Basic Turret Defense Game
Mark Oates


Original idea from this thread

OK, the tank idea was cool but it eventually turned into a a turret game. The tank moving/aiming controls didn't work so well in a single player, a little slow, so I turned the tanks into turrets and did a turret-defense type game.

The game is bare-bones. It's for testing the "robustness" of my little framework thing I'm working on. Technically, the game came together quickly! If I feel like it, I might add damage to the turrets, shields (shields are drawn but they serve no purpose), power-ups, etc.




Basic Turret Defense Game V1


  1. shoot with the left turret using mouse b1

  2. shoot with the right using mouse b2

  3. there can only be 4 bullets on the screen at a time.

  4. have fun watching in debug mode (F1) 8-)

  5. starts slow, speeds up for difficulty

  6. enemy bombs are positioned randomly, so you may experience an even distribution in one game only to have massive waves of bombs in another.

  7. no sound

  8. press ESC to quit, or use the close button in your window. (I recommend ESC, the close button can still get backed up from events)

  9. only one "level"

  10. if you lose, close and start again.

  11. on the top left is the number of enemies left


  1. How many tries does it take you to win?

  2. Do you experience any slow-downs or serious time stutters?

  3. Does it run? :P need dlls?


1. First attempt, with not even one that manged to get by my furious burst of fire.

2. None (2ghz laptop)
3. It does run, I would even say smooth.


So you expect me to boot into windows just to see your game?
NSND; No Source No Download.

Dario ff

1) I never winned. I tried twice. I suck at double coordination games. :(
2) Nope. Athlon X2 2.7 GHZ
3) Yes, pretty smoothly.

I like the idea of your framework(I red your other post). Maybe I'll start a fresh one after CH. It'd be so much cleaner than the mess I have actually :-/

Trent Gamblin

Slart: There's been a screenshot there since he started the thread ::)

Matthew Leverton

Is the sourcecode in the screenshot?

Trent Gamblin

Oh, the meaning of NSND changed? I didn't get the memo. ???


It changed for this topic at least.


It changed for the scope of my posts in this thread.

Dario ff

What's the Einstein image in the data folder used for? ;D


Holy shit, when did Allegro become bloated with 10+ dlls?

Anyway, I didn't win, only tried a few times though. Ran smoothly, ran fine. The bursts were weird, and the game was difficult at spots where you'd have a bunch of dots bunched together but can only shoot 4 bullets (also, the bullets slowing down near their destination seemed really weird at first).

Trent Gamblin

1) only tried once, was pretty hard with a trackpad (especially since it only has one button!)
2) Nice and smooth
3) Probably too many dlls :P

BAF said:

Holy shit, when did Allegro become bloated with 10+ dlls?

You haven't been paying attention to Allegro 5's development, have you?

Mark Oates

So you expect me to boot into windows just to see your game?

Either that or buy a copy if Windows if you don't have it. ;)


NSND; No Source No Download.

No download then. My source code is still top secret. :o:o Not to say that I don't support Linux, just not for this purpose. If I were to make a real game then I'd look into providing some kind of support for the other platforms.

Apart from the framework code, here's the code I wrote for the actual game:

