How to install Allegro 5.1 on Dev-C++ or Code::Blacks
Unknown Soldier

I would like to install Allegro 5.1


Assuming you use Windows:
Try it via msys2 and pacman, SiegeLord has put up some nice binaries. Basically, you should download and install msys2. Then, from the msys2 command prompt, follow the instructions for updating and initializing pacman that are on their webpage. Then install a compiler/toolchain via pacman, after that the Allegro 5.1 packages. You'll also want to install some dependencies so you can use the addons. Pacman should tell you these options when you install the A. 5.1 packages. After that, you only need to tell CodeBlocks / Dev-C++ that it should use the msys2 compiler.
I don't know whether you already have an compiler installed. My bet would be that the msys2 packages are more up-to-date anyway.

Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm in a hurry right now. But I'm sure someone else can elaborate.

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