Lots of people here seem to like piano music
Chris Katko

So here's my favorite album with piano:

Nine Inch Nails - "Still"


I think it's Nine Inch Nails / Trent's best album. An acoustic remix album (With some new songs) that he composed in his spare time between heavy concerts.

I think it's rather beautiful it it's earnest feeling of being fragile.

Bruce Perry

Heh, I was enjoying it until the voice came in :)

Chris Katko

The songs:

Adrift and At Peace,
"Gone, Still",
The Persistence of Loss, and Leaving Hope have no lyrics!


I have to admit that when I first read Bruce's response I thought he was just being tough on them and that I'd feel differently, but as soon as the "vocals" started I felt the same way. I expected more. Of course, I'm not a NIN fan for no particular reason. I haven't really heard much from them. So I didn't know what to expect. I was not impressed. I have a feeling that heavy guitar and drums benefit the vocals. :)

Bruce Perry

No no, I just found it not to my taste. I was going to say that since it's an intimate, sentimental singing style that is really only appropriate for his lover, I'm sure it would appeal to women[1]. Then I thought about who started the thread and decided to keep my silly opinion to myself ;)


  1. Then again, we do have this ;)
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