1Object tank1; 2Object turret1; 3 4Object tank2; 5Object turret2; 6 7Object bullet1; 8Object bullet2; 9Object bullet3; 10Object bullet4; 11 12Object title_text; 13 14Object sheild1; 15Object sheild2; 16 17#define TURRET_ROTATION_SPEED 0.01f 18 19 20int tank_strength = 5; 21 22 23float sheild_max_scale = 1.2; 24float sheild_min_scale = 0.9; 25 26 27 28Object win_notification; 29Object win_notification_2; 30 31 32Object fail_notification; 33Object fail_notification_2; 34 35 36 37enum { GAME_STATE_PLAYING, GAME_STATE_WIN, GAME_STATE_FAIL }; 38int game_state = GAME_STATE_PLAYING; 39 40 41 42vector<Object *> enemies; 43 44 45 46void init_bullet_position(Object *bullet) 47{ 48 bullet->position(-300, -300); 49} 50 51 52void initialize() 53{ 54 tank1.set_image("data/images/tank.png"); 55 tank1.position(100, screen_h-160); 56 tank1.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 57 tank1.scale_x = 0.75; 58 tank1.scale_y = 0.75; 59 tank1.position_z = 2; 60 61 tank2.set_image("data/images/tank.png"); 62 tank2.position(screen_w-100, screen_h-160); 63 tank2.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 64 tank2.scale_x = 0.75; 65 tank2.scale_y = 0.75; 66 tank2.position_z = 2; 67 68 turret1.set_image("data/images/turret.png"); 69 turret1.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/2); 70 turret1.align(ALIGN_CENTER, 0.75); 71 turret1.position_z = 3; 72 73 turret2.set_image("data/images/turret.png"); 74 turret2.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/2); 75 turret2.align(ALIGN_CENTER, 0.75); 76 turret2.position_z = 3; 77 78 bullet1.set_image("data/images/bullet.png"); 79 bullet1.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 80 bullet1.opacity = 0.0; 81 init_bullet_position(&bullet1); 82 83 bullet2.set_image("data/images/bullet.png"); 84 bullet2.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 85 bullet2.opacity = 0.0; 86 init_bullet_position(&bullet2); 87 88 bullet3.set_image("data/images/bullet.png"); 89 bullet3.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 90 bullet3.opacity = 0.0; 91 init_bullet_position(&bullet3); 92 93 bullet4.set_image("data/images/bullet.png"); 94 bullet4.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 95 bullet4.opacity = 0.0; 96 init_bullet_position(&bullet4); 97 98 99 100 sheild1.set_image("data/images/sheild.png"); 101 sheild1._blending_mode = BLENDER_ADDITIVE; 102 sheild1.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 103 sheild1.opacity = 0.3; 104 sheild1.position_z = 4; 105 sheild1.scale_x = sheild_min_scale; 106 sheild1.scale_y = sheild_min_scale; 107 108 109 sheild2.set_image("data/images/sheild.png"); 110 sheild2._blending_mode = BLENDER_ADDITIVE; 111 sheild2.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 112 sheild2.opacity = 0.3; 113 sheild2.position_z = 4; 114 sheild2.scale_x = sheild_min_scale; 115 sheild2.scale_y = sheild_min_scale; 116 117 118 119 120 title_text.set_image(get_text_render("data/fonts/StencilStd.otf", -110, "TANK")); 121 title_text.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/2); 122 title_text.align(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); 123 title_text.hide(0); 124 125, ANIMATION_CURVE_DOUBLE_SLOW); 126 127 128 129 win_notification.set_image(get_text_render("data/fonts/StencilStd.otf", -200, "WIN")); 130 win_notification.align_center(); 131 win_notification.align_middle(); 132 win_notification.tint = al_color_name("green"); 133 win_notification.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/2); 134 win_notification.hide(0); 135 win_notification.bring_to_top(); 136 137 win_notification_2.set_image(get_text_render("data/fonts/StencilStd.otf", -40, "That's all for now folks!")); 138 win_notification_2.align_center(); 139 win_notification_2.align_middle(); 140 win_notification_2.tint = al_color_name("green"); 141 win_notification_2.