Matthew Leverton

Has anybody noticed that USA is winning the Olympics? We're #1!

I'm most looking forward to the hopscotch & basket weaving relay. I hear Europe has a really good chance at getting bronze, but that Phelps and South Australia will likely be in the top 2.


We've missed you. :'(

Bob Keane
Bamccaig said:

We've missed you. :'(

I was beginning to think you joined Shawn Hargreaves. I'm waiting for the limbo and sex events. I heard Hermes Conrad is coming out of retirement. Am I the only one who thinks the Olympics will eventually be played on Xbox?


Shawn Hargreaves... what became of him...
He was the allegro captain of the DOS era...

By the way: the blue in green hockey fields hurt my eyes...
That is as ugly as it gets.....

Matthew Leverton

Looks like USA won again. 24 gold medals in basketball alone. :o


AFAIK, Shawn is working for Microsoft now, he has quite a hand there in graphics and game related programming. Great for him, but for us it is a great loss to the open source community. I guess he has a family to take care of, but if he had some time, I'd love him to contribute to Allegro 5 again. Only the windows parts would be enough...

To stay on topic: participating is more important than winning, they say, and the USA is a country with a large population. It would be interesting to see the medal count pro capita.

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