Why does my game look amaturistic?

Can i get a few design tips for my game cuz i think it looks really really amateuristic.


Are you kidding? You tell us you can't see what's looking bad on the screenshot? Font, colors, ... everything. Sorry for being harsh! :)


No problem man, but it's my first rpg. So i really dont know how to design 'em.So wich font do u reccomend and how do i load it in?


If you're going to use the same style of writing in your RPG as on these forums, no font in the world is going to make it look professional. :P

Kris Asick

Two things:

1. If you're not experienced with Allegro and you think your program looks "amateuristic", you seriously should not be making an RPG. It will take you years to finish. Several. Try making some smaller projects first to build up your skills, then go for something larger. If I had a dollar for every person I've heard on programming forums say they're going to make an RPG or MMORPG with little to no skill, only to fail after a month or less, I'd be filthy rich. :o

2. The other side of the coin: Almost every project will look like hackwork when it's begun. You make it look good after it works. Making it look good before it works might mean making huge changes later on that you could've dodged by avoiding making it look good too soon.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- http://www.pixelships.com

Mark Oates

If I had a dollar for every person I've heard on programming forums say they're going to make an RPG or MMORPG ... I'd be filthy rich.

If I had a dollar for every person who I've heard say that I'd be rich. :P


U think these colors are better?

Big improvement now do some thing about that fount and the outline around the menu

EDIT: lets see what the outline looks like on the new back ground but that Grey has got to go


I am making a RPG to get used to allegro, i am making a very simple 1 so at the end i have some experience on making games in allegro. A type of rpg liek this is very easy to make, and i wont release it cuz i'll just finish the programming work, i made it so that all the content is made outside the program When i start a new language or graphics library i make like 5 to 10 tests to get the hang of it, then i'll move on to games wich will be non-standard


Should i upload the program and the data so u can see the game by urself?
And about the font, do u know a good font that allegro can run easaly?


Should i upload the program and the data so u can see the game by urself?

you could just render more screen shots

i am also make and RPG



Here you go: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8854/rpg43vu6.png


Picollo, didn't you post a video on youtube of that game? I commented it about the text_drawing


here is some code for a better looking menu Rectangle

1// draw a rectangle
2// since we use it three times in the editor, it would be nice to have
3// a function for it.
4extern void drawRectangle(BITMAP *bmp,int x, int y, int w,int h,int color, int style, int bgcolor)
6 w--;
7 h--;
8 if (style==0)
9 {
10 vline(bmp,x,y,y+h,color);
11 vline(bmp,x+w,y,y+h,color);
12 hline(bmp,x,y,x+w,color);
13 hline(bmp,x,y+h,x+w,color);
14 }
15 if (style==1)
16 {
17 rectfill(bmp,x,y,x+w,y+h,bgcolor);
18 vline(bmp,x,y,y+h,color);
19 vline(bmp,x+w,y,y+h,color);
20 hline(bmp,x,y,x+w,color);
21 hline(bmp,x,y+h,x+w,color);
22 }
25 // this is for our dialog. This draws a box with rounded corners.
26 if (style==2)
27 {
28 arc(bmp,x+10,y+10,itofix(64),itofix(128),10,255);
29 arc(bmp,x+10,y+h-10,itofix(128),itofix(192),10,255);
30 arc(bmp,x+w-10,y+10,itofix(0),itofix(64),10,255);
31 arc(bmp,x+w-10,y+h-10,itofix(192),itofix(256),10,255);
34 hline(bmp,x+10,y,x+w-10,255);
35 hline(bmp,x+10,y+h,x+w-10,255);
36 vline(bmp,x,y+10,y+h-10,255);
37 vline(bmp,x+w,y+10,y+h-10,255);
39 floodfill(bmp,x+w/2,y+h/2,255);
41 arc(bmp,x+10,y+10,itofix(64),itofix(128),8,bgcolor);
42 arc(bmp,x+10,y+h-10,itofix(128),itofix(192),8,bgcolor);
43 arc(bmp,x+w-10,y+10,itofix(0),itofix(64),8,bgcolor);
44 arc(bmp,x+w-10,y+h-10,itofix(192),itofix(256),8,bgcolor);
47 hline(bmp,x+10,y+2,x+w-10,bgcolor);
48 hline(bmp,x+10,y+h-2,x+w-10,bgcolor);
49 vline(bmp,x+2,y+10,y+h-10,bgcolor);
50 vline(bmp,x+w-2,y+10,y+h-10,bgcolor);
52 floodfill(bmp,x+w/2,y+h/2,bgcolor);
53 }

Mark Oates



Picollo, didn't you post a video on youtube of that game? I commented it about the text_drawing

seems you did for some reason i did not get a email from youtube yet about your post. But that is an old video. i used text mode = -1.

the version of allegro i am using old and textprintf_ex is not support in it.

your font maybe fine i thing its the choose of colors


Believe me, the font is just bullshit for looking "professional".


well i would say change the colors first and take a look before changing the font.
here how you load font.

