
Registers a custom procedure to be used by Allegro for creating its window.


void win_set_wnd_create_proc(HWND (*proc)(WNDPROC));
Registers an user-defined procedure to be used by Allegro for creating its window. This function must be called *before* initializing the library with allegro_init() or installing the autodetected system driver (SYSTEM_AUTODETECT). It lets you customize Allegro's window but only by its creation: unlike with win_set_window(), you have no control over the window once it has been created (in particular, you are not responsible for processing the events). The registered function will be passed a window procedure (WNDPROC object) that it must make the procedure of the new window of and it must return a handle to the new window. You can then use the full-featured library in the regular way.

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