I can't draw_sprite
Ricardo Santos

Hi there!

I've been trying to make a draw_lit_sprite effect, but i don't quite get how to work with truecolor images :-/

I don't even can draw a sprite.. when i use draw_sprite nothing happens but with a normal bit i can see the image. What's missing?


   BITMAP *test = load_bitmap("table.pcx", pal);
   BITMAP *buffer = create_bitmap(screen->w, screen->h);
   draw_sprite(test, buffer, 0, 0); // it works if i do a blit
   blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, buffer->w, buffer->h);


Someone needs to RTFM more closely. In particular, actually look at what each argument is.

Ricardo Santos

Oops, you're right. I was playing with blit and draw_sprite and forgot to switch the args. But still I can't get anything good.

The sprite looks like EGA and zoomed with scanlines. Is it colordepth problem? I tried to force colordepth to 8,16 and 32 and won't help anyway.

Todd Cope

Is it colordepth problem?

Sounds like it. Make sure you set the color depth before setting the graphics mode.


Probably, yes. Make sure the bitmap is of the same color depth as what you're actually running. Draw_sprite won't work well with mixed color depths.

Ricardo Santos

Oh i got it!

It was the set_color_conversion(COLORCONV_KEEP_TRANS);

Without conversion all goes well. Thanks


It was the set_color_conversion(COLORCONV_KEEP_TRANS);

Without conversion all goes well. Thanks

What colour depth is your program and what colour depth are your bitmaps?

James Stanley

Before calling set_gfx_mode, use set_color_depth(n), where n is an int that is the colour depth you require.


Before calling set_gfx_mode, use set_color_depth(n), where n is an int that is the colour depth you require.

Read before you post! It's already been established that the problem lay elsewhere.

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