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/3*2); 142 win_notification_2.hide(0); 143 win_notification_2.bring_to_top(); 144 145 146 147 fail_notification.set_image(get_text_render("data/fonts/StencilStd.otf", -200, "FAIL")); 148 fail_notification.align_center(); 149 fail_notification.align_middle(); 150 fail_notification.tint = al_color_name("red"); 151 fail_notification.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/2); 152 fail_notification.hide(0); 153 fail_notification.bring_to_top(); 154 155 fail_notification_2.set_image(get_text_render("data/fonts/StencilStd.otf", -40, "The ESC key is your only way out.")); 156 fail_notification_2.align_center(); 157 fail_notification_2.align_middle(); 158 fail_notification_2.tint = al_color_name("red"); 159 fail_notification_2.position(screen_w/2, screen_h/3*2); 160 fail_notification_2.hide(0); 161 fail_notification_2.bring_to_top(); 162 163 164 165 Object *obj; 166 int multiplier = 5; 167 for (int i=0; i<20*multiplier; i++) 168 { 169 enemies.push_back(new Object()); 170 obj = enemies[enemies.size()-1]; 171 obj->position_x = random_int(100, screen_w-100); 172 obj->position_y = random_int(-1500*multiplier, 0); 173 obj->set_image("data/images/enemy_bullet.png"); 174 obj->align_center(); 175 obj->align_middle(); 176 } 177} 178 179 180 181 182void win_game() 183{ 184 if (game_state != GAME_STATE_PLAYING) return; 185 game_state = GAME_STATE_WIN; 186; 187; 188} 189 190 191void lose_game() 192{ 193 if (game_state != GAME_STATE_PLAYING) return; 194 game_state = GAME_STATE_FAIL; 195; 196; 197} 198 199 200 201#define BULLET_VELOCITY 350.0 202 203void fire_bullet(Object &gun) 204{ 205 Object *obj = NULL; 206 if (!bullet1.visible()) obj = &bullet1; 207 else if (!bullet2.visible()) obj = &bullet2; 208 else if (!bullet3.visible()) obj = &bullet3; 209 else if (!bullet4.visible()) obj = &bullet4; 210 211 if (!obj) return; 212 213 obj->opacity.animate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2, ANIMATION_CURVE_DOUBLE_FAST); 214 obj->opacity.animate(1.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, ANIMATION_CURVE_SLOW); 215 obj->position(gun._position_x, gun._position_y); 216 obj->rotation = gun._rotation; 217 218 vec2d destination = PolarCoords(gun._rotation - ALLEGRO_PI/2, BULLET_VELOCITY); 219 220 obj->position_x.animate(gun._position_x, gun._position_x+destination.x, 0.0, 1.0, ANIMATION_CURVE_FAST); 221 obj->position_y.animate(gun._position_y, gun._position_y+destination.y, 0.0, 1.0, ANIMATION_CURVE_FAST); 222} 223 224 225 226 227void update_shield_animation(Object &sheild) 228{ 229 if (sheild._scale_x == sheild_max_scale) 230 { 231 sheild.scale_x.animate(sheild_max_scale, sheild_min_scale, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_SLOW_IN_OUT); 232 sheild.scale_y.animate(sheild_max_scale, sheild_min_scale, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_SLOW_IN_OUT); 233 } 234 else if (sheild._scale_x == sheild_min_scale) 235 { 236 sheild.scale_x.animate(sheild_min_scale, sheild_max_scale, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_SLOW_IN_OUT); 237 sheild.scale_y.animate(sheild_min_scale, sheild_max_scale, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_SLOW_IN_OUT); 238 } 239} 240 241 242 243 244float enemy_falling_speed = 1.0f; 245float enemy_falling_accel = 0.0005; 246 247 248 249void detonate_enemy(Object *obj) 250{ 251 obj->opacity.animate(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_FAST); 252 obj->tint.animate(al_color_name("white"), al_color_name("red"), 0.1, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_DOUBLE_FAST); 