Distortion playing this ogg file
roger levy

Can anyone confirm crazy distortion playing this ogg file with Allegro? (streaming or play_sample)


EDIT: Actually I seem to be having this distortion problem with all ogg files. I have already tested WAV, IT, and XM files and those play fine.

Chris Katko

What operating system? What version of Allegro?

Do the Allegro examples have the same problem?

roger levy

5.2.4 linux


Works fine here (Linux, ogg 1.3.2-1, vorbis 1.3.5-3ubuntu0.2). I'd have guessed it was the audio driver, but that doesn't explain wav etc being fine.

roger levy

SiegeLord how do I query the ogg and vorbis versions on my system?

EDIT: I should mention that I'm using the 32-bit Allegro packages available through apt-get

EDIT 2: Confirmed ogg files play fine in the ex_stream_file example.

Chris Katko

EDIT 2: Confirmed ogg files play fine in the ex_stream_file example.

That's a good clue. Post some code you're using in yours.

roger levy

From what I can tell I am doing exactly the same thing as the example ... at first I was not creating my own mixer, so to try and fix it I added that, but it didn't make a difference.

BTW I just tested on Windows with 5.2.3 (doubt the version matters) and it works fine.

0 value mixer
0 value voice

: -audio
    mixer -exit
    mixer al_destroy_mixer
    voice al_destroy_voice

: +audio
    mixer ?exit
    #44100 ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_INT16 ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2 al_create_voice to voice
    #44100 ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32 ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2 al_create_mixer to mixer
    mixer voice al_attach_mixer_to_voice 0= abort" Couldn't initialize audio"
    mixer al_set_default_mixer
    mixer #1 al_set_mixer_playing drop

: initaudio
    0 to mixer  0 to voice
    al_init_acodec_addon not if  " Allegro: Couldn't initialize audio codec addon." alert -1 abort  then
    al_install_audio not if  " Allegro: Couldn't initialize audio." alert -1 abort  then
    #32 al_reserve_samples not if  " Allegro: Error reserving samples." alert -1 abort  then

assetdef sample
    sample int svar sample.smp
    sample int svar sample.loop

: reload-sample  ( sample -- )
    >r  r@ srcfile count  zstring al_load_sample  r> sample.smp ! ;

: init-sample  ( looping adr c sample -- )
    >r  ['] reload-sample r@ !  findfile r@ srcfile place
    r@ reload  r@ sample.loop !  r> register ;

: sample:  ( loopmode adr c -- <name> )
    create sample sizeof buffer init-sample ;

: >smp  sample.smp @ ;

variable sid
: play  ( sample -- ) dup >r  >smp 1e 0e 1e  r>  sid  al_play_sample ;

ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_LOOP  constant looping

variable strm
: stream ( adr c loopmode -- )
    zstring   #3 #2048  al_load_audio_stream strm !
    strm @ r> al_set_audio_stream_playmode drop
    strm @ mixer al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer drop ;


\ test code follows

include ramen/dev
$10000 include ramen/lib/audio1
s" ramen/test/data/asdf.ogg" looping stream

Here are the commands I use to install the 32-bit binaries.

sudo apt-get install liballegro5.2:i386 \
liballegro-acodec5.2:i386 \
liballegro-audio5.2:i386 \
liballegro-dialog5.2:i386 \
liballegro-image5.2:i386 \
liballegro-physfs5.2:i386 \
liballegro-ttf5.2:i386 \

Chris Katko

Syntax highlighting!


roger levy

Oh, cool. How?

Chris Katko

Oh, I just dumped it here:


roger levy

Heh. It's listed under "Rare". I'm just like rub it in why don't you! XD

No ideas on this?


As an aside, this language is very foreign to me. I have no idea what it is even is. Memory says maybe Forth, but I have no idea if that's even correct because I know next to nothing about Forth. When you post code, you can give a filename by using <code name="foo.fs">teh codes</code>. That will at least give us a hint about what you're posting so that we can attempt to interpret it. I imagine the "unique" language choice interferes with people's ability to help you, particular if it is in fact a stack-based language as I believe Forth is since that requires some thought processes normally not required in other languages. In that case, you may wish to do a Forth <-> C conversion before posting code, albeit, you could introduce errors that way so it's a gamble either way... May depend on how severe the issue is for you.

roger levy

It is indeed Forth! Read it from left to right. Calls go AFTER the parameters, which are pushed onto an implicit stack. >R R@ and R> are commands for using another stack for quick stashing. Code can be compiled or immediately interpreted. I use Forth because I hate variables and types! ;) (Not really)

I used to go through the trouble to convert to psuedocode but you are right it introduces another variable and Forth has gotten a bit of a boost in visibility lately, so I figured most people at least recognize it. ForthStar on Github stars like 20 new projects a day!

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