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Allegro 5 Android Gradle project
Member #8,794
July 2007

What's a good project template to build Allegro programs for Android using the command line?. I'm not familiar with Gradle; the Allegro documentation suggest to use build/demos/speed/speed.project as a template but that project doesn't seem to use CMake or build any C/C++ files. I've also tried adapting the Android Studio Hello world project to use from the command line but that has been also troublesome.

So far, what I've been doing is use the Allegro source folder to modify one of the demos/examples, e.g. the speed demo, and then call make speed_apk from the Allegro build folder. This works but doesn't feel quite like the right solution.

I think it would be nice if, when building Allegro for Android, the build process generated a ready to use Gradle project template to build your own Allegro code using the toolchain you used to build Allegro.

Member #358
May 2000

I usually start with the Android studio ndk one.

"Either help out or stop whining" - Evert

Member #8,794
July 2007

Thanks. When adapting the Android Studio project I was pasting the changes directly from the Allegro documentation and I was forgetting to change release to debug at some places. After adjusting carefully all of the Allegro references I got the Gradle project to work from the command line.

Given that using gradlew from the command line uses the NDK directly from ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, I guess the individual toolchains created when building Allegro are useless now?.

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