253 obj->scale_x.animate(1.001, 20.0, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_DOUBLE_FAST); 254 obj->scale_y.animate(1.001, 20.0, 0.0, 0.5, ANIMATION_CURVE_DOUBLE_FAST); 255} 256 257 258 259void detonate_bullet(Object *bullet) 260{ 261 bullet->opacity = 0.0; 262 init_bullet_position(bullet); 263 bullet->clear_animations(); 264} 265 266 267 268void update_enemy_positions() 269{ 270 Object *obj; 271 for (int i=0; i<(int)enemies.size(); i++) 272 { 273 obj = enemies<i>; 274 obj->position_y += enemy_falling_speed; 275 if (obj->_position_y > screen_h) 276 { 277 if (obj->_scale_x == 1.0) 278 { 279 detonate_enemy(obj); 280 tank_strength -= 1; 281 if (tank_strength <= 0) { tank_strength = 0; lose_game(); } 282 } 283 } 284 } 285} 286 287 288 289 290void test_bullet_collision(Object *obj, Object *bullet) 291{ 292 if (!obj->visible_on_screen()) return; 293 if (obj->_opacity == 1.0 && bullet->_opacity != 0.0 && collides(*obj, *bullet)) 294 { 295 detonate_enemy(obj); 296 detonate_bullet(bullet); 297 } 298} 299 300 301int num_active; 302 303int test_win_condition() 304{ 305 int num_visible = (int)enemies.size(); 306 for (int i=0; i<(int)enemies.size(); i++) 307 { 308 if (!enemies<i>->visible()) num_visible--; 309 } 310 if (num_visible == 0) win_game(); 311 return num_visible; 312} 313 314 315 316void test_bullet_enemy_collisions() 317{ 318 Object *obj; 319 for (int i=0; i<(int)enemies.size(); i++) 320 { 321 obj = enemies<i>; 322 323 test_bullet_collision(obj, &bullet1); 324 test_bullet_collision(obj, &bullet2); 325 test_bullet_collision(obj, &bullet3); 326 test_bullet_collision(obj, &bullet4); 327 } 328} 329 330 331 332#define TANK_VELOCITY 1.0 333 334void update_logic() 335{ 336 if (game_state == GAME_STATE_PLAYING) 337 { 338 update_enemy_positions(); 339 test_bullet_enemy_collisions(); 340 enemy_falling_speed += enemy_falling_accel; 341 } 342 343 vec2d mouse_pos = vec2d(mouse_x(), mouse_y()); 344 vec2d tank1_pos = vec2d(tank1._position_x, tank1._position_y); 345 vec2d tank2_pos = vec2d(tank2._position_x, tank2._position_y); 346 347 tank1._rotation = (mouse_pos-tank1_pos).GetAngle() + ALLEGRO_PI /2; 348 tank2._rotation = (mouse_pos-tank2_pos).GetAngle() + ALLEGRO_PI /2; 349 350 turret1.rotation = tank1._rotation; 351 turret1.position(tank1._position_x, tank1._position_y); 352 turret1.position(tank1._position_x, tank1._position_y); 353 sheild1.position(tank1._position_x, tank1._position_y); 354 355 turret2.rotation = tank2._rotation; 356 turret2.position(tank2._position_x, tank2._position_y); 357 turret2.position(tank2._position_x, tank2._position_y); 358 sheild2.position(tank2._position_x, tank2._position_y); 359 360 update_shield_animation(sheild1); 361 update_shield_animation(sheild2); 362 363 if (just_pressed(MOUSE_B1)) fire_bullet(tank1); 364 if (just_pressed(MOUSE_B2)) fire_bullet(tank2); 365 366 num_active = test_win_condition(); 367} 368 369 370 371void draw() 372{ 373 //draw("data/images/einstein.png", 50, 50); 374 375 object_manager.draw_all(); 376 377 font_manager.use_font("data/fonts/lacuna.ttf", -40); 378 print("Energy", 30, screen_h-100); 379 string energy_string = ""; 380 381 for (int i=0; i<tank_strength; i++) energy_string += "."; 382 383 font_manager.use_font("data/fonts/lacuna.ttf", -130); 384 print(energy_string, 30, screen_h-140); 385 386 387 //font_manager.destroy_text_render("data/fonts/lacuna.ttf", -130, tostring(num_active-1)); 388 font_manager.use_font("data/fonts/lacuna.ttf", -16); 389 print(tostring(num_active), 30, 30); 390 391 392 draw("data/images/crosshair.png", mouse_x(), mouse_y(), ALIGN_CENTER); 393 al_hide_mouse_cursor(); 394 395 draw("data/images/vignette2.png", 0, 0); 396} 397}