I wanted to edit that pic you load but i can find my photoshop 7.0 cd.

i want to move the quit button you don't put them any where at the top. put it at the right bottom corner.

Note it should not be named quite change the name to something like 'Done' or even 'close' . EXIT sound like it will shout down the whole game.

If those are all the stats give them a littl more room on the y-axes 15 should look good and make the menu small so your not showing all that blank space at the bottom.
When the show weapons button is click you can just resize the menu and display what you want then.

EDIT and dont for get to add the title to the menu 'Stats' at the top center

Paul whoknows

You need more than just a couple of horrible tiles to make a game look good.


Everything about what you're doing says "I'm using what I've been given to the lowest extent." You're using default fonts, boring windows with no detail, texturing, or edging, and your color selection also reeks of the standard 16 color EGA palette. If you want to look professional, you need to develop your own unique style and run with it. Come up with a unique yet readable font (unlike many indie RPGs that seem to intentionally pick the most overwrought font available regardless of readability), make use of the full range of colors when selecting things like menus, text, and sprites, and understand that endlessly repeating patterns and an abundance of perfectly straight angles are the hallmark of mediocre visual design. Break things up a bit.

Even a low color, low res game like Commander Keen IV looks suitably awesome because it was unique, stylish, and well designed.


I am making a RPG to get used to allegro, i am making a very simple 1 so at the end i have some experience on making games in allegro. A type of rpg liek this is very easy to make, and i wont release it cuz i'll just finish the programming work, i made it so that all the content is made outside the program When i start a new language or graphics library i make like 5 to 10 tests to get the hang of it, then i'll move on to games wich will be non-standard

If you want to make a game to get used to a library/language, an RPG is probably your worst possible choice--you've got all these design decisions to make and all these resources to create which have nothing to do with the library or language you're trying to get experience with.

If you like RPGs and eventually plan on making one, I think a good practice/familiarization project would be making a nice-looking Sokoban clone. As far as programming goes, it's got a lot in common with RPGs: tile-based graphics, collision detection, animation (assuming you have an animated character pushing the blocks around)... but it's also got the advantage of already having been designed for you. You don't have to worry about how to make the game fun, you just need to make it work. Which also means you can spend the time you saved in not designing the game on practicing your "making the game look good" skills.


Make the button an image file instead of allegro drawing routines (which I assume that is). Easier to make buttons look better when they are loaded images.

But as said, I wouldn't worry about the look right now. That is stuff that you can improve on later. Worry about the gameplay first.

Mark Oates

look at the source code to Monster. Also check out the depot for ideas on RPG games.


I want to second Mark Oates' text and thought bubbles: they look good (several colors, rounded corners, and transparent background. I like the one from kqlives as well; not as colorful, but similar features:



Whats bad about the quit button an the upper left corner, alot of games do that. It's called the escape menu. I have placed the stats in the inventory, from there you will have to press some buttons like weapons, or something else i might add to get to that menu.

How do i create a semi-transparent background then?
And after so many post, i will put this project in the freezer for a unkown time. Gonna make that game that someone suggested. And thx for all the posts.




ok, i finished the game mechanism for the sokoban clone, all i need to do now is get some sprites and add things like moves and and a menu...


Whats bad about the quit button an the upper left corner, alot of games do that.

An exit button shouldn't be something you can accidentally click. You might consider having a "system" menu that pops up when the user presses the ESC key, for example. From there the player could choose to modify control,video, or sound options as well as exit the game if they so desire. That's a tried and true GUI design standard that has served the industry well for over a decade.


but u have to press the escape button in this game to get the menu


Well... yeah. But it looks like it's lumped in with some genuinely useful stuff (like it's sitting below the 'inventory' button in that last screenshot) which makes it a little weird. I'd keep any sort of exit button off in it's own special menu that is reserved for system-level stuff outside the realm of actual gameplay.

hyperion said:

but u have to press the escape button in this game to get the menu

Since you still haven't gotten the hint, I'll say it as clear as I can: STOP WITH THE AOL SPEAK.


I have to agree with gnolam on that, it's creepy and it makes my eyes hurt. Not only mine.

As for the Quit button, you'd probably want to do something like this after you hit ESC:

- pause the game
- display a semi-transparent background (try fblend... it's really just two or three functions, so it's not that hard to learn :p)
- display a list of items/choices/options/whatever
- let the quit button sit at the very bottom
- if the user clicks on the quit button, ask for confirmation, as to avoid getting people frustrated over unsaved progress (for example if they wanted to click the options button/whatever and they accidentaly clicked quit instead... it does happen)

And yeah, uniform games aren't great, unless it's done intentionally and it's very well designed.

Thread #592803. Printed from Allegro.cc