Wiki spam

I was taking a look at the wiki and found some articles that look like spam.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

There might be others.

William Labbett

Does anyone maintain the wiki anymore?

Edgar Reynaldo

Tomasu's still around. You can catch him on IRC on #allegro.

Tomasu - please don't nuke everything again...:'(


A serious option to consider is migrating as much content as possible to GitHub. Although, in terms of spam, there aren't any good tools to prevent this on GitHub either.


+1 for GitHub. Would hope there'd be less spam there because the consequences of getting blocked there would technically be greater.

Porting should be easy enough - I added the getting started article in a few seconds. Nice that they accept MediaWiki formatting!

Chris Katko
SiegeLord said:

Although, in terms of spam, there aren't any good tools to prevent this on GitHub either. the commits before committing them?

Peter Hull

You can "Restrict editing to collaborators only" in settings but then it goes against the spirit of a wiki, doesn't it?

Edgar Reynaldo

Personally, I find limiting it to members would be sufficient.

However, who has time to review all those commits Chris? If there were a daily log or archive or history then it might work, but there has to be some kind of concrete versioning control so you can 'rewind' to any point in time.

I've lost several pages I didn't have backed up in one fashion or another, and it turns me off to editing wikis.


hmmm personally I alway's liked the allegro wiki.
I was planning to write some articles in the near future.
I hope someone can cleanup the mess ::)


The only annoyance I've noticed with the GitHub wiki is that directly uploading images is non-trivial. (who knows - perhaps this is a good thing.)

This tutorial explains how it can be done, though this only seems possible for those with push permissions.

Edit: I'm starting to flesh things out - see the main page.


Thanks dthompson, that's a good start. How are you doing the transfer from mediawiki's syntax to markdown? Manually?


I've started out by copying the mediawiki straight over, then converting to Markdown before doing any serious editing.

As an aside, I'm hosting a few of the images on my website for the moment - would it be possible for me to get push permissions for the wiki repository at some point to move them over (as mentioned above)?


I think what might be possible to do is to create another repository, just for the wiki. Then we can be more liberal in letting people push to that compared to the main source repository. I'll try setting that up tonight.


Sounds good. :)

Edgar Reynaldo

Let's see, so now we need write access to the repo to edit the wiki? I would prefer the allegro wiki if that is the case.


You can edit on GitHub without repo push access.


Alright, I created a new repository just for the wiki: I also created a github team that can push to the wiki. For now, it's set up so that anyone with a Github account can edit it, but only those on that team can push to it via git (to add images etc). We can see how that works, and if there's any spam (if so, we'll have to lock it down to being editable only by people on that team). The intention is for membership to be super liberal though, just to weed out the bots.


Brilliant, thanks! (also, great to see Alex has now appeared on my profile page...)

Just pushed the logo to the wiki repo, seems to be displaying fine in place of the hotlink from Will do the rest of the images later.


So when I want to write an article I have to do it on github from now ?

Chris Katko

Github supports markdown, which is WAYYYY quicker to write most stuff in than oldschool 90's "wiki" formatting.

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