Anyway, I didn't win, only tried a few times though. Ran smoothly, ran fine. The bursts were weird, and the game was difficult at spots where you'd have a bunch of dots bunched together but can only shoot 4 bullets (also, the bullets slowing down near their destination seemed really weird at first).

I agree. Game balance is pretty much non-existent in this demo. If anyone can beat it, I don't believe them, unless they can post a screenshot of the win screen ;)


Probably too many dlls :P

Yea, I think half of them don't even get used. I wish I could dump them in a folder or something so the EXE is the only file in the root of the folder.

So from what I hear, no technical problems? Awesome! :D While making it, I noticed some slowdown when I went to about 80 enemies and 4 bullets on the screen. That's 320 separating-axis tests, so I limited the collisions tests to on-screen objects and it fixed it.


What's the Einstein image in the data folder used for? ;D

Ah, just forgot to take it out.


The more I play it, the more I grow to hate your bullet acceleration/deceleration. It throws me off shooting thingies that are further away.

Dario ff

I Won!

Mark Oates

Here you go Baf, an EXE with linear bullet trajectory.

Nice dario. I haven't even beat it, yet.

Matthew Leverton

Is the game for "Now Folks," or is it a direct address?

Mark Oates


Dario ff
Malinus said:

1. First attempt, with not even one that manged to get by my furious burst of fire.

I don't believe him. But how can he prove it? He could easily copy my screenshot. :'(


The game runs without any problem for me. I couldn't win the game though.



Sorry Oates, but your lack for OOP makes me want to cry :'(

Matthew Leverton


I won too!

Trent Gamblin

I beat it twice in a row!!



Mark Oates
blargmob said:

your lack for OOP makes me want to cry

You'll be OK. ;) All the OOP is under the hood in this example.

Matthew, your kerning is a mess. :-/

Hey everybody, try the version with linear bullet trajectories. It's easier. I find the trick is to aim with the cursor and shoot below the bullets.


The game is pretty easy once I realized that there is no penalty for shooting, so I just kept clicking as fast as I could.

Anyway the fonts are pretty smooth, nice job.


No download then. My source code is still top secret. :o:o Not to say that I don't support Linux, just not for this purpose. If I were to make a real game then I'd look into providing some kind of support for the other platforms.

Apart from the framework code, here's the code I wrote for the actual game:

So even when your framework will be complete you do not intend to release it? Do you plan on making money with it?
Anyway, looking at the code it seem like your framework is nice and interesting though I didn't see anything about image animations (your objects only changed in place/size/opacity but seem not to change their image), and while I can't really think of a better way (partly because I haven't given it any thought :P) it seems pretty likely that in the future you will end up extending your framework to support more animation types when the currently defined constant ones just won't do for some complex animation that you will need.

Mark Oates

you do not intend to release it?

Perhaps. I'd need to write a manual. :-/


Perhaps. I'd need to write a manual. :-/

Cool, that's your decision, I'm just curious.
If I ever wrote something worthwhile I'd probably release it publicly (unless of course I was paid for it under an agreement that does not allow me to release it), in the worst case scenario it would be poorly documented.
Partly for the bragging rights, partly to be helpful to other people.

Neil Black

1) I beat it on the first try, although I was down to one energy. But I got a really even distribution with no heavy waves, so it was kind of easy.

2) No big slowdowns, but like I said it was a very even distribution, so I didn't have more than eight or nine bombs on screen at any one time. Maybe an even dozen near the end.

3) It ran great on my computer, didn't complain about any dlls at all (and right now the only dll I know for sure is on my computer is the allegro 4.2 dll).

As for the game itself, it's well done in my opinion. The graphics were neat and the gameplay flowed smoothly. Add a little more variety and I might have to play again... and again and again.


Man that game was so easy I didn't even download it and I beat it.


:) Okay I'll probably try it.

