EXC_BAD_ACCESS (XCode on Mac 10.10)

For some reason, my program crashes while trying to run the line
display = al_create_display(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
The program crashes and I get the debug error EXC_BAD_ACCESS on ALOpenGLView reshape. Any advice?

Edgar Reynaldo

Did you call al_init()? Show more code.



1 if(!al_init()) 2 abortGame("Could not initialize Allegro."); 3 if(!al_install_keyboard()) 4 abortGame("Could not install Keyboard."); 5 timer = al_create_timer(1.0/40); 6 if(!timer) 7 abortGame("Could not initialize Timer"); 8 al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); 9 display = al_create_display(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); 10 if(!display) 11 abortGame("Could not initialize Window");


Looks a lot like the Yosemite bug that was just fixed in Allegro GIT...

EDIT: This one http://sourceforge.net/p/alleg/allegro/ci/6a9549ebc95731813b002787cfd0dadb370cfcf5/


Yes, this looks like it. Thank you!


Someone should release 5.1.9 because 5.1.8 (and 5.0.10 I think for that matter) do not work on OSX 10.10, which is bad.


Yeah, that would be super useful. Anyway, I cloned the most recent git repository, installed allegro, and the issue went away. So that's nice at least.


Thomas was going to create Windows and OSX VMs so we could get automated builds (which would make releases more useful as they could come with binaries). Of course then he had to fall in love and decide to marry >:(

Thomas Fjellstrom
Elias said:

Of course then he had to fall in love and decide to marry >:(

I had planned to work on it while I was here in the Philippines, but I can't access that box. I think a firewall is enabled on it and ssh isn't "ALLOW"ed.

The build server is still a goal. And I'm hoping in a week or so, I'll have more time again. But as of right now, I've got a wedding to plan/prepare, and work to do.

Thread #614772. Printed from Allegro.cc