Are these trolls or orcs?
Bob Keane

I got this picture from LinkedIn. As I remember them from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", they were orcs. The LinkedIn article lists them as trolls. Who is right?


Orcs? Looks like they're wearing goblin face masks or something though.

This was a troll:

Chris Katko

Depends entirely on your mythos.

This is an "elf" according to Harry Potter:


We've got Tolken/LOTR to thank for the more modern tall-slender versions:



Dnd has trolls and mountain trolls



Lord of the Rings only has the Cave Troll (IIRC):


Hobbit has similar trolls though they're not explicitly cave trolls IIRC.


Harry Potter trolls look something akin to a tall Shrek:


Come to think of it, Shrek is supposed to be a troll:


There's the complete opposite, more akin to a feral gnome, in the movie Troll:


And then there's Troll Hunters which would probably be called a mountain troll / giant troll:


But if I were to say anything, I would call those Goblin extras in a film.



The words goblin and orc have the exact same meaning with Tolkien (and a Hobgoblin just is a big orc). As for trolls the kinds he mentions are stone trolls, hill trolls, snow trolls, mountain trolls, cave trolls and some others :)

Gideon Weems

I want to say... about 60% goblin and 40% orc. Goblins are the most humanoid. Next are orcs, with trolls being the closest to pure beasts.

Edgar Reynaldo

Well if you've ever played any first or second edition d&d you would know that these are trolls :
Oh wait that last one is an avatar. Sorry about that.

and you have to kill them with fire or acid so they don't regenerate. They can even grow back their own head! :o

Chris Katko

If in WW2, GI's had to fight trolls, things would been pretty different. :o

Bob Keane

Come to think of it, Shrek is supposed to be a troll:

Shrek is an ogre.

Gideon Weems

Well if you've ever played any first or second edition d&d you would know that these are trolls

I had that book as a youngster and wish I'd taken better care of it.

Edgar Reynaldo

You just made Gary Gygax frown. >-: But I totally understand where you're coming from, that book is old, and fragile. But it's got a great collection of monsters inside it, like the beholder, greater demons, metallic dragons, otyughs, and more.

Gideon Weems

I cut out the succubus picture. :(

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