The game takes awhile to init, and then I see some images, but it takes ~3-4 seconds to render each frame. Unplayable for me. Sounded fun though. Are you doing something with the large background each frame? Something takes a very long time for each frame.

Even after adding 2GB of RAM, it doesn't improve. I don't know what it is.
On a somewhat irrelevant note can someone tell me if 2 sticks of DDR1 RAM of equal size is redundant.

Mark Oates

Do you have a graphics card? It sounds like you don't have a graphics card. :P
Or need drivers?

The only thing I can think of that could be causing a major slowdown, more so for software rendering, would be the vignette image. It requires a full screen of blending.

try taking "vignette2.png" and "sheild.png" out of the images folder and run it again. Or, replace them with something small like a 1x1 pixel image.

Do you have any problems running other games?

Matthew Leverton

Do you force OpenGL upon the user?

Arthur Kalliokoski

Do you force OpenGL upon the user?

What? There are modern video chipsets with the most recent drivers use the default MS software OpenGL implementation?

Mark Oates

Do you force OpenGL upon the user?


Felix, what does your memory and processor usage look like when the program is running?

Matthew Leverton

Then he could try switching to OpenGL via the config file. Although it's unlikely that it runs better than D3D, which I think is default.


D3D is something I use for PSX emulating. It runs fine for me. OpenGL2 does not :( No graphics card, no pixel-shader.

I'll try the given advice though.

Also, I run other games just fine. Some Allegro games too. Except for the ones that need XNA Framework...haven't gotten that to work yet. My own programs run too, (4.2/4.4) But Allegro Programs use all my CPU. My "prettiest" program uses all my CPU, but barely any slow-down. This program uses a bunch of CPU too. I added 2GB of RAM and it didn't help any, I'm guessing the absence of a graphics card is a problem, but dang 4-5 seconds for each frame.

Edit: Enabling OpenGL pwns the program during initialization. No speed up for D3D.
Shrinking the images did nothing for speed, and neither did deleting them.
Does Allegro 5 have the Five Finger Salute option? I keep having to use Windows Task Manager to close the program. I guess the close button only checks once a loop, and well I don't get many loops.

I don't really know what happened. Maybe Allegro 5 hates me.


Felix, what does your memory and processor usage look like when the program is running?

Uh, I'll get to that screenshot, but I can say the CPU spikes on start-up.

EditEditEdit: Cool. I didn't know the quote tag works without a specified name.

Mark Oates

I guess the close button only checks once a loop, and well I don't get many loops.

The close button is handled as an event. Unless events are piling up somehow (which might be what's happening) it wouldn't be getting skipped.

Paul whoknows

Since I had some problems with your Haku game I decided to download this one and test it. Game refreshes at one frame per second at best, needles to say unplayable, are there some configurations available in order to increase game performance? My hardware is a P4 2400MHz, 1GB ram, FX5700le.

Matthew Leverton

He could try setting ALLEGRO_NO_PRESERVE_TEXTURE and provide an option to disable all fonts.


The close button is handled as an event. Unless events are piling up somehow (which might be what's happening) it wouldn't be getting skipped.

What sort of events? From the screenshots its a relatively simple game? Do you have any other Allegro 5 programs so I can see if my computer can't handle them?

Edit: Okay for real I'll get those specs. Also I forgot to say you spelled shield wrong in the files, and why is there a vignette2 and not a vignette1?

The mountain shapes are from just moving the windows around. The plateau looking thing is the program running. I guess my computer has a bad CPU.


That doesn't help solve the issue.


Your post doesn't help either. Perhaps your mom can help solve the issue.
All informalities aside, I was just addressing this post:

Felix, what does your memory and processor usage look like when the program is running?

Dario ff

Some information regarding this extreme slowdown on Paul and Felix. I tried myself in my game setting the ALLEGRO_MEMORY_BITMAP flag, and it worked like crap, pretty much how they say it works, 3 or 4 FPS, totally unplayable. My guess, A5 falling back to these memory bitmaps?

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