Textprint_ex and strings
Raf Vermeulen

Hey, I'm trying to print a string using textprint_ex, but whenever I get to the line of code that does that, the program crashes. The string itself shows fine in a console window when doing cout.

The line of code I use, is this:
textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 100, y, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1, "%s", test);

Anybody knows why it crashes, and how to fix it?


Let's see some more code.

Raf Vermeulen
1void load_highscores() {
2 int y = 50;
3 string line;
4 string test = "TEST";
5 ifstream file ("High.txt");
6 if (file.is_open()) {
7 while (!file.eof()){
8 getline (file,line);
9 cout << test << "\n";
10 textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 100, y, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1, "%s", test);
11 y += 20;
12 }
13 file.close();
14 }

When I comment out the textprintf_ex command, it all works smoothly, but with that command, it crashes.


That's because textprintf_ex wants a C-string, not a std::string. I'm surprised that even compiles.


It compiles because variadic functions don't typecheck "..." arguments.


Good to know.


instead of test use test.c_str()

Raf Vermeulen

That works like a charm, the .c_str():D Thanks for the help!


.c_str() returns a char array (C-style string) just like the string you used it on. Just felt the need to point that out. :)

Kitty Cat

It compiles because variadic functions don't typecheck "..." arguments.

It does if you add the printf attribute to the function. So either MSVC doesn't have a way to check it and he's using MSVC, or he has warnings off. :P

Raf Vermeulen

Warnings're turned on. Compiler's standard one in Dev-C++ (with the Allegro parameter).

Neil Black

Figuring out how to print strings got me so frustrated. I still have no idea where anyone could find out they had to add .c_str() to their string variable. I'm just glad someone on the forums knew.

Possumdude0 said:

I still have no idea where anyone could find out they had to add .c_str() to their string variable.

Google is your friend. Or your favorite porn search engine .

Neil Black

GullRaDriel: wow, you've answered almost every one of my posts today!


I still have no idea where anyone could find out they had to add .c_str() to their string variable.

From wherever you were supposed to have learned C++.

Neil Black

I learned C++ from gamedev.net, and a little right here.


Get a good free C++ book. I learnt about .c_str() from the one that should be on the first link, "thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel.


Possumdude0: It's because I got nothing else to do today.

I second HoHo and Gnolam thought.

Thread #589884. Printed from Allegro.cc