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Touch Screen
Member #16,737
September 2017

Estou implementando a funcionalidade Touch Screen no meu aplicativo com Allegro5e na hora da compilação ele indica um erro pela falta do header allegro5/allegro_touch.h que não encontro no usr/local/include/allegro5, alguém tem ideia de onde consigo este header ?

Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

Member #23,771
June 2023

I didn't understand your response "The touch input is bundled into the Allegro core" because during compilation, it gives an error complaining about the non-existence of allegro_touch.h, and during linking, it complains about not finding the lallegro_touch library. What is your idea to solve this problem?

Dizzy Egg
Member #10,824
March 2009

Solution is probably don’t include allegro_touch.h, as touch_input.h should be automatically included by Allegro.

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Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

ipsofacto said:

I didn't understand your response "The touch input is bundled into the Allegro core" because during compilation, it gives an error complaining about the non-existence of allegro_touch.h, and during linking, it complains about not finding the lallegro_touch library. What is your idea to solve this problem?

So during compilation don't include a header that doesn't exist, and during linking, don't link to lallegro_touch, because it doesn't exist!

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