Overlays not supported. Bah.

Yea, so I was bored and decided to remake the classic Slime Volleyball in C++ with Dragon Quest slime sprites. I go to make a unorthodox window size (i.e., 750x480, something I've never had trouble with before I switched to XP Pro) and it gives me the following whenever I run the prog:

Unable to initialize graphics module
Overlays not supported

What gives? Does anyone know whats wrong and how I can fix it/why I never had this problem before? Thanks


I'm not sure but I think screen resolutions must be mutliples of 4?

750/4 = something . 5


Hmm... I've never had that trouble before... lemme try... nope =(


Allegro should be falling back to GDI if it can't pick the overlay driver... Are you sure you use GFX_AUTODETECT[_WINDOWED]? Do you have a stray allegro.cfg lying around that might be confusing it?


Just tried 750x480 with GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED ... didn't work for me either! 760 works, but still ... is a weird thing; windowed screens should be able to go to any size, I thought ...


They must be multiples of 4 in width.


"Are you sure you use GFX_AUTODETECT[_WINDOWED]?"

Yes, but that didn't matter before. I could have it set to FULLSCREEN and it would automatically window it if it wasn't a standard resolution. Also, It worked before without multiples of four for some reason =/

"Do you have a stray allegro.cfg lying around that might be confusing it?"


So anyway, I've given up on getting it to work (I swear, it must be Windows XP).. and decided to do it in Flash like I was going to originally (it's a remake of a Java game, so might as well keep it playable in a broswer, ne?)


I've never had this problem. I've tested a bunch of window sizes that were nonstandard, and they all work. I might have picked resolutions divisible by four out of coincidince I guess :p.


Yeah, Flash is all like "Hey, I'm flash, and I like to make it a pain in the ass for you to do anything resembling programming".. so yeah, I finally got the nonstandard window to work (I had my arguments backwards, nyah! >:() For some reason I guess it doesn't like when the height is larger than the width. weird.

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