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Allegro 5.1.9 iOS Binaries (incl deps)
Member #11,410
October 2009

Hi Everyone,

I have spent the last day and a half compiling Allegro 5.1.9 and its dependencies for iOS and iOS simulator.

What I ended up with is:
allegro 5.1.9 with every add-on except the video add-on.

Allegro is built as a static library in both debug and release versions. The dep libs are release only.

All the static libraries include all the architectures including the simulator ones: armv7,armv7s,arm64,i386,x86_64

They are built with iOS 8.1 sdk and have a minimum target of iOS 7.

I have included a test project that is basically ex_physfs. I tested audio, fonts, etc, everything works. I have not been able to test on a real device as I do not own one yet.

In the simulator using iOS 8 though I think I found a bug

Perhaps someone can try my test project and see if they have the same issues.

I hope that with these binaries it will help others who have trouble compiling Allegro for iOS as it is fairly challenging. I also hope it can help stimulate development, bug finding, and bug fixing for Allegro on iOS.

I wanted to thank Trent who about a month ago put in GIT a base project to compile Allegro for iOS. Without that I'm not sure I would have succeeded.

If anyone has any questions or issues, let me know :)

I put the binaries here

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