Problems compiling excustom.c
DIALOG the_dialog[] =
   /* (dialog proc)     (x)   (y)   (w)   (h)   (fg)  (bg)  (key) (flags)  (d1)                    (d2)  (dp)           (dp2) (dp3) */
   { d_clear_proc,      0,    0,    0,    0,    255,  0,    0,    0,       0,                      0,    NULL,          NULL, NULL  },
   { d_edit_proc,       32,   32,   256,  8,    255,  0,    0,    0,       sizeof(the_string)-1,   0,    the_string,    NULL, NULL  },
   { d_check_proc,      32,   64,   89,   13,   255,  0,    't',  0,       0,                      0,    "&Toggle Me",  NULL, NULL  },
   { clock_proc,        192,  64,   64,   64,   255,  0,    0,    0,       0,                      0,    NULL,          NULL, NULL  },
   { d_button_proc,     120,  160,  81,   17,   255,  0,    0,    D_EXIT,  0,                      0,    "Exit",        NULL, NULL  },
   { NULL,              0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,       0,                      0,    NULL,          NULL, NULL  }

I am trying to compile the excustom.c file provided by Allegro. But when I try to compile I always get the error message

initializer element is not a constant
(near initialization for 'the_dialog[0].proc')

and so on down the list for each one of the proc's and the NULL
I am compiling the code as C code.


what compiler are you using, and what parameters are you passing to it?


I am using Dev-C++

no params


Start a command prompt and navigate to the examples directory, then enter the following:

gcc excustom.c -o excustom.exe -lalleg


still says the same thing

initializer element is not a constant
(near initialization for 'the_dialog[0].proc')

all the way to the_dialog[5]

Hrvoje Ban

How is the_string defined?


char the_string[32] = "Change Me!";

is anyone else having problems compiling excustom.c?


is anyone else having problems compiling excustom.c?

It compiled perfectly from the command line for me, using the call to gcc that I gave in my previous post.

If there's still a problem, then it's either your gcc or allegro installation causing it. Did you install gcc (MinGW) directly, or get Dev-C++ to do it for you? Likewise for Allegro.


We've had this topic before. I did a search and voila. C++ requires casting in certain places that C does not.

Put a '(void *)' in front of the strings.

(void*)"&Toggle Me"

Or tell DevC++ to compile it as a C file.


I guess the following line (from the orignal post) wasn't true then:


I am compiling the code as C code.

Edit: I just read the thread you linked to. That's an entirely different error.


I am compiling the code in C.

Everything works fine except for the proc's (d_clear_proc, etc.)

Also, I guess Dev-C++ installed gcc for me. When I try to compile, i get errors from the d_xxxx_proc's

When I take them out, I dont get the error, it just doesnt work :)


I am compiling the code in C.

The command line call I told you to try will compile as C as well, which I should have taken into consideration in my previous post, but didn't.

The only other thing I can think of is manually installing MinGW and Allegro yourself instead of letting Dev-C++ do it, since that's the only difference between your setup and mine, and it works flawlessly for me. However, I'm sure that with the number of people that use Dev-C++, someone else would have come across this problem before if it's the cause.


well i have narrowed it down to the d_xxxx_proc calls


well i have narrowed it down to the d_xxxx_proc calls

Yes, but the same calls compile fine for me, so they're not the problem per se.


Just a check, what does 'gcc -v' say?


kazzmir: Just a check, what does 'gcc -v' say?

gcc version 3.2 (mingw special 20020817-1)


gcc version 3.2 (mingw special 20020817-1)

Yep, that's the version that gets installed by Dev-C++. The latest MinGW is gcc 3.4.2.


so i need gcc 3.4.2?


so i need gcc 3.4.2?

I don't know if that's the problem or not, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to update to a later version.


do you have the link by any chance? :)


The easiest way to get MinGW is to use the automated installer.


okay i now have gcc 3.4.2, maybe it is allegro. maybe i need to update

What version are you using to compile.. i have 4.0.0

I have downloaded 4.2.0, how do I set the MINGDIR environment variable under Windows XP? I'm looking at the documentation, but i can't seem to figure it out


From memory but.. Right click on "my computer" -> properties -> user profile or environment -> edit the PATH in the top box or add MINGDIR


Kazzmir was pretty close.

After right clicking and selecting "properties" on My Computer (or selecting "System" from the Control Panel), it goes: Advanced -> Environment Variables. I always just add the "d:\mingw\bin" (your location may vary) directory to the path myself and don't bother with setting a MINGDIR variable.


Thanks for all of your help! I think I have figured this buggy question out!! I don't think the version of my gcc was the problem (although i did upgrade).. I was running alleg40.dll and changed to alleg42.dll, and now the dialog programs compile no problem!!

Thanks again!


Glad to hear the matter is resolved. :)

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