24 25 if ((d < (radius + 50.0)) && (d > (radius - 50.0))) { 26 float diff = d - radius; 27 diff = sin((diff + 50.0)*3.14159265*2.0/100.0); 28 dist /= diff; 29 uv = uv + vec2(dist.x/dim.x , dist.y/dim.y); 30 } 31 32 33 /// dist /= (1.0 + (1.0 + cos(dist*dt/300.0))/2.0); 34 } 35 gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex , uv); 36// dist = dist*(1.0f + .25*sin(dt)); 37// float theta = atan(mouse.y - uv.y , mouse.x - uv.x); 38// uv = uv + dist*vec2(cos(theta) , sin(theta)); 39} 40 41 42/** 43void main() 44{ 45 vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].xy; 46 47 vec2 texPixel = vec2(uv.x*dim.x , uv.y*dim.y); 48 49 vec2 position = center/surface; 50 51 position = vec2(position.x*dim.x , position.y*dim.y); 52 53 float dist = distance(texPixel, position); 54 55 vec2 diff = position - texPixel; 56 float theta = atan(diff.y , diff.x); 57 58 texPixel = uv + vec2(dist*cos(theta) , dist*sin(theta)); 59 texPixel = vec2(texPixel.x/dim.x , texPixel.y/dim.y); 60 if ((dist <= (radius + shockParams.z)) && (dist >= (radius - shockParams.z)) ) 61 { 62 float diff = (dist - radius); 63 float powDiff = 1.0 - pow(abs(diff*shockParams.x), shockParams.y); 64 float diffTime = diff * powDiff; 65 vec2 diffUV = normalize(uv - position); 66 texCoord = uv + (diffUV * diffTime); 67 } 68 gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, texPixel); 69} 70 71//*/

This looks almost like the same effect!!!

Download a zip of the source and image and executables here !

Rodolfo Lam

This might be a very good example on the usage of the shaders and the programable pipeline in allegro. Nice job!

Thread #617493. Printed from