Undefined reference to al_init_ttf_addon

Hello all

I have installed allegro and code::blocks using this guide

Now i am trying to learn to use allegro using this tutorial

But in part 2.3 of the toturial the part about fonts and text i get this faliure when i try to compile.

obj\Debug\main.o||In function `main':|
C:\CodeBlocks\FirstGui\FirstGui\main.cpp|27|undefined reference to `al_init_ttf_addon'|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|

have i done something wrong doing installation and or is there something i can do to fix the problem?


Matthew Leverton

Link with the ttf addon.



Thanks for the answer.
I have tried to link to the folder in the search directories tap.
C:\CodeBlocks\MinGW\allegro\addons\ttf\ and
just to be sure i had the right path i linked both but i still have the problem.

Can it be something else or did i not link it correctly?

Matthew Leverton

You must link with files ending in .a for MinGW. See step 17 in the guide you posted. You need to do the same for the font and ttf .dll.a files.

If you build Allegro yourself, you may not have those files because you must have FreeType installed when you build Allegro. If you don't have those files, you can download prebuilt files. They are named slightly differently from the source version, but the same principles apply (include the header and link to the .a file).


Thanks for the help.

I was not able to make it work in windows. But i finaly got the time to set it up on my linux com and it works now :)

Thread #609639. Printed from Allegro.cc