Glyph Keeper is memory hungry
Matthew Leverton

I am writing an Allegro program to use during a presentation. I'm using Glyph Keeper because I want nice, huge fonts that people can actually read.

I looked at the task manager and noticed my program's memory usage was climbing steadily toward infinity. It still happened after reducing the main loop to this:

while (!key[KEY_ESC])
  textout_centre_ex(buffer, font1, "Project #1", SCREEN_W/2,0, makecol(255,255,255), -1);

font1 is created by:

face = gk_load_face_from_file("c:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf", 0);
rend = gk_create_renderer(face,0);
font1 = gk_create_allegro_font(rend);

When replacing font1 with the standard Allegro font, the problem goes away.

Is anyone else using the latest version (0.31) of Glyph Keeper and experiencing the same problem?


Thanks for report, Matthew! Can you post a complete program source that I can test? I am now working on version 0.32 so I am determined to fix it if it is a Glyph Keeper bug.

EDIT: OK, I can reproduce it! The fix should be ready soon. Thanks.

EDIT: Fixed now. I will upload the new version tomorrow.

EDIT: I uploaded Glyph Keeper 0.32 with the fix! I also added support for full scale memory debugging for both Glyph Keeper and FreeType. I will post announcement after I update documentation. :)

Matthew Leverton

I'll try it later. If you don't hear from me, assume it corrected my problem.

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