Problems with linking

I'm using a Makefile to compile a test program, but my compiler can't finish linking. Here's my cmd output:

1C:\Users\HASWELL\bleh\Allegro\projects\maketest>mingw32-make 2gcc -o main main.o -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L../../lib/ -lallegro-5.0.1 30-monolith-static-mt -lvorbisfile-1.3.2-static-mt -lvorbis-1.3.2-static-mt -ldum 4b-0.9.3-static-mt -lFLAC-1.2.1-static-mt -lfreetype-2.4.8-static-mt -logg-1.2.1- 5static-mt -lzlib-1.2.5-static-mt -lopenal-1.14-static-mt -lgdiplus -luuid -lkern 6el32 -lwinmm -lpsapi -lopengl32 -lglu32 -luser32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -lshell32 -l 7ole32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -lshlwapi 8../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 9play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x948): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_acquire' 10../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 11play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x968): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_release' 12../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 13play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x979): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_acquire' 14../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 15play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x99f): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_release' 16../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 17play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x9d7): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_abort' 18../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 19play_formats.cpp:(.text+0x9ed): undefined reference to `___cxa_guard_abort' 20../../lib//liballegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt.a(d3d_display_formats.o):d3d_dis 21play_formats.cpp:(.eh_frame+0x63): undefined reference to `___gxx_personality_v0 22' 23collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status 24mingw32-make: *** [main] Error 1

And my Makefile:

1EXENAME := main 2LIBDIR := ../../lib/ 3INCLUDEDIR := ../../include/ 4 5LIBS := \ 6-lallegro-5.0.10-monolith-static-mt \ 7-lvorbisfile-1.3.2-static-mt \ 8-lvorbis-1.3.2-static-mt \ 9-ldumb-0.9.3-static-mt \ 10-lFLAC-1.2.1-static-mt \ 11-lfreetype-2.4.8-static-mt \ 12-logg-1.2.1-static-mt \ 13-lzlib-1.2.5-static-mt \ 14-lopenal-1.14-static-mt \ 15-lgdiplus \ 16-luuid \ 17-lkernel32 \ 18-lwinmm \ 19-lpsapi \ 20-lopengl32 \ 21-lglu32 \ 22-luser32 \ 23-lcomdlg32 \ 24-lgdi32 \ 25-lshell32 \ 26-lole32 \ 27-ladvapi32 \ 28-lws2_32 \ 29-lshlwapi 30 31main : main.o 32 gcc -o $(EXENAME) main.o -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L$(LIBDIR) $(LIBS) 33 34main.o : main.c 35 gcc -c -DALLEGRO_STATICLINK -g -I$(INCLUDEDIR) main.c

Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: It works fine when I use g++ instead of gcc for the last step.

Bruce Perry

I assume specifying a C++-related flag (-static-libstdc++) isn't a good move when your code is C. You could keep it as gcc and remove that flag and see if that helps? But then you should check which DLLs the exe depends on of course.


Allegro uses C++ internally on Windows, so you need to link the C++ stdlib, which is easiest accomplished by using